The Complete FR Novel, Comic and Game Timeline Part 3

My break is over, now here is part 3 of my list of licensed Forgotten Realms based novels, comics, tabletop games and video games with a confirmed timeline (and those without a confirmed timeline that I can only make carefully thought out guesses). I will start from 1401 DR and end in 1491 DR, and this list will be pretty short because the 4th edition setting seemed not only unpopular to gamers like us, but also the authors like Ed Greenwood and R.A. Salvatore, I mean, jumping 100 years into the future, especially after the Spellplague without their consent... That means half or most of the characters they created that don't have a long lifespan like elves or dwarves are either old or dead. So, without further ado, let's get started.
Here is the link back to part 2 if you've never seen it and are interested.
"Gauntlgrym" of The Neverwinter Saga (Written by R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1409 DR)
"Cry Of The Ghost Wolf" (By Mark Sehestedt) (possibly 1410 DR)
"Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale" (A game developed by Bedlam Games, playable on PlayStation 3 (downloadable via PlayStation Network), Xbox 360 (downloadable via Xbox Live Arcade), and Microsoft Windows (downloadable via Steam)) (begins and ends in 1420 DR)
"The Godborn" of The Sundering Saga (By Paul S. Kemp) (begins and ends in 1450 DR)
"Sandstorm" continues in 1450 DR, the Second Era of Skyfire ends
"The Rose of Sarifal" (By Paulina Clayborne) (possibly 1450 DR)
"Dawnbringer" (Written by Samantha Henderson) (begins in 1460 DR and believe it or not, ends in 1600 DR!) Amazing, isn't it, jumping 121 years from the 4th edition setting!
"Gauntylgrym" of the Neverwinter Saga ends in 1462 DR
"Neverwinter Tales" comic book series issues 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Written by R.A. Salvatore and Geno Salvatore, published by IDW Publishing, cover art by Gonzalo Flores, interior art by Augustin Padilla, Jose Avilles, Tim Seeley, Leonard O'Grady, and Gonzalo Flores) (1462 DR) This comic book series takes place not long after "Gauntlgrym" ends, starring Drizzt and his new love interest, the bald elf Dahlia Sin'felle, and Valindra Shadowmantle is one of the characters in this story
"The Companions" of The Sundering Saga (By R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1463 DR) Drizzt's deceased companions begin to reincarnate in this story
(Realms of the Dead book "The Resurrection Agent" (By Erin M. Evans) (1463 DR)
"The Last Legend of Gedrin Shadowbane" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1463 DR)
"Neverwinter" of The Neverwinter Saga (by R.A. Salvatore) (1463 DR) This novel is intentionally tied in to the Neverwinter MMORPG game because in one part of the book, the moon elf lich Valindra Shadowmantle led an attack on Neverwinter for the purpose of powering up the Dread Ring in the Neverwinter forest, a location that can be visited in Module 2 of the Neverwinter MMORPG
"Charon's Claw" of The Neverwinter Saga (by R.A. Salvatore) (1463 DR)
"The Last Threshold" of The Neverwinter Saga (By R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1463 DR)
"Corsair" of the Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy (By Richard Baker) (prologue is in 1466 DR)
"City of the Dead" (By Rosemary Jones) (prologue set in 1467 DR)
"Shadowbane: Eye of Justice" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (prologue set in 1470 DR)
Realms of the Dead book "Feast of the Moon" (By Cristopher Rowe) (1471 DR)
"The Orc King" ends in 1472 DR (prologue and epilogue both take place in this year)
"Avenger" of the Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy (By Richard Baker) (begins in 1473 DR)
"Venom In Her Veins" (By Tim Pratt) (possibly 1473 DR)
"Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle" (Tabletop game created by Christopher Perkins (the guy who usually is the DM for Acquisitions Inc.), and Jeremy Crawford) (1474 DR) Not sure about the realm year, just a wild guess
"The Fall Of Highwatch" of The Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (1475 DR) This novel takes place a century after "Frostfell"
"Hand of the Hunter" of The Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (1475 DR)
"Cry of the Ghost Wolf" of The Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (1475 DR)
"Scepter Tower of Spellgard" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By David Noonan and Greg A. Vaughan) (possibly 1476 DR)
"Swordmage" of the Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy (By Richard Baker) (begins in 1477 DR)
"The Devil You Know" of the Brimstone Angels series (By Erin M. Evans) (1477 DR) Though no realm year has been officially confirmed, it shouldn't be hard to narrow down once you realize that this story takes place before Farideh made the warlock pact in the "Brimstone Angels" story, which comes up next afterwards.
"Brimstone Angels" of the Brimstone Angels Series (By Erin M. Evans) (prologue is in 1477 DR)
"Unholy" of The Haunted Lands (By Richard Lee Byers) (1478 DR)
"Brimstone Angels" continues and ends in 1478 DR
"Brimstone Angels: Lesser Evils" (By Erin M. Evans) (1478 DR)
"Cold Steel and Secrets" (By Rosemary Jones) (1478 DR)
"The Captive Flame" of the Brotherhood of the Griffin series (By Richard Lee Byers) (begins in 1478 DR)
"The Adversary" of The Sundering saga (By Erin M. Evans) (1478 DR)
"Gates of Neverdeath" (a tabletop adventure game) (Written by Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR, months before the Neverwinter MMORPG) Seldra Tylmarande, the great great niece of Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights is in this game.
