[Mod project] Enhancing Enhanced edition (Beware of spoilers)
Hello guys,
As per the title, I'd advise you do not read what follows if you have not been through the new NPCs quests, and Black Pits 2 as well.
I've been planning on making a few additionnal quests, related to the EE characters, that would add some content to their ToB quests (and maybe SoA, but I have not thought about it yet, so it'll have to wait).
It is still a pretty distant project in my mind and I only have a couple of highlights as of now. Most notable features I thought of so far would be:
Neera's quest
Some time after you fought Szass Tam and he sent you back, you get ambushed by the Winged and her crew. The reason: Szass Tam reconsidered, and thought it would not be wise to let you alive anyway.
From there, you have a couple of options:
If your leader is charismatic or wise enough, he may discuss his way out of a fight.
Else, he might offer to accept to swear an oath that he will never go to Thay again. The Winged will cast a geas to ensure that remains true.
In both cases, you get no reward, besides your life.
The third option, of course, is to fight for your life, and kill your enemies. If you do so and prevail, besides some moderately powerful loot, you will get Dark Justice+5 (the Winged's Sword) and the Winged's gloves. I'll drop the exact description of both these items at the end of the post. For now, all you need to know is that you cannot use the gloves: they are only usable by The Winged herself.
Now, when you go to Lunia during Dorn's quest, if you have the Winged's gloves, an envoyee or Torm (The Winged former patron deity) will welcome you, and say Torm has an offer for you: You have already been helpful in stripping the treacherous Winged of her most holy and powerful relics, once given by Torm. Thus, Torm is willing to let them to you, and bless the gloves so that you can use them, as well as removing your name from the scroll of Retribution, if you kill Dorn in exchange.
Your options:
Killing Dorn, and getting the reward. Note that this would cause you to leave Lunia, meaning you won't get any of the loot, and most notably the dragon scales.
Refuse the offer. The envoyee of Torm will, if you are good or neutral, leave Lunia with the gloves (you retain the sword). If you are Evil, he'll call some of Torm's favored and will fight you. Anyway, you get to continue Dorn's quest.
Dorn's quest
This time, it'll be a specific Dorn quest with no pre-requirement besides having finished his ToB quest. Upon meeting Demogorgon, if Dorn is in your party, he will offer to become his patron if you release him. You'd have a couple of things to do in order to release the Prince of Demons. First, you would have to kill the Helmites. Then, if Dorn still has a patron, either Ur'Gothoz or Azothet, Demogorgon will summon them and demand that you kill them and bind them in the quest sword Dorn has picked during his SoA quest. He will then ask for a sacrifice (Summon something, or send in one of your companion). Then, the process will consume your quest sword and finally release Demogorgon, who will become your new patron. This would restore your Blackguard abilities (which you lost when you bound the second demon in your sword) and grant you a special ability: Summon Marilith, once per day. This would be a tuned down "Summon the infernal Host" (Demogorgon's spell that summons two Marilith), with only one Marilith which will cast True Sight, Stoneskin and PfMW upon being summoned, but won't cast any other spell nor renew them, lasting one round per level up to 20 rounds. Due to how powerful it is, this would count as an epic summon, and thus won't be summonable when another epic summon (Deva or Planetar) is alive.
Rasaad's quest
A couple of days after you have finished the Deepstone clanhold quest, upon resting, Rasaad and PC will be visited by Selune. A quest will then trigger. I am not exactly sure about my ideas concerning this quest, so I'll take any suggestion. In the end, the plan is that Rasaad will receive two special abilities that he can use once per day (Selune's Curse and Selune's Blessing, I'll describe them at the end of the post) and a Rasaad-only Moonblade (to be used as an offhand, I'll describe it as well).
Hexxat's quest
My plan is to give more solutions to the outcome of Hexxat's quest, as well as more interactions with Larloch (The character always have fascinated me for some reason). The plan is that you will retrieve a couple of artifacts that will allow Hexxat to pass the vampire curse to someone else without dying. The first one will be somewhere in Amkethran graveyard (Where you can find Vongoethe). The second one, in the Temple of Bhaal (where you find Nyalee). Both are guarded and you will have to fight for them, of course.
Once you got them, talking to Cabrina (in Amkethran tavern) will summon Larloch, who states that he needs someone on whom to pass the curse. He can either summon a peasant and pass the curse to him, or your PC can volunteer to be cursed instead. Either way, Hexxat will become human, losing her special abilities, but retain her stats, and she won't need Dragomir's Cloak to survive sunlight. If your PC chose to become cursed, he'd gain a bonus +4 to strength, +2 to dex and charisma, as well as vampire immunities and special abilities. However, he will have to wear a special hood (Again, description below) Larloch will give him if he wants to travel at day, and if his/her alignment was neutral or good, it turns to Neutral Evil. PC will retain any bonus specific to his former race (Shorty bonuses to saves etc...) as well, though he'll lose the ability to equip anti-undead weapon.
