@Gel87 , first thing to do is to update to the new version available on Github (link in top post). I fixed an issue that caused class abilities granted at higher than 10th level from being awarded. Let me know if that fixes your issues.
@Gel87 , first thing to do is to update to the new version available on Github (link in top post). I fixed an issue that caused class abilities granted at higher than 10th level from being awarded. Let me know if that fixes your issues.
Thanks a lot :-) i Will download the newest version next time i am on my laptop :-)
@Gel87 , first thing to do is to update to the new version available on Github (link in top post). I fixed an issue that caused class abilities granted at higher than 10th level from being awarded. Let me know if that fixes your issues.
Other info: The F and T clabs are existing. The M clab is new, however copied and pretty fast in the kit.(like normal). There are a bunch of new spells and items, like 40 or so. Not all used in clab ofc.
Could you help me sort this out?
Edit: I also upgraded to weidu newest version, did not help... Uploaded kit, which fails to install.
@Gel87 , first thing to do is to update to the new version available on Github (link in top post). I fixed an issue that caused class abilities granted at higher than 10th level from being awarded. Let me know if that fixes your issues.
Other info: The F and T clabs are existing. The M clab is new, however copied and pretty fast in the kit.(like normal). There are a bunch of new spells and items, like 40 or so. Not all used in clab ofc.
Could you help me sort this out?
Edit: I also upgraded to weidu newest version, did not help... Uploaded kit, which fails to install.
I found it out, it was some old stuff from before. This was old from a copy of the earlier version of QD multiclass, who i had copied from other kit when making this kit. I just made it unreadeble for weidu and bam works^^ //LAF qd_multiclass_tables STR_VAR mc_dir = ~GESKKIT/MultiClass~ END
I believe you need to award the difference via clab abilities; I don't think multiclass kits actually follow the hpclass.2da tables. So to make up the average difference, you would give the character +1 HP per level for each level between 1st and 9th.
I believe you need to award the difference via clab abilities; I don't think multiclass kits actually follow the hpclass.2da tables. So to make up the average difference, you would give the character +1 HP per level for each level between 1st and 9th.
Wouldn't that require making it an entirely new kit and therefore able to be put in hpclass?
Are you adding a kit to an existing character via EEKeeper or are you trying to make a kit that appears in character creation and properly grants CLAB abilities?
Version 0.3 of QD_MULTI is available on Github (check the top post).
It removes the requirement to include any files other than the .tpa in your mod structure, changes the point at which certain files are installed, and otherwise simplifies usage slightly.
1) The LAF qd_multiclass needs to be used instead the fl#add_kit_ee or with it?
2) Using this makes the multiclass mandatory for the kit or optional? Can a Fighter/Cleric kit (designed as [P]riest) be used by a single-class Cleric?
This line should be included before you use the ADD_KIT function (if you are adding a new kit).
INCLUDE ~your/folders/here/qd_multiclass.tpa~
This line should be included after you use the ADD_KIT function (if you are adding a new kit).
LAF qd_multiclass STR_VAR kit_name = ~kitname~ //the internal name for your kit (e.g. QDMAGUS) kit_clab = ~kitclab~ //the internal name of your kit's clab file, without the .2da extension base_class = ~X~ // this can take 6 values: [F]ighter, [P]riest, [D]ruid, [R]anger, [M]age, [T]hief END
Let's say I'm not exactly adding a new kit, but altering one that already exists (like Helm). How do I apply this function in that scenario?
