Journal Entry for Neera wont show
Member Posts: 73
Hi. I just got to Beregoust, and saved Neera from the mages. Then the journal should update, but when I click on tje journal, there´s no entry. There´s just an "Neera" entry, if I click, nothing shows. I am afraid to continue the game, and the quest is broken. Any help ? Thanks and sorry for the bad english.
GoG Version:
GoG Version:
The journal entry should be titled 'Something Wild' but the entry is listed as 'Neera' instead. It will update in about 1-day when she next speaks to you.
There are several broken journal entries like this.
There are quite a few entries like this. I am collecting together a list of about 10 - 20 of them and I will report them as official bugs to Beamdog. If in doubt, or if any concerns, save often and keep those saves. That way, if something does go wrong you can revert to an earlier save.
Funnily enough, the very first journal entry in BGEE is exactly like this - instead that journal entry updates to 'Important Events'. So there is something odd happening in general.
The same for BG2EE.
if(objective.stateType ~= const.ENTRY_TYPE_INFO) then --info entries should not go into quests table.insert(questDisplay, objective) table.insert(questChildren, #questDisplay) end
Basically - this is making sure that INFO entries do not go into the quest display. I may be able to tinker with the code so that they at least go into the journal display instead.
Patching that code regarding "info entries should not go into quests" will not be a good solution since the journal entries that are failing are suppose to be quests. That code is probably working as it's supposed to be.
It's been set as INFO for a reason - just because we don't know what the reason is, doesn't mean it's not valid. It could also be an error on Beamdog's part but remotely patching it hides the issue from Beamdog and they aren't then given the opportunity to fix it.
The first step would be to collect the issues and report them.
Then, let Beamdog decide whether they need to be changed or not.
In the meantime, I can make a change in the UI code to ensure INFO entries are included as journal items (not as a quest items). At least that way they will appear and if Beamdog later 'correct' the issue then my added code will be obsolete, but not corrupt/impact anything (as it is only acting INFO entries of which there are now fewer).
Altering the code, means altering how the info type works, which by all means may not be working as intended, but we don't know what their design plans were.
I agree that they have to be collected first and then let beamdog fix them accordingly with how they were suppose to work on the first place.
At first I thought only the EE NPCs were affected though.
I'm talking about modifying the UI code only - the info type would stay the same for all the existing INFO entries. The only thing different would be the way the existing entries are displayed (or not displayed as in the case here).
Basically the quest display function prevents these entries from being displayed as a quest because they are state = INFO, this is correct for the majority of the INFO items. It's easy enough to add them as a user journal entry instead however. So at least this 'INFO' is actually recorded somewhere and can be re-read by the user later. Currently it appears as a popup and then is gone completely.
Later, if Beamdog move the state from INFO to QUEST then my code would ignore it (as they are no longer INFO) and they would appear in quests as Beamdog intended, and the remaining and genuine INFO items would still be available If they aren't already.
I made it so that instead of 'Journal Updated' it reads as 'Information!' and that information is only added to your journal IF you click the pop-up
Small journal of Pecca's mod:
Large journal of Pecca's mod:
It shouldn't mess up any quests as the note is a user note not a journal or quest entry, and the user can add as many manual notes whenever they like.
I need to do some more testing as some INFO items are 'Important Events' so I need to filter these out.