Wilson's quest
Poor bear, he has no quest at all besides "go see Zaviak". It has been quite hard to find a satisfying questline and a fitting reward, and truthfully I have not given much thought to it, but still I'd like to give Wilson a quest. Maybe something to do with Okku, the king of bears.
Items and Spells description
Dark Justice +5: Two handed sword, Thac0 bonus +5, damage: slashing 1d10+5,+5 against chaotic. Special: on-hit 15% vorpal hit, on-hit 1d6 hp drained (Deals 1d6 magical damage, heals for the sale amount). Usable only by lawful characters.
The Winged's Gauntlets: AC against melee weapon:+5 bonus. Upon being hit by a spell or a weapon within 5 ft, the wielder deals 2d4 magic damage to whomever hit him.
Summon Marilith: I do not have my computer right now, but the stats are the same as that of the Marilith monster. I might tune them down a little, though. Lasts 1 round per level up to 20, cast time of one round.
Selune's Curse: the blue fireball spell Dradeel uses against you during BG1, should you attack him. Will have to double check, but it's a 1d6 per level up to 20d6 fireball, save vs spell for half, that deals magic damage instead of fire damage, with the cast time of a fireball.
Selune's Blessing: the globe of invulnerability Dradeel uses against you during BG1: Minor globe of invulnerability with an additionnal bonus of -5 to AC. Lasts 1 round per level up to 20, cast time: 3
Rasaad's Moonblade: A +4 shortsword, that deals 1d8+4 slashing+3 fire damage. It grants a +4 bonus to mainhand Thac0, and a +6 bonus to offhand Thac0 (compensating the fact Rasaad cannot have pips in two weapon fighting), as well as specialization in short sword when equipped, and 50% resistance to fire.
PC's Hood: Allows PC to travel at day. Special: -4 to STR, -2 to DEX and CHA.
This is quite a lenghty wall of text to write. Keep in mind that this mod is not even in development yet. I can't really give you a date either, as I am unsure whether I'll have time to do it in the upcoming monthes, and might release it little by little. I'll gladly take any suggestion to improve its content. Suggestions could concern the quests planned here, or balance matters as well.
The rewards might seem (and indeed, are) very powerful, but I intend to make the fights you have to deal with to get them hard. The difficulty level of these fights should be about the same as the fight against the Winged crew in BP2, or maybe even a bit harder. I really tried to emphasize on giving these characters more uniqueness (Unique items, abilities,...). Well, except Neera, I could not find anything satisfying, she already got quite a few wild mage items with EE, and Wilson, because I have had no idea yet.
Well, thank you for reading this wall of text, and thank you in advance for your feedback on this mod project.
As per the title, I'd advise you do not read what follows if you have not been through the new NPCs quests, and Black Pits 2 as well.
I've been planning on making a few additionnal quests, related to the EE characters, that would add some content to their ToB quests (and maybe SoA, but I have not thought about it yet, so it'll have to wait).
It is still a pretty distant project in my mind and I only have a couple of highlights as of now. Most notable features I thought of so far would be:
Neera's quest
Some time after you fought Szass Tam and he sent you back, you get ambushed by the Winged and her crew. The reason: Szass Tam reconsidered, and thought it would not be wise to let you alive anyway.
From there, you have a couple of options:
If your leader is charismatic or wise enough, he may discuss his way out of a fight.
Else, he might offer to accept to swear an oath that he will never go to Thay again. The Winged will cast a geas to ensure that remains true.
In both cases, you get no reward, besides your life.
The third option, of course, is to fight for your life, and kill your enemies. If you do so and prevail, besides some moderately powerful loot, you will get Dark Justice+5 (the Winged's Sword) and the Winged's gloves. I'll drop the exact description of both these items at the end of the post. For now, all you need to know is that you cannot use the gloves: they are only usable by The Winged herself.
Now, when you go to Lunia during Dorn's quest, if you have the Winged's gloves, an envoyee or Torm (The Winged former patron deity) will welcome you, and say Torm has an offer for you: You have already been helpful in stripping the treacherous Winged of her most holy and powerful relics, once given by Torm. Thus, Torm is willing to let them to you, and bless the gloves so that you can use them, as well as removing your name from the scroll of Retribution, if you kill Dorn in exchange.
Your options:
Killing Dorn, and getting the reward. Note that this would cause you to leave Lunia, meaning you won't get any of the loot, and most notably the dragon scales.
Refuse the offer. The envoyee of Torm will, if you are good or neutral, leave Lunia with the gloves (you retain the sword). If you are Evil, he'll call some of Torm's favored and will fight you. Anyway, you get to continue Dorn's quest.
