IWD Divine spells in BGEE, SoD and BG2EE

OKay, so I've converted all IWD divine spells to BGEE and BG2EE. My plan is to add them to the Faiths and Powers mod, but I figured why not release it as a standalone mod. So...
This mod will add and modify spells to the enhanced edition IE games. As of now,four five components are planned:
- IWDEE Spells: This component adds all unique IWDEE spells to other enhanced engine games ( both divine and arcane). The plan is to release this component in all languages supported in iwdee
- New Spells: This component will add new divine and arcane spells to any EE game. Shortly, I hope to outline a list of spells and their descriptions.
- Revised Spells: This component will make changes to various spells to either balance them or make them more broadly useful. The plan is to primarily focus on spells not addressed by Spell Revisions. As such, the spells that will be primarily addressed will be the new IWDEE spells. That said, a few of the global changes will also modify some SR spells. Each modification will be offered in a separate subcomponent so you can just take what you want.
- Zero Level Spells: aka as Cantrips and Orisons for arcane and divine casters respectively. These will be a number of minor but useful magical abilities that casters can use pretty much at will. The idea here is that spell casters should, umm, cast spells. This gives casters something to do even when they are out of spells or the encounter doesn't merit casting a full spell, but you want your wizard to do something magic-y.
- IWDEE/BG(2)EE Style spells: There are a few spells that are implemented differently in IWDEE than BG(2)EE. This component will allow one to use the spells as implemented in the other game. See this and this to see the differences (though, if you notice any others, let me know!)
On this note, I have noticed a few differences between summoned IWDEE creatures and their BG(2)EE counterparts.
- Shambling Mounds: Are different between games. In IWDEE, their unarmed weapon have a chance to grapple opponents, and they have a lot more resistances
- Ceremonies, Rites and Rituals: Rites and Rituals are stronger versions of normal spells that have an additional material requirements. Casters cannot perform a Ritual or Rite if an enemy is nearby, and they burn slots as normal.
Ceremonies are special rituals that can be performed to produce special objects. This would be a much expanded version of item creation found on Tome and Blood
Right now, this is a mod that adds all IWD divine spells into BGEE, BG2EE, and EET I'm reasonably confident thatthis mod is bug free, the spells in this mod are functional, but please do report any bugs you find and I'll fix it asap.
I do also plan to add all IWD wizard spells to BG (etc.), but that's a longer term goal. I will probably add some custom spells eventually.
Version 0.87
- Updated Exaltation, blood rage, Imp Sanctity of mind and Entropy Shield to new block system
- Fixed Shadow Monsters
- Fixed Recitation (though, still want to update 'friendly' bam
Version 0.86a
- Fixed bugs with Prayer and Recitation spells
- Other stuff (I accidentally deleted progress documentation...)
- Anybody that has the latest version 86 installed*, install this little mini-mod on top of it (titled "pr_rec"). It should fix the issues with Prayer and Recitation. Be sure to uninstall this mini-mod before uninstalling the main mod, however.
*Which was previously called 84a. I need to mind the gaps...
Version 0.86
- Updated with a proper marker.
- (2017-03-11: Undocumented, but sometime in the past (?) I also added three 4th level wizard spells: Emotion: Courage, Emotion: Fear and Emotion: Hope)
If you already have this installed, there is no need to reinstall. Just place the itm file in the attached zip into your override folder.
Version 0.84
- Added Acid Storm, Shadow monsters and Shades wizard spells.
- I am aware that I still need to add wizard scrolls. That will come when I seriously start adding wizard spells. Right now, I'm just doing the minimum for faiths and powers mod.
Version 0.82
- Added 7 7th level IWD spells that I missed. Oops!
- Fixed a compatibility error with Spell Revisions. You shouldn't be getting those installation errors anymore.
- Some bug fixes
- Added an IWD wizard spell: icelance. I'll be adding a few wizard spells seemingly at random. It's not random as those spells are being used in Faiths and Powers. But, anyway, the plan is to add IWD wizard spells, so, I'm fine with that.
Version 0.81
- Apparently, I inadvertently removed Whirlwind. Also, Spiritual Wrath was using the Whirlwind pro in version 0.80. That must have been interesting. Fixed
- Bug fixes
- Added a missing file for symbol, pain.
- Changed portrait icons for symbol spells to existing ones in the bg(2)ee engine.
