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[SoD MOD] Golem Construction for Spellcasters

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
Golem Construction for Spellcasters
A mod for Siege of Dragonspear and Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition.

Download latest release (13 MB)

You can encounter a great number of golems of various types throughout the game. They are strong, resistant, and utterly loyal to their master. Unfortunately they are mostly hostile towards you.

This mod makes an attempt to change it. It scatters a number of tomes across Faerûn containing the secret knowledge of how to construct golems. Reading these books allows you to build golems by yourself, provided you have enough experience, and all the required materials at hand. Only characters knowledgeable in the arcane arts are able to understand the complex theories behind the golem construction.

You can find out more about the mod in this topic:


  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Good work! 'Grats on release!
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