Dorn's quest
This time, it'll be a specific Dorn quest with no pre-requirement besides having finished his ToB quest. Upon meeting Demogorgon, if Dorn is in your party, he will offer to become his patron if you release him. You'd have a couple of things to do in order to release the Prince of Demons. First, you would have to kill the Helmites. Then, if Dorn still has a patron, either Ur'Gothoz or Azothet, Demogorgon will summon them and demand that you kill them and bind them in the quest sword Dorn has picked during his SoA quest. He will then ask for a sacrifice (Summon something, or send in one of your companion). Then, the process will consume your quest sword and finally release Demogorgon, who will become your new patron. This would restore your Blackguard abilities (which you lost when you bound the second demon in your sword) and grant you a special ability: Summon Marilith, once per day. This would be a tuned down "Summon the infernal Host" (Demogorgon's spell that summons two Marilith), with only one Marilith which will cast True Sight, Stoneskin and PfMW upon being summoned, but won't cast any other spell nor renew them, lasting one round per level up to 20 rounds. Due to how powerful it is, this would count as an epic summon, and thus won't be summonable when another epic summon (Deva or Planetar) is alive.
Rasaad's quest
A couple of days after you have finished the Deepstone clanhold quest, upon resting, Rasaad and PC will be visited by Selune. A quest will then trigger. I am not exactly sure about my ideas concerning this quest, so I'll take any suggestion. In the end, the plan is that Rasaad will receive two special abilities that he can use once per day (Selune's Curse and Selune's Blessing, I'll describe them at the end of the post) and a Rasaad-only Moonblade (to be used as an offhand, I'll describe it as well).
Hexxat's quest
My plan is to give more solutions to the outcome of Hexxat's quest, as well as more interactions with Larloch (The character always have fascinated me for some reason). The plan is that you will retrieve a couple of artifacts that will allow Hexxat to pass the vampire curse to someone else without dying. The first one will be somewhere in Amkethran graveyard (Where you can find Vongoethe). The second one, in the Temple of Bhaal (where you find Nyalee). Both are guarded and you will have to fight for them, of course.
Once you got them, talking to Cabrina (in Amkethran tavern) will summon Larloch, who states that he needs someone on whom to pass the curse. He can either summon a peasant and pass the curse to him, or your PC can volunteer to be cursed instead. Either way, Hexxat will become human, losing her special abilities, but retain her stats, and she won't need Dragomir's Cloak to survive sunlight. If your PC chose to become cursed, he'd gain a bonus +4 to strength, +2 to dex and charisma, as well as vampire immunities and special abilities. However, he will have to wear a special hood (Again, description below) Larloch will give him if he wants to travel at day, and if his/her alignment was neutral or good, it turns to Neutral Evil. PC will retain any bonus specific to his former race (Shorty bonuses to saves etc...) as well, though he'll lose the ability to equip anti-undead weapon.
Wilson's quest
Poor bear, he has no quest at all besides "go see Zaviak". It has been quite hard to find a satisfying questline and a fitting reward, and truthfully I have not given much thought to it, but still I'd like to give Wilson a quest. Maybe something to do with Okku, the king of bears.
Items and Spells description
Dark Justice +5: Two handed sword, Thac0 bonus +5, damage: slashing 1d10+5,+5 against chaotic. Special: on-hit 15% vorpal hit, on-hit 1d6 hp drained (Deals 1d6 magical damage, heals for the sale amount). Usable only by lawful characters.
The Winged's Gauntlets: AC against melee weapon:+5 bonus. Upon being hit by a spell or a weapon within 5 ft, the wielder deals 2d4 magic damage to whomever hit him.
Summon Marilith: I do not have my computer right now, but the stats are the same as that of the Marilith monster. I might tune them down a little, though. Lasts 1 round per level up to 20, cast time of one round.
Selune's Curse: the blue fireball spell Dradeel uses against you during BG1, should you attack him. Will have to double check, but it's a 1d6 per level up to 20d6 fireball, save vs spell for half, that deals magic damage instead of fire damage, with the cast time of a fireball.
Selune's Blessing: the globe of invulnerability Dradeel uses against you during BG1: Minor globe of invulnerability with an additionnal bonus of -5 to AC. Lasts 1 round per level up to 20, cast time: 3
Rasaad's Moonblade: A +4 shortsword, that deals 1d8+4 slashing+3 fire damage. It grants a +4 bonus to mainhand Thac0, and a +6 bonus to offhand Thac0 (compensating the fact Rasaad cannot have pips in two weapon fighting), as well as specialization in short sword when equipped, and 50% resistance to fire.
PC's Hood: Allows PC to travel at day. Special: -4 to STR, -2 to DEX and CHA.
This is quite a lenghty wall of text to write. Keep in mind that this mod is not even in development yet. I can't really give you a date either, as I am unsure whether I'll have time to do it in the upcoming monthes, and might release it little by little. I'll gladly take any suggestion to improve its content. Suggestions could concern the quests planned here, or balance matters as well.
The rewards might seem (and indeed, are) very powerful, but I intend to make the fights you have to deal with to get them hard. The difficulty level of these fights should be about the same as the fight against the Winged crew in BP2, or maybe even a bit harder. I really tried to emphasize on giving these characters more uniqueness (Unique items, abilities,...). Well, except Neera, I could not find anything satisfying, she already got quite a few wild mage items with EE, and Wilson, because I have had no idea yet.
Well, thank you for reading this wall of text, and thank you in advance for your feedback on this mod project.
@Arunsun: Good luck.