For the spells and abilities available to the player, only Prismatic Spray (specifically the feeblemind effect). For items, I think most wands use it though I'll admit I might be influenced by Item Revisions for this part.
Other than wands themselves, the only example I can think of is Mazzy's sword, which decreases the target's movement speed on a failed save vs. wands.
I used to have my Seducer kit (imagined as a psionic kit) use a save vs. wands for its Charm spell, but then I switched it to an 80% chance of a save vs. spell with a +4 bonus, and a 20% chance of no save at all (and a flat 50% chance of failing against nonhuman foes). This allowed me to keep the effectiveness of the spell fairly stable throughout the game, making it unreliable against low-level opponents while still granting a chance of success against high-level mages.
Yeah, save vs wands is almost a very useless category. In pnp, stuff like some monster special abilities like mind flayer psionic blast uses wand save, so your making psionics using this save may make sense.
However, the save category is totally moot, IMHO, other than flavour, it is just a save vs spells at +1. The train of thought is, it is easier to resist than a spell by a small bit. An effect coming from a wand or staff is easier to save than a full fledged caster.
I used to have my Seducer kit (imagined as a psionic kit) use a save vs. wands for its Charm spell, but then I switched it to an 80% chance of a save vs. spell with a +4 bonus, and a 20% chance of no save at all (and a flat 50% chance of failing against nonhuman foes). This allowed me to keep the effectiveness of the spell fairly stable throughout the game, making it unreliable against low-level opponents while still granting a chance of success against high-level mages.
However, the save category is totally moot, IMHO, other than flavour, it is just a save vs spells at +1. The train of thought is, it is easier to resist than a spell by a small bit. An effect coming from a wand or staff is easier to save than a full fledged caster.