When do you rest?

So you are playing BGEE/SOD/BG2EE... when do you make your party rest?
- When do you rest?49 votes
- I don't rest - a strong cup of coffee works wonders, y'know... *yawn*  2.04%
- When Minsc starts complaining about armor chafe (not a pretty image at all)...  6.12%
- Only when all of my party are complaining ...16.33%
- When I remember to... oops!  2.04%
- When my main spellcaster(s) can no longer cast ...12.24%
- Whenever I reach a 'checkpoint' (a new town, before a big battle, after a big battle)10.20%
- No set method - just whenever feels right ...40.82%
- Each new area that I enter - you never know ...  0.00%
- Other...10.20%
I usually forget then suddenly realise and quickly head back to town to rest - I will listen to Minsc complain for ages before I do anything about it.
I would fall under the 'seldom' section, which I really need to stop doing.
I've heard that the fatigue negatives can really stack up. Does anyone know if the penalties ever top out or do they just keep on increasing?
Yeah - I don't know much about how fatigue impacts things so that would be useful information and guidance...
I recently discussed this matter with the mighty A64. It's a long story, but I'll try to summarize it.
Fatigue behaviour:
- characters gain +1 fatigue every 4 in-game hours, aka 1200 real seconds
- character's CON value determine a fixed base bonus/penalty to fatigue
- with vanilla's tables characters start to gain -1 luck penalty at fatigue 7 (see fatigmod.2da), thus after 8400 sec, aka 140 minutes of real time
- from then on, every other 1200 seconds another -1 luck penalty is applied
- fatigue can be increased, but not decreased (sadly), only resting completely reset fatigue
Luck is supposed to cause many things, but many of them are not implemented (e.g. there's no penalty to saving throws, nor to thieving skills - Item/Spell Revisions manually added them). The plain opcode only affects hit and dmg rolls, and influence how much dmg you take (*).
For example, a character with -1 luck from fatigue would suffer -1 penalty to hit and dmg rolls, and suffers +1 "minimum dmg" for each dice of dmg from damage dealing spells (e.g. when hit by a 5d6 fireball normally you take 5-30 dmg, but with a -1 luck penalty it becomes 10-30).
I hope I managed to be clear.
This was posted by @Demivrgvs back in 2012. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/5960/is-fatigue-actually-detrimental
In that thread, there's lots of discussion (and also some confusion) on how it actually works though, as some people see different results in-game. The above sounds pretty solid - which is a bit of an eye opener. Fatigue is a MAJOR negative to your characters performance and should be avoided at all times!
I'd still like to know if it ever tops out. I mean if you have a character already 'fatigued' and you move between certain Cloakwood areas you would wind up with a -6!? to your luck on the other side. I'm pretty sure I didn't experience this as I would have surely noticed all the whiffs.
At least that's how it used to be.
Now with LoB mode, I rest a lot simply to heal. LoB on insane puts quite the strain on party HP, more than could ever be efficiently covered by healing. Rest is the one-stop-heal-shop more than anything. Helps that spells also reload, but I don't think I'd rest as often as I do if it was only about that.
However, if I don't have Invisibility 10' Radius on hand and can't find a safe place to rest, I'll rest normally. That way, I still experience nighttime ambushes when it's not safe to rest.
Also, if we arrive in a new area and it's night, I'll rest then too.
...Ya know, I don't think I've ever heard Imoen complain, mostly because of those two up above.
I usually camp after trekking through cloak wood though, as the game pretty much forces that with the fatigue system. I want my party to arrive fully rested before tackling the dungeon of deep foreboding, and trekking what feels like a week without rest does not support that.
Finally, I prefer to resurface than continue dungeoneering if running depleted, unless it feels super-critical to continue to the bitter end, such as all spent up and about to face Daevorn. Then I will find a safe looking corner in the already cleared-out dungeon, and set a defensive camp for an optimistic 8 hours or so...
Usually once a day.
When in a dungeon and my party is wounded, we try to find a place to “hide” and tend to our wounds. Also, if my casters are weary they will be of little use should we run into trouble. Of course the “nights” can sometimes be very long and dangerous for my weary little band of adventures.
On the occasions that we travel to a town in order to trade for supplies, we will also take advantage of the local inns to rest up and prepare for our next adventure.
Unlike many here, I think of resting as an integral part of my gameplay.