[MOD] - A Hero Rises, A Text Adventure (BETA) for BGEE+SOD (v2.2+)

Remember those old text adventure games from years ago...?
"GO NORTH", "USE KEY" that sort of thing... Well, in the spirit of those early roleplaying games, I present the Beta for:

Still in beta while I iron out any bugs and improve the writing, and the way the 'engine' works - looking for feedback (anything from writing tips all the way up to bugs and 'traps' - situations that are unsolvable due to previous selection choices).
The story is a familiar one but slightly different from what you know...
This BETA is for the engine primarily, although I will tidy up and fix this Candlekeep story so it is complete story.
Thanks go to @Pecca for the WEIDU installation and the improved graphics.
3 potential rewards on completion:
Gold - 500GP added to your purse
Cloak Of Protection + 1
Skeleton Key - Casts Knock 3x per day at a cost of 50% of your current HP.
After you complete the game you need to exit the inventory screen and go back in before the rewards appear.

Download the attached zip and extract it to your game folder (the one with siegeofdragonspear.exe in it). Then run the setup...
It's probably best to use a clean install of BGEE+SOD as this installation will overwrite your UI.menu and any UI changes you've previously made will be lost, and don't forget to use modmerge if you need to.
Thereafter, you should be able to install any mods as usual - editing UI.menu for UI mods.
How to play:
After installation, just start a new BGEE game (Baldur's Gate campaign) and visit Winthrop.
He has a new book for sale 'A Hero Rises', and reading that is the start of your text adventure. During your game-in-game you will find familiar people and situations from Candlekeep, as the beta concept is 'An Unauthorised Biography of Charname' ... Only the prologue is available.
As the biography is 'unauthorised' things will seem familiar but they will be slightly different than what actually happened - and that creates the puzzles for you to solve...
Gameplay Tips:
- You start in Candlekeep and you need to complete 6 chores before you speak to Gorion.
- Companions are 1-use per chapter, Spells/Abilities are 1-use per chapter, Inventory items are 1-use only.
- Speak to people more than once
- Try using your companions/spells/abilities/inventory items all over the place... but don't waste them.
- Battles require a quick response
- To open Winthrop's shop click the gold when you are downstairs at the Inn
- You may need to revisit places/people...
Good Luck!
If you are interested in helping in any way - with writing, coding, new story ideas, graphics, suggestions, etc - please play the game first, complete it, and then message me.
Also, let me know how you get on - if you've completed the six chores
If nobody has done it in about a week, I will post a walkthrough.
"GO NORTH", "USE KEY" that sort of thing... Well, in the spirit of those early roleplaying games, I present the Beta for:

Still in beta while I iron out any bugs and improve the writing, and the way the 'engine' works - looking for feedback (anything from writing tips all the way up to bugs and 'traps' - situations that are unsolvable due to previous selection choices).
The story is a familiar one but slightly different from what you know...

This BETA is for the engine primarily, although I will tidy up and fix this Candlekeep story so it is complete story.
Thanks go to @Pecca for the WEIDU installation and the improved graphics.
3 potential rewards on completion:
Gold - 500GP added to your purse
Cloak Of Protection + 1
Skeleton Key - Casts Knock 3x per day at a cost of 50% of your current HP.
After you complete the game you need to exit the inventory screen and go back in before the rewards appear.

Download the attached zip and extract it to your game folder (the one with siegeofdragonspear.exe in it). Then run the setup...
It's probably best to use a clean install of BGEE+SOD as this installation will overwrite your UI.menu and any UI changes you've previously made will be lost, and don't forget to use modmerge if you need to.
Thereafter, you should be able to install any mods as usual - editing UI.menu for UI mods.
How to play:
After installation, just start a new BGEE game (Baldur's Gate campaign) and visit Winthrop.
He has a new book for sale 'A Hero Rises', and reading that is the start of your text adventure. During your game-in-game you will find familiar people and situations from Candlekeep, as the beta concept is 'An Unauthorised Biography of Charname' ... Only the prologue is available.
As the biography is 'unauthorised' things will seem familiar but they will be slightly different than what actually happened - and that creates the puzzles for you to solve...
Gameplay Tips:
- You start in Candlekeep and you need to complete 6 chores before you speak to Gorion.
- Companions are 1-use per chapter, Spells/Abilities are 1-use per chapter, Inventory items are 1-use only.
- Speak to people more than once
- Try using your companions/spells/abilities/inventory items all over the place... but don't waste them.
- Battles require a quick response
- To open Winthrop's shop click the gold when you are downstairs at the Inn
- You may need to revisit places/people...
Good Luck!
If you are interested in helping in any way - with writing, coding, new story ideas, graphics, suggestions, etc - please play the game first, complete it, and then message me.
Also, let me know how you get on - if you've completed the six chores

