Re-attack: No buttons line up in BG2:EE
This may be similar to the touch issues for the Android, but right now nothing 'lines up' to use any of the buttons: load game, which game to load, etc. To actually hit one of those buttons is a complete guess, I point and click all over the page. Anyone else encounter this? I just recently changed to Windows 10, but had this issue beforehand. I cannot play the game in any way. I asked this back in May, got no replies. Hoping for better luck this time around.
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','UI Edit Mode','1')
If so, try hitting the F11 key and see if the yellow boxes for buttons are in the right places. You can hit F11 again to exit without making changes as long as you don't drag things around. Or maybe you could drag things around at that point to fix your issues. I am not sure how it would have gotten that way, have you ever loaded UI mods like Pecca's widescreen mod that changes button positions?