Version 0.80
- This one is all about the static charge spell. Added the projectile in secondary spell to make it actually work correctly (and not target the caster!), updated text notification to something less wacky, and sec spell rename to match default implementation
Version 0.79
- Numerous bugs squashed
- Increased compatibility with spell revisions ( install after sr!) most notability, it will no longer install duplicate spells such that both the sr and iwd versions are memorizable (e.g. cause light wounds)
- Compatibility code for future, and in progress projects
- Updated secondary spells an icons to use the standard (i.e. the spell name + some letter suffix)
Tome and Blood: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/31274/mod-beta-tome-and-blood-more-options-for-wizards-and-sorcerers/p1
IWD and new Arcane spells will eventually find a home in this mod
Faiths and Powers: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/43174/faiths-and-powers-gods-of-the-realms-kitpack-and-divine-caster-spell-tweaks/p1
Divine spells will go here.
Spell Revisions: http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showforum=153
A great spell mod. I'll eventually create a mod to use these spells in IWD (as they are not currently available in that game). I will also work to ensure compatibility with this mod
More inspiration (duh!)
Special Thanks:
Upcoming. Don't want to miss anybody...
Programs and websites used:
DLTCEP: http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=23917
Near Infinity: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/30593/new-versions-of-nearinfinity-available/p1
ConText text Editor: http://www.contexteditor.org/index.php
BAM workshop: http://www.shsforums.net/topic/57564-bamworkshop/
Sounds: https://freesound.org
Audio File conversions: https://www.zamzar.com
This mod will add and modify spells to the enhanced edition IE games. As of now,
- IWDEE Spells: This component adds all unique IWDEE spells to other enhanced engine games ( both divine and arcane). The plan is to release this component in all languages supported in iwdee
- New Spells: This component will add new divine and arcane spells to any EE game. Shortly, I hope to outline a list of spells and their descriptions.
- Revised Spells: This component will make changes to various spells to either balance them or make them more broadly useful. The plan is to primarily focus on spells not addressed by Spell Revisions. As such, the spells that will be primarily addressed will be the new IWDEE spells. That said, a few of the global changes will also modify some SR spells. Each modification will be offered in a separate subcomponent so you can just take what you want.
- Zero Level Spells: aka as Cantrips and Orisons for arcane and divine casters respectively. These will be a number of minor but useful magical abilities that casters can use pretty much at will. The idea here is that spell casters should, umm, cast spells. This gives casters something to do even when they are out of spells or the encounter doesn't merit casting a full spell, but you want your wizard to do something magic-y.
- IWDEE/BG(2)EE Style spells: There are a few spells that are implemented differently in IWDEE than BG(2)EE. This component will allow one to use the spells as implemented in the other game. See this and this to see the differences (though, if you notice any others, let me know!)
On this note, I have noticed a few differences between summoned IWDEE creatures and their BG(2)EE counterparts.
- Shambling Mounds: Are different between games. In IWDEE, their unarmed weapon have a chance to grapple opponents, and they have a lot more resistances
- Ceremonies, Rites and Rituals: Rites and Rituals are stronger versions of normal spells that have an additional material requirements. Casters cannot perform a Ritual or Rite if an enemy is nearby, and they burn slots as normal.
Ceremonies are special rituals that can be performed to produce special objects. This would be a much expanded version of item creation found on Tome and Blood
Right now, this is a mod that adds all IWD divine spells into BGEE, BG2EE, and EET I'm reasonably confident that
I do also plan to add all IWD wizard spells to BG (etc.), but that's a longer term goal. I will probably add some custom spells eventually.
Version 0.87
- Updated Exaltation, blood rage, Imp Sanctity of mind and Entropy Shield to new block system
- Fixed Shadow Monsters
- Fixed Recitation (though, still want to update 'friendly' bam
Version 0.86a
- Fixed bugs with Prayer and Recitation spells
- Other stuff (I accidentally deleted progress documentation...)
- Anybody that has the latest version 86 installed*, install this little mini-mod on top of it (titled "pr_rec"). It should fix the issues with Prayer and Recitation. Be sure to uninstall this mini-mod before uninstalling the main mod, however.
*Which was previously called 84a. I need to mind the gaps...
Version 0.86
- Updated with a proper marker.
- (2017-03-11: Undocumented, but sometime in the past (?) I also added three 4th level wizard spells: Emotion: Courage, Emotion: Fear and Emotion: Hope)
If you already have this installed, there is no need to reinstall. Just place the itm file in the attached zip into your override folder.
