Detect magic

Navigating a bit in Near Infinity, I found out that a effect available for spells is Detect Magic. I don't remeber any of arcane or divine spells to have this effect.
Anyone knows how it works?
Anyone knows how it works?
PnP Detect Magic just tells you information about the magic school of object or casted spells...
Anyway, still this game make me discover some "hidden" stuff...
DnD is actually originally a tabletop game, with a storyteller (in DnD, the storyteller is called dungeon master for some weird reason) that makes or buys a quest with like maps and plastic monsters and stuff. Generally, during combat, you walk across these maps with your own plastic figures, attempting to kill the plastic monsters. However, when not during combat, most rooms and taverns and dungeons and whatnots are described to you, by the dungeon master, in words, because maps and plastic figures are only burdensome when not in combat.
A lot of the spells generally considered shit in BG are actually incredible useful in this setting. For instance, you must locate an assasin in a crowd. Detect evil! You must descend into a damp tunnel in search of the lost blah blah blah of boulderdash. Infravision! You rush into the treasury, with the kings men hot on your trail, and among all the wondrous items and valuable gems, you need to find the one true gem of tralalala that is the only thing capable of defeating the big bad dragondemon of Arrrrggghhhh! Detect magic!
Since they are in the tabletop game, Black Isle was like "Eh, **** it, lets just include it. Maybe we will figure out some use for it later..."
Edit: In case any of you have ever played Realmz - really old game for MacIntosh, way back when while Avernum* was still called Exile - that was also based on DnD (albeit loosely), detect magic was actually essential! After killing a horde of goblins, use detect magic to separate all mundane weapons from the magical ones worth keeping. When in a library of boring books, you could use detect magic to find yourself a manual of wisdom. Etc etc etc.
*And the younguns goes "Errr... okay... but what is Avernum???"
We have a simpler warning, though, in the form of the casting glows and incantations. It's pretty obvious that a Necromancy spell is being cast, for example.