And this function failed to be used on a kit I'm building:
Creating file QD_MC_AP.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/QD_MC_AP.eff]
Creating file QD_MC_GA.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/QD_MC_GA.eff] DELETE_BYTES out of bounds - file is long 114, point given is 114, bytes were 248 Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Install kit: Heartwarder of Sune], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [DeitiesOfFaerun/Backup/1/OTHER.1]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "DeitiesOfFaerun/Backup/1/OTHER.1") [DeitiesOfFaerun/Backup/1/UNSETSTR.1] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 79 files for [DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2] component 1. Uninstalled 79 files for [DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2] component 1. Unable to Unlink [DeitiesOfFaerun/Backup/1/READLN.1]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "DeitiesOfFaerun/Backup/1/READLN.1") Unable to Unlink [DeitiesOfFaerun/Backup/1/READLN.1.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "DeitiesOfFaerun/Backup/1/READLN.1.TEXT") DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2 0 0 Installed ~Base Cleric Changes (required for all components)~ ERROR: Failure("DELETE_BYTES out of bounds") PLEASE email the file SETUP-DEITIESOFFAERUN.DEBUG to Raduziel Using Language [English] [English] has 2 top-level TRA files [DeitiesOfFaerun/Tra/English/setup.tra] has 30 translation strings [DeitiesOfFaerun/Tra/English/DeitiesOfFaerun.tra] has 119 translation strings
Install Component [Install kit: Heartwarder of Sune]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Saving This Log: DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2 0 0 Installed ~Base Cleric Changes (required for all components)~ [DeitiesOfFaerun/Tra/English/setup.tra] has 30 translation strings [DeitiesOfFaerun/Tra/English/DeitiesOfFaerun.tra] has 119 translation strings
SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Base Cleric Changes (required for all components)
NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Install kit: Heartwarder of Sune
I was able to make this code install. Apparently, you need a subfolder with several files that are not listed on the first post and is not at Github, but I could figure this out by reversing engineering Eldritch Magic.
I installed this kit both as a Single and as a Multiclass kit and in both situations, I gave it to Quayle.
The result: the kit does not respect the proficiency restriction I enforced on the code, it just takes whatever the base class can use and applies.
To the best of my knowledge, it should work just fine right now. If not, I'll check it out, but I do remember uploading my changes to remove the need for a folder.
If you encounter any issues with this software, please let me know so I may update it.
Link with kits uploaded here, dont mind the first page, that is old solved stuff:
I tryed the new tables on a new kit. A fmt.
Can't install due to this error:
ERROR: Failure("Unknown function: qd_multiclass_tables")
Other info:
The F and T clabs are existing.
The M clab is new, however copied and pretty fast in the kit.(like normal).
There are a bunch of new spells and items, like 40 or so. Not all used in clab ofc.
Could you help me sort this out?
I also upgraded to weidu newest version, did not help...
Uploaded kit, which fails to install.
This was old from a copy of the earlier version of QD multiclass, who i had copied from other kit when making this kit. I just made it unreadeble for weidu and bam works^^
//LAF qd_multiclass_tables STR_VAR mc_dir = ~GESKKIT/MultiClass~ END
It removes the requirement to include any files other than the .tpa in your mod structure, changes the point at which certain files are installed, and otherwise simplifies usage slightly.
1) The LAF qd_multiclass needs to be used instead the fl#add_kit_ee or with it?
2) Using this makes the multiclass mandatory for the kit or optional? Can a Fighter/Cleric kit (designed as [P]riest) be used by a single-class Cleric?
I was able to make this code install. Apparently, you need a subfolder with several files that are not listed on the first post and is not at Github, but I could figure this out by reversing engineering Eldritch Magic.
I installed this kit both as a Single and as a Multiclass kit and in both situations, I gave it to Quayle.
The result: the kit does not respect the proficiency restriction I enforced on the code, it just takes whatever the base class can use and applies.
I was able to make this work, thanks
And yes, there is an entire folder that needs to exist and is not on Github. I respectfully stoled it from M&G for testing.
Edit: I was creating a multiclass version of Helm to see how it would behave on Anomen.
The tpa requires the subfolder. Unless @Aquadrizzt altered something in the means time on GitHub since yesterday.
The no-respect to proficiency was my fault. I filled a field wrongly.
This works like a charm (at least with the subfolder it does).
Sorry about this confusion.