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About BG2 Spoilers, party composition and the best party for a 1st playtrough

I got some spoilers for bg 2, like imoen being a bhaalspawn, wich was already told me not to be a big spoiler (having played irenicus dungeon already it really isn't). The other spoiler is about Yoshimo though, and that one seems pretty big. My question is, knowing the thing, is he still worth keeping at my party? Does the thing even happen if he isn't with me? Also, for story purposes wich npcs are recommended for a 1st playtrough? Thanks in advance...


  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    If Yoshimo isn't in your party, you won't ever interact with him again. He'll just drop dead the first time you walk into the Copper Coronet after Spellhold. For story purposes in Shadows of Amn, you probably want at least Imoen, Yoshimo, and some romantic partner. Depending on your race and gender, that can be Jaheira, Aerie, Viconia, Anomen, or one of the EE characters.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    well for story purposes, the bg2 "canon" team is jaheira,minsc,aerie, yoshimo (imoen) and nalia I believe

    so if you alignment is good or neutral, then this team will work for ya, the reason why I say this team is the bg2 canon team is because A- you meet up with minsc, jaheira and yoshimo in the first dungeon, B- aerie comes from one of the first quests you do outside of the dungeon, plus aerie becomes minsc's new witch, C- nalia because she is the first one that comes up to you in the copper corhornet and it's usually an easy quest to do to get the money you need to hire assistance,

    and then when it comes time for yoshimo to leave your team, you get imoen right afterwards, and she still works as an excellent thief, and she has mage spell casting ability, which is never a bad thing

    plus no matter what character class you make, it should be able to adapt to that team make up, and if you character is a male, then there is even more character development between jaheira and aerie

    so for story purposes, I say go with that team, and you will be allright
  • jnalves10jnalves10 Member Posts: 24
    even though I already know that yoshimo is betraying me? I kind of feel awkward with him around...
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    it may be true that he does that, but it really ties in with the story quite well, gives it a little bit more depth, and as I said, from a technical stand point, he is probably your only thief, but as I said, you get imoen RIGHT afterwards, and she has enough open locks/disarm traps to get you through the rest of the game, plus there are rings to up those abilities if you want imoen to wear some elven chain eventually
  • GallengerGallenger Member Posts: 400
    edited July 2016
    I agree with sarevok57 - Yoshimo is the best available thief unless you want Hexxat or the PC is a thief. That's basically the only time I dump him off is if I myself am a thief *or* I intend to keep my rep low enough to keep Hexxat happy.

    Nalia just doesn't cut it without potions to help her out so I usually get pretty annoyed with her lol but she's fun to have around if, and fits with a super-goodie goodie party more so than Yoshimo if you're very interested in RPing alignments for your own fun.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Gallenger said:

    I agree with sarevok57 - Yoshimo is the best available thief unless you want Hexxat or the PC is a thief.

    Actually, there is another, better thief.
    Jan Jansen.
    But I agree that Yoshimo is worth playing. He's a good thief, his personality is fun and I think it's worth it to experience the story, even if you know what happens.

  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    edited July 2016
    @jnalves10: I agree that it's disappointing that you know what's going to happen with Yoshimo, but I'd still urge you to keep him. His storyline is very well written, and who knows, maybe you even get to experience some proper heartbreak once you learn of the bind he's been in. Seriously.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    Minsc, Jaheira, Yoshimo (then Imoen), Nalia and Anomen would be an effective team for a first playthrough. This covers all the bases with characters who are not too fragile. If you find yourself struggling against foes like mages further along the way, you might want to replace Minsc with Keldorn.

    Might also want to make the protagonist a Fighter. Sword and shield even, to make you more survivable since it's Game Over when you die. Then when you know the game better you can try something more interesting.
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