unearthed arcana ranger changes
Am i the only one who would love to see these changes implemented into bg? 2d6 hit dice and no more bothersome spells, plus spirit companion and stealth skirmishing? Would be a hugely fun class. especially with high level hide in plain site!
Animal companion is a nice addition, and the road what beamdog follows with the new 3e kits and classes its a realistic option. And like the more favored enemy per level alone can give some uniqe feeling to the ranger.
Stealth is useful for scouting - but there are other classes that can do it, and then thieves can do it better (and backstab).
The low level spells are of extremely limited use without mods. With Spell Revisions, they're not so bad.
Limited Specializations.
Racial enemy is situational at best. A full-pipped fighter is only going to be slightly worse in the To Hit roll than a ranger against their favored enemy.
IIRC, dual-classing to cleric is no longer possible in EE or the spell tables don't allow for druid/cleric spells to be mixed together.
I'm not sure if Charm Animal scales but I don't recall many animals in ToB.
Yes, pure Ranger's aren't really that good.
Their kits though, are pretty ballin'. I'm fond of Archers and Stalkers.
Obsession with class balance sucks the life out of games. (PoE foe example).
Baldur's Gate isn't a "battle game". It's a roleplaying game. If you want a battle game, Diabalo is in that direction =>
Kivan's racial enemy are ogres. At low level that +3 thac0 and damage represent a HUGE difference against the random Ogre berserker who drops by (or several). Minsc's racial enemy are Gnolls, which means that there's a possibility of killing an average gnoll with one shot, and these bastards usually walk in groups (or packs?) , so killing them fast is a walk to survival. It may be situational, but it does affect most encounters in the game unless choose a very rare racial enemy. Besides, fighters don't reach grandmastery until at least level 6 . Still talking about low level characters, dual wielding early in the game gives you a thac0 penalty that may represent a problem against strong enemies. Half the game (BG1) are levels 1-5 with a 6 people party, so guys like Kivan help a lot as backup shooting arrows and hiding in shadows while Khalid or whoever you take as fighter embraces the frontlines. I do not agree that they're better or worse because they have different roles. A low level party without a scout or ranged attack for backup may have to rely only on their fighters' AC and thac0 , which is not that good until you level up a bit more.
From level 6 and on all fighting classes become very powerful with the right equipment and tactics, but a ranger can stealth his way throughout the whole saga and gain the upperhand in most fights. Of course, there will be enemies who can see invibility, just like there are mages who can protect themselves from magical weapons and make the fighter look like a fool trying to hit them.