Version 0.84
- Added Acid Storm, Shadow monsters and Shades wizard spells.
- I am aware that I still need to add wizard scrolls. That will come when I seriously start adding wizard spells. Right now, I'm just doing the minimum for faiths and powers mod.
Version 0.82
- Added 7 7th level IWD spells that I missed. Oops!
- Fixed a compatibility error with Spell Revisions. You shouldn't be getting those installation errors anymore.
- Some bug fixes
- Added an IWD wizard spell: icelance. I'll be adding a few wizard spells seemingly at random. It's not random as those spells are being used in Faiths and Powers. But, anyway, the plan is to add IWD wizard spells, so, I'm fine with that.
Version 0.81
- Apparently, I inadvertently removed Whirlwind. Also, Spiritual Wrath was using the Whirlwind pro in version 0.80. That must have been interesting. Fixed
- Bug fixes
- Added a missing file for symbol, pain.
- Changed portrait icons for symbol spells to existing ones in the bg(2)ee engine.
Version 0.80
- This one is all about the static charge spell. Added the projectile in secondary spell to make it actually work correctly (and not target the caster!), updated text notification to something less wacky, and sec spell rename to match default implementation
Version 0.79
- Numerous bugs squashed
- Increased compatibility with spell revisions ( install after sr!) most notability, it will no longer install duplicate spells such that both the sr and iwd versions are memorizable (e.g. cause light wounds)
- Compatibility code for future, and in progress projects
- Updated secondary spells an icons to use the standard (i.e. the spell name + some letter suffix)
Tome and Blood: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/31274/mod-beta-tome-and-blood-more-options-for-wizards-and-sorcerers/p1
IWD and new Arcane spells will eventually find a home in this mod
Faiths and Powers: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/43174/faiths-and-powers-gods-of-the-realms-kitpack-and-divine-caster-spell-tweaks/p1
Divine spells will go here.
Spell Revisions: http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showforum=153
A great spell mod. I'll eventually create a mod to use these spells in IWD (as they are not currently available in that game). I will also work to ensure compatibility with this mod
More inspiration (duh!)
Special Thanks:
Upcoming. Don't want to miss anybody...
Programs and websites used:
DLTCEP: http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=23917
Near Infinity: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/30593/new-versions-of-nearinfinity-available/p1
ConText text Editor: http://www.contexteditor.org/index.php
BAM workshop: http://www.shsforums.net/topic/57564-bamworkshop/
Sounds: https://freesound.org
Audio File conversions: https://www.zamzar.com
Post edited by Grammarsalad on
btw, I want to use this opportunity to note some differences in implementation compared to implementation in IWD(ee).
Specifically, alignment and casting. I have taken spell alignment restrictions to be an IWD(ee) thing.
1) Generally speaking, where the IWD spell restricted casting due to alignment that restriction has been removed.
2) Further, generally speaking, where a given spell does not affect characters of a specified alignment, I have removed that restriction.
3) Additionally, generally speaking, where a given spell does something additional to a given alignment, I have changed that spell to affect alignments not matching the spell casters moral alignment (i.e. good/neutral/evil).
I have not changed spells like wall of moonlight that they only affect creatures of a certain alignment (so, can be considered an exception to 2--as I say, generally speaking.)
I will document the specific changes in the OP in a later release, and perhaps I'll even give an option to install the IWD versions 'as they are'.
It looks like your are only adding new immunity resrefs to the Blood Rage spell. The old resrefs for IWD spells need to be removed (Symbol: Pain, Symbol: Hopelessness, Courage:etc..) so they do not target incorrect spells. There are other spells that require this treatment as well. Also, these effects are being added before the Allegieance/Alignment checks that prevent the spell from affecting inappropriate targets, so they happen anyway.
Not all self removal/immunity opcodes are being updated. Some still use the old resref, targeting another spell instead of itself, again Blood Rage being an example - Its 3rd to last effect should be an Opcode 318 targeting itself, but the resref still has the old value "SPPR422", which is now Cloud of Pestilence.
-edit- It should be the last effect, but IWDEE hasn't has a patch in a while now, so there are still a lot of bugged spells to start with.
It would also be a good idea to rename the icons and any subspells that use the SPPRXXX format to the new spells resref.
There are several string references that reference unrelated text, just about all IWDEE string references need updating. For example, Bloodrage has 2 seperate "Healed" string references, but only one gets updated, along with several others not getting updated.
