An ideal cleric

So I'm thinking of going through the whole trilogy of BG with a cleric (no dual-class), but I am very unsure of how to make him. I want him to go well with the whole Bhaalspaw storyline and be effective enough too, without overpowering. I'm sure a lot of people have done or are currently doing runthroughs with clerics, so I would be grateful for any advice:
1. Race: I made a dwarven cleric not long ago and the combination went well. I'm not sure if there's a better option or if it simply doesn't matter. What race do you recommend?
2. Kit: I've tried out the Priest of Helm and it's quite useful. Specially the +3 sword. What kit do you find more useful or/and more fit por the protagonist?
3. Stats: Appart from the obvious, I think I should give him an acceptable amount of charisma (something like +15) because of shops and because it fits a charismatical spiritual leader. I think from there it depends on personal playing style, if I'm going to be up front (high strength and constitution) or in the back (probably a higher dexterity).
4. Weapon proficiencies: I haven't got a lot of problems with this point. I think I'll stick to maces and hammers, sword and shield style.
So, any advice or experiences?
1. Race: I made a dwarven cleric not long ago and the combination went well. I'm not sure if there's a better option or if it simply doesn't matter. What race do you recommend?
2. Kit: I've tried out the Priest of Helm and it's quite useful. Specially the +3 sword. What kit do you find more useful or/and more fit por the protagonist?
3. Stats: Appart from the obvious, I think I should give him an acceptable amount of charisma (something like +15) because of shops and because it fits a charismatical spiritual leader. I think from there it depends on personal playing style, if I'm going to be up front (high strength and constitution) or in the back (probably a higher dexterity).
4. Weapon proficiencies: I haven't got a lot of problems with this point. I think I'll stick to maces and hammers, sword and shield style.
So, any advice or experiences?
2) I've grown fond of the Priest of Tyr for its debuff cleansing ability. It's very handy to pull something out like that when you absolutely need to. Really, though, any kit would work for the Cleric, while Oghma is the most worshiped at Candlekeep, for obvious reasons, the Sword Coast has a large amount of gods worshiped. You don't need to conform 100% to what Candlekeep has. Obviously, it should be one that fits your alignment. Remember, you don't HAVE to be evil to be a Priest of Talos, they've fixed it to "proper" Faerun alignment restrictions for clerics, you could be a Chaotic Neutral cleric and worship Talos. In fact, it's the only kit you could be if you wanted to be Chaotic Neutral.
Tyr - Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good
Lathander - Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral
Helm - Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral
Talos - Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral.
Due note, that the temples you get as bases in the second game are still based on alignment, not who you worship.
Good - Lathander
Neutral - Helm
Evil - Talos
The only reason to not use a kit is for a multi-class combo.
3) You want enough STR to hold onto your heaviest armor and shield, which I think is about 15 or 16. Dexterity should always be as high as you can physically make it, Constitution as high as needed, and Wisdom should be fairly high as well. You need at least 9 Intelligence I think in order to use scrolls and wands, even if they're priest scrolls and wands. Such a stat requirement usually means that Charisma needs to eat it.
4) Yeah, by the time you get through a lot of the series, you'll have all your points filled out. At the start, I recommend maces and slings, maces because you can get the Stupifier extremely easy, and slings because it's your only ranged weapon option of serious note in the first game. Start filling out your points as you feel like from that point on. Do note, that if you use your sling more, Sword and Shield style DOES NOT give you any benefit while you're slinging, but will if you use a melee weapon.
Thanks for mentioning the priest alignment fixes, I had no idea! I'll probably go for Talos then.
...I should totally do a Halfling Cleric now. I avoided them because of their -1 Wisdom, but really, the three Wisdom books you can get in the game should make up for it. Curse you restartitis! I just made a Necromancer!
Also, hey, thanks for the archive link! I've been missing that site since it went down.
Race: Dwarf OR Halfling, though I've never been mad for the second.
Kit: Priest of Talos.
Stats: STR: 14/15 (+1 with the tome)
DEX: 15 (+1 again)
CON: 19 (20 with the tome. Great saving throws and a load of hitpoints
WIS: 17 sounds right. With the three tomes in BG I can get to 20. 16 would probably be fine too.
INT: 10/11, to use wands, as Jumbowheat01 suggests.
CHA: 15
So I basically need a 90 roll. Not the best of news...
Weapon proficiencies: idc
You do dwarf, I'll do halfling. That way we're not twinsing it.
But a halfling with a sling is pretty cool too.
and i turned aerie into a priest of talos mage. no problem...
Race doesn't matter too much, go with whatever fits for you. Human probably fits a Bhaalspawn the best.
Stats don't even matter too much though I'd recommend 18 str, 18 dex, 9 con, 10 int, 18 wisdom and the rest in charisma.
Mace and sling to start, go find the Stupifier for BG1.
Now we just need a temple of Tyr in the temple district.
First is Archer>Cleric dual with focus on slings. Clerics on high difficulty and/or with SCS are quite fragile to be honest and should avoid melee. So he can support allies and deal damage from range.
If you want a cheesy build just make a multi Archer\Cleric with Shadow Keeper amd install Item Revisions mod, he has a component "remove weapon restrictions from multi classes".
I just so love my archer\cleric with longbow and arrows, best cleric ever.
Second build is pure cheese. It's a Wild Mage > Cleric dual. In BG2 wild mage can always cast their Sequencers\Chain Contingency from their Reckless Dweomers. They always casts without wild surge! (But your next spell is 100% wild surge)
So all you need is 1 lvl spell Reckless Dweomer (which is added to your spellbook automatically) and to memorise every Sequencer\Contingency spell you met!
Just imagine - Chain Contingency with 3 Devas\Storm of Vengeance.
Want more cheese? You can memorise Wondrous Recall...
The rest make less sense for single class clerics.
All the relevant clerical spells, up to 1 lev7 slot and the Boon twice a day with it's +1APR on top of DW with 25STR, maxed DMG roll and IH. 6 good APR for 22 rounds.
When is not casting or using the Boon he can do some real damage with a sling and an oil of speed, like 50-60DPR.
In a character that level up Just a little behind a single class mage, has almost all the clerical spells that an Aerie can put in her sequencers and contingiences, only few combinations involving lev7 spells are prevented.