"Where is my temple?"

"Umm... as a Priest of Tyr I demand my own temple right now."
"This is blatant discrimination that we do not have our own temple when we have our kit available to be used for all adventurers that come into BG.... I tell you this is blatant, blatant discrimination of the holy order of Tyr and this must be rectified immediately or else my God will hear of it."
By the way thanks for the new - Cleric of Tyr kit - but really where is the temple, hopefully some later patch will add the temple of Tyr to the temple district.
"This is blatant discrimination that we do not have our own temple when we have our kit available to be used for all adventurers that come into BG.... I tell you this is blatant, blatant discrimination of the holy order of Tyr and this must be rectified immediately or else my God will hear of it."

By the way thanks for the new - Cleric of Tyr kit - but really where is the temple, hopefully some later patch will add the temple of Tyr to the temple district.
In any case, a long term goal of mine is to mod a home for non standard clerics. That is, implement reasonable stronghold paths for priest types that don't work with existing churches.
My thinking so far is:
- priests of tempus will get the fighter stronghold.
- priests of tyr will get the paladin stronghold
- the followers of other gods of fury will become members of Talos' church, but have unique dialogs
(I'm also planning on covering mod created priests).
And my Monk demand his own monastery!
And my Dragon Disciple demand wings!
You can not have everything.
If I'm not mistaken, developers can not change original locations, so no temple of Tyr in temple district.
Your only hope is a new city district, and good luck with that.
"Someone grab that blackguard, we'll send him to his demonling right now if he wants to meet it that badly. And as you ... dragon descendant.. err disciple ..whatever you call yourself. Don't you have that polymorphy spell thingy that shapes your own body, can't you do that to give yourself wings after all it can make you a jelly" brushes the thought of a dragon disciples needs and walks away.
"Wanting wings...,"shakes his head, "what next asking for his own lair and pile of treasure to sleep on as well maybe a mage wants his own tower and then a shaman wants his own village and his own set of personal spirits...." walks away muttering angrily at all these intruders.
"Of all the nerve asking for a demon and wings when Tyr is obviously the only thing that matter. And you my monkish friend come over here" (puts a friendly arm around the monk and another around @Grammarsalad and whispers quietly to them)
"Lets combine resources and build 2 temples away from the city and these blasphemers... how does that sound..." There surely must be a few mountains that we can use to build a temple or two. Lets see here are my plans for the Temple of Tyr ...." takes out plans for a huge temple to show them as they leave the waiting area.