Post edited by Mr2150 on
- Fixed a couple more bugs, including a major but obscure one when two items were used at once.
- Added a few more sounds
- Clarified the 'prizes' for winning - there are three potential prizes to be won: 500GP, a cloak of protection, a skeleton key (a new unique item) on successful completion but based on how well you did, you will win between 1 and 3 of the rewards.
- Amended the text a little for better signposting
Previous versions:
Changes for v0.75
- Fixed a couple of bugs
- Added a reward to the end of the process (complete 6 chores and get a bag of holding!)
- Store if the Reward has been granted in baldur.lua so you can't get two rewards
- Added a reset button to reset the reward status (eg on subsequent games)
- Added a 'Pick Pocket' check to ensure the correct people are still available
NB - You have to press escape after collecting the reward and then come out and go back into your inventory...
Changes for v0.73
- Improved the infirmary section based on feedback from @lefreut
- Made it so Reevor tells you to get a Dagger only
- Added an extra ability which is useable... 'Pick Pocket 1' which can be used on a couple of the people
- Added the number of 'clicks' as a permanent counter
Changes for v0.7
- Tweaked UI to be a little cleaner and added new elements
- Implemented gold better + turned Winthrop into a shop (BUY ONLY)
- Pressing Gold toggles between the ground and the shop when in the Inn
- Implemented Potions of Healing + enemies do automatic damage
- Clearer warning when you've been hit, and HP count highlights when near death
My best finish position (just before talking to Gorion):
Time - 118 seconds
Clicks - 108 (+1 after I speak to Gorion)
HP - 2 / 5
Gold - 11 ** GP reward given
Inventory - Skeleton Key + Magic Cloak ** Both rewards given)
Spells/Abilities - Magic Missile=Unavailable, Pick Pocket = Unavailable
It's possible to trim a few clicks off, I think, and maybe to finish 3/5 with HP and still get all rewards.
I take your point about the infirmary section and I tried to signal that bit by the text displayed when speaking to the right person.
I can signpost this better by having him say something like 'and now only weapons can hurt me' ... Also, I added a bit that if you speak to him an extra time he then tells you that 'Fuller is sick in the hospital' and leaves normally.
I will add an extra section based on how he leaves (threatened or # of times spoken to) and that will dictate his reaction later.
I think the prospect is exciting as it allows you to use the UI of the game to create extra mini-games ...
One can, you know implement whole NWN/NWN2 plots as a mini game for instance
And it doesn't have to be text adventures... it could be anything that the UI can handle. I already thought of a 'pick a pair' timed game that uses the ingame portraits as the pictures ...
I actually thought of that and put short explanations throughout the code in both files trying to explain what was being checked/when and how - a few examples:
-- Check Imoen to see if she's arrived at Area00005 for i=1,#AHRcompanions,1 do if AHRarea == "Area00005" and AHRcompanions[i][1] == "Imoen" then AHRcompanions[i][1] = nil AHRcompanions[i][2] = nil statusHighlight = 1; StatusUpdate = AHRstatusUpdates[35] end end
RESULT - Imoen runs off = the nil lines remove her from the companions table and the status is updated to give the text: Imoen shrieks, “Eeek! It's Gorion, I gotta scoot. I'll see you later!”
-- Using a dagger with Phlydia if AHRinventory[selectedInventoryItem] == "Dagger" and AHRareaOptions[AHRarea][1] == "Phlydia" then statusHighlight = 1; StatusUpdate = AHRstatusUpdates[43] selectedInventoryItem = 0 end
RESULT - Status is updated to give: She may be ungrateful, but stabbing her won't help her find her book!
-- This is the area description, the first entry appears when you first reach the area, the second is for subsequent visits AHRareaDescription = { Area00001 = {"You are the ward of Gorion. You've been instructed by your father to complete your chores, and then to come find him once they are all done.\n\nYou are currently outside Winthrop's Inn in Candlekeep. To the north, are the reading rooms, and to the South you can see some buildings and some trees.","You find yourself outside Winthrop's Inn. You can head inside the Inn, or travel around to the north of the central keep, or around to south where you can see a few buildings."}, ...
I could easily put together a short tutorial that builds a 4 or 6 area adventure as a step-by-step guide however.
Maybe we can actually play in a gambling tent one day?
I haven't revisited this mod for a while - but it's on the to-do list...
Let me know how you get on @lolien !
@jackjack it is like Joe Dever's Lone Wolf and Steve Jacksons Sorcery! all over again!
(I hate using "omg" but I'm at a loss for words, you see.)