Items and Spells that provide immunity by spell level(Globes of Invulnerability, Lich/Rakshasa immunities, etc) need to be updated to account for each new Area of Effect spell, to they provide targeted immunity to the spell.
Your also missing several of the higher level spells, though I'm sure your aware.
Sorry to be so negative.
@subtledoctor Oh yeah, I have been very friendly with RES_NUM_OF_SPELL_NAME, ALTER_EFFECT, and CLONE_EFFECT. I actually don't know how to use ALTER_SPELL_HEADER. wassat?
Also, I will be updating the OP fairly frequently as a lot of the spells are not...optimally implemented.
Version 0.79
- Numerous bugs squashed
- Increased compatibility with spell revisions ( install after sr!) most notability, it will no longer install duplicate spells such that both the sr and iwd versions are memorizable (e.g. cause light wounds)
- Compatibility code for future, and in progress projects
- Updated secondary spells an icons to use the standard (i.e. the spell name + some letter suffix)
Just got to level 4 spells though and encountered my first issue with one of the spells I was most looking forward to - static charge. Instead of blasting enemies, it's blasting the caster every time it triggers... not exactly optimal. It also gives the caster a "regenerating" icon for some reason (although no regeneration occurs).
Would be great to have this spell working.
Portrait Icon - IWD and BG use different Icon Arrangements, so BG must have a Regenerating Icon in the slot used by Static Charge in IWD. It can be fixed, but it is as you noticed - a purely visual issue, not functional one.
btw, I want to use this opportunity to note some differences in implementation compared to implementation in IWD(ee).
Specifically, alignment and casting. I have taken spell alignment restrictions to be an IWD(ee) thing.
1) Generally speaking, where the IWD spell restricted casting due to alignment that restriction has been removed.
2) Further, generally speaking, where a given spell does not affect characters of a specified alignment, I have removed that restriction.
3) Additionally, generally speaking, where a given spell does something additional to a given alignment, I have changed that spell to affect alignments not matching the spell casters moral alignment (i.e. good/neutral/evil).
I have not changed spells like wall of moonlight that they only affect creatures of a certain alignment (so, can be considered an exception to 2--as I say, generally speaking.)
I will document the specific changes in the OP in a later release, and perhaps I'll even give an option to install the IWD versions 'as they are'.
One change that occurs to me is that the 'wall of moonlight' should do additional damage to lycanthropes. Maybe it's just me, but it seems thematically appropriate.
Okay, done. @orik and others that are in an in progress game, install this mini mod that is attached to this post. I changed a couple of things about the way the spell is implemented in the updated 0.80 version. It probably wouldn't mess with your game, but let's not risk it.
This will just update the Static Charge spell from version 0.79.
Any fresh installs should definitely use the install in the op.
Version 0.81
- Apparently, I inadvertently removed Whirlwind. Also, Spiritual Wrath was using the Whirlwind pro in version 0.80. That must have been interesting. Fixed
- Bug fixes
- Added a missing file for symbol, pain.
- Changed portrait icons for symbol spells to existing ones in the bg(2)ee engine.
Attached is the Setup spells debug and my weidu. If it helps I am installing this right after installing Spell Revisions.
Can you try this? It might be something simple--the weidu version. I'm seeing a lot of sod references. In any case, this might be one of a few issues. Let's see.
I think the best way to proceed is to see where the problem is in my code.
Oh, let me ask: do you have any other mods that add priest spells installed? I'm wondering if that error is due to too many spells of a particular level being installed.
Okay, so I'm going to upload a few different--let's call them 'versions'--of my mod. Version 1 should--let's hope!--work. If you can bear with me, please try each 'version' in order. If it installs, uninstall it, and then try the 'next' version. If it doesn't install, please let me know. Please note that generally if a particular version doesn't install, then all higher versions will not install and you can stop there (e.g. if version 3 doesn't install, neither version 4 nor either of 5 will install.) There is one exception, however:
If versions 1 to 4 install, please try both v5a and v5b and let me know which of these don't install (or if neither installs)
I dont think any of the mods I have installed add spells except for spell revisions.
I am itching to get my play through started. Should I go ahead with one of the versions you posted or wait for a updated version from you?
Again thanks for all the help and this great mod.
Edit: i was planning to add it as another spell type if necessary, but i tested it and it worked fine