Not enough evil fighters in SoD?

I just started a new SoD game with my evil shadowdancer, and I noticed that there aren't really any evil fighters in the game besides Dorn, so if you want to go with an evil/neutral party with low rep (which is quite easy to do as Baeloth, Viconia, and M'Khiin all reduce rep by 2) you are kind of out of luck, especially in the first areas before you can recruit Dorn. There are five fighters in SoD, Corwin, Minsc, Khalid & Jaheira, and Dorn. So for all your evil runs, what did you do for fighters before you get Dorn? For now I've got Corwin, M'Khiin, Viconia, Edwin, and Baeloth, which makes this party totally ranged heavy with no front-line fighters. Any suggestions?
The fact is, evil fighters are in really short supply in SoD. It's an oversight. It doesn't ruin anything, but it is an oversight.
Allows Dorn to be recruited right after the prologue. So you can get an evil fighter quickly.
Jaheira has more resistence, but she deals less demage and she can't handle magic so easy, she needs to cast too much on her for both melee and magic.
If you want to add Kagain why don't you also add Ajantis, so far these are the best fighters you can pick.
Viconia isn't bad either. Better than Dorn.
AC is still effective in SoD (unless you play on the stupid difficulty settings), which makes Viconia an effective melee tank.
I just said Viconia is not good to tank melee, doesn't matter what armor class she has, low const and low streng wont allow her to use many armors and she has a really low HP, you said she is a good tank by comparating her to dorn who can still tank some melee, but not as much as Khalid.
They get lots of strength boosting spells, she can use any armour or shield in the game.
As a pure cleric her job is to keep the party up, not to tank.
You need to equip her the 18 str's gloves if you want she to be able to use some armors, but still if she get an arrowing ambush or a backstabbing she dies fast.
You should also know often these boost she gets from her casts, can be removed at the begin of a fight or during it.
Also In SoD she doesn't have many spells. M'kiin alone has more spells than Viconia and Jaheira together, including the ironskin many talk about.