What does/doesn't sleep affect?

What does 5HD mean in terms of actual monsters?
I've played through the game multiple times but I've never used sleep because 5+HD monsters being unaffected makes it sound kind of vague in terms of usefulness.
I've played through the game multiple times but I've never used sleep because 5+HD monsters being unaffected makes it sound kind of vague in terms of usefulness.
There's nothing better to see all those bandits, ankhegs, wolves, bears, kobolds, hobgoblins, xvarts and gnolls lay unconcious while you're dealing blows to them.
In unmodded BG1, Blacktalon elites and amazon party after Nashel are subject to Sleep, among other things.
As for HDs, you can look at http://www.angelfire.com/ak4/seabass/bgmonsters.html
Trying to walk through the endless waves of xvarts? Sleep.
Gnoll Fortress? Sleep.
Charging kobolds in the Nashkel Mines? Sleep!
Sleep is your BEST FRIEND in BG1. The only thing to keep in mind, besides the 5+HD requirement, is that it won't work on undead. But for that, you have clerics.
Now, IIRC, monsters *used* to get up once you hit them while they were sleeping, but in the BG2 engine they stay down? I seem to have memories of wacking napping hobs and them waking up.
There are *lots* of encounters where sleep can be effective, in general unless somebody demonstrates their HD (by casting a spell you know the level requirement of lol) it's worth a try in most cases, especially if you have more than 1 arcane caster.
I was assuming less than 5HD meant creatures who would roll a d4 or less for their hitpoints when they leveled. You know, like mages. I guess it's actually fifth level or higher monsters, basically.
The monster HD are predictable usually - but when it comes to playable races you never *really* know unless you *know* you're dealing with a race that is immune to sleep (elves/drow).
Does anyone ever choose this spell over other 2nd level arcane spells?
Sleep is very useful against a lot of enemies. Any caster that can cast 3rd lvl spells will be immune, though. (3rd lvl spells require 5 levels at the very least. More in case of sorcs and bards.) In scs enemy mages use it and it can be devastating. Elven sleep immunity and thief/bard fast lvl progress are golden.
1. Sleep (by far) and Blindness - the blind status gives a penalty of 4 to AC and Thaco - and makes the target unable to see anything that isn't basically touching it (the enemies will just stand there doing nothing unless you're touching them). Note also that if you're an illusionist you get the specialist bonus on the blind save. IIRC that makes the blind save at -4 penalty.
2. Glitterdust - Glitterdust not only reveals invisible creatures, but can blind in an area of affect! Glitterdust is *still* a great spell even into chapter 6 in BG2 lol. Melf's acid arrow is small potatoes in comparison to blinding an entire clod of monsters (since you'll be hitting them far more easily, they'll be hitting you far less - and that ONLY applies to tanks + enemy casters cant cast any spell that requires LOS unless they cast it on somebody right on top of them - which is basically every spell lol) - and its usefulness lasts a LONG time (especially once you get greater malison and cause monsters to fail their saves more often).
3. Slow - Slow has a difficult to make saving throw - it will generally work for most of BG1 and BG2 or at least affect *some* of the creatures you're fighting. Slow makes most battles incredibly easy since it slows down enemy casting and attack rate - if you have a warrior heavy party (or are yourself a fighter/mage of some type) haste basically turns you or your friends into absolute juggernauts against slowed targets. The other nice thing about slow is that it doesn't affect your party at all (unlike skulltrap or fireball).
4. Greater Malison - makes enemies saves worse. I mean... THINK OF ALL THE CRAZY THINGS YOU CAN DO (if you have an enchanter this is when the dominate persons and dire charms really become stupendously easy to use). Hmm do I cast an ice storm that does piddly damage, hurts my own party.... or do I make it so that next round I can more easily do some horrible thing to the enemy like charm their best caster/fighter... or blind/slow them. Emotion - Hopelessness is the level 4 version of sleep as well (as a failed save will result in enemies lying down and wallowing in self pity). If you're a spider spawns kinda guy... or have a poison user (dorn, assassins dagger, assassin class) greater malison will also make the poison far more likely to work!
That was no bug, that was an enhancement!
Or so I thought...
Feature Request: Rename the 1st level spell "sleep" to "coma"
So in comparison, being kept asleep while being hitted is kind of soft.