"The Lost Crown of Neverwinter" (sequel tabletop game to Gates of Neverdeath) (Written by Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR) A couple months closer to Valindra's second attack on Neverwinter, one part of this game presumably happens during the Neverwinter MMORPG's prologue
"Neverwinter" (The MMORPG game developed by Cryptic Studios, originally playable only on Microsoft Windows PC, but now playable on Xbox One and PlayStation 4) (main module begins in 1479 DR) The game's prologue begins with Valindra's forces attacking Neverwinter for the second time, and you have to stop them, and throughout the game there are various evil forces that threaten Neverwinter and its allies, not just those allied with Valindra
Realms of the Dead book "Wandering Stones" (By Bruce R. Cordell), "The Bone Bird" (By Jaleigh Johnson), "A Prayer for Brother Robert" (By Philip Athans), "Dusty Bones" (By Rosemary Jones), and "A Body in a Bag" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR)
"The Captive Flame" ends in 1479 DR
"The Rose of Sarifal" (By Paulina Claiborne) (1479 DR)
"Whisper of Venom" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"The Spectral Blaze" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"The Masked Witches" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"Prophet of the Dead" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"Prince of Ravens" (By Richard Baker) (1479 DR) This novel was part of the D&D event "Rise of the Underdark"
"Swordmage" ends in 1479 DR
"Corsair" continues and ends in 1479 DR
"Blackstaff Tower" of the Waterdeep series (By Steven E. Schend) (1479 DR)
"Mistshore" of the Waterdeep series (By Jaleigh Johnson) (1479 DR)
"Downshadow" third novel of the Waterdeep series, first novel of the Shadowbane series (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR)
"City of the Dead" of the Waterdeep series (By Rosemary Jones) (1479 DR excluding the prologue which was in 1467 DR)
"Blades for Daggerdale" (a tabletop adventure game) (By Matthias Schäfer) (1479 DR)
"The God Catcher" of the Waterdeep series (By Erin M. Evans) (1479 DR)
"Elminster Must Die" (By Ed Greenwood) (1479 DR)
"Bury Elminster Deep" (By Ed Greenwood) (1479 DR)
"Elminster Enraged" (By Ed Greenwood) (1479 DR)
"Shadowrealm" ends in 1479 DR
"The Fanged Crown" of The Wilds series (By Jenna Helland) (1479 DR)
"The Restless Shore" of The Wilds series (By James P. Davis) (1479 DR)
"Wrath of the Blue Lady" ends in 1479 DR
"Sword of the Gods" (By Bruce R. Cordell) (1479 DR except prologue)
"Sword of the Gods: Spinner of Lies" (By Bruce R. Cordell) (1479 DR)
"The Edge of Chaos" (By Jak Koke) (1479 DR)
"Spider and Stone" (An ebook novel by Jaleigh Johnson) (1479 DR) This is the last book that ties into the D&D event Rise of the Underdark
"Sandstorm" story ends in 1479 DR
"Unbroken Chain" (By Jaleigh Johnson) (1479 DR)
"Chosen of the Sword" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1480 DR)
"Escape from Sembia" tabletop adventure game (By Chris Tulach) (possibly 1480 DR)
"Avenger" ends in 1480 DR
"Circle of Skulls" of the Waterdeep series (By James P. Davis) (1480 DR)
"Shadowbane" of the Shadowbane series (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1480 DR)
"Unbroken Chain: The Darker Road" (By Jaleigh Johnson) (1480 DR)
"Shadowbane: Eye of Justice" of the Shadowbane series (By Erik Scott de Bie) (story continues into 1480 DR after the prologue)
"Web of the Spider Queen" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By Logan Bonner) (1480 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (main module ends in 1481 DR, Module 1: "Fury of the Feywild" begins in 1481 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 1: "Fury of the Feywild" ends in 1482 DR, Module 2: "Shadowmantle" begins and ends in 1482 DR) In the climactic end mission of Module 2, you get to fight Valindra and put an end to her threat once and for all, and believe me, she doesn't go down easily, you'll need a full group to face her. Then again, no lich goes down easy
"Murder in Baldur's Gate" The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #1 (Created by Ed Greenwood, Matt Sernett and Steve Winter) (1482 DR) This tabletop game ties in directly with the Baldur's Gate games and novels, with Abdel Adrian, the much hated protagonist of the Baldur's Gate novels as one of the NPCs, and even Coran is in this game too, and the game's story ends with the inevitable resurrection of Bhaal. The fact that Abdel lived more than 100 years before he gets killed off even though he chose not to ascend to godhood and gave up his Bhaalspawn essence at the end of the ToB novel signifies that Imoen and the game protagonist could live that long too if he/she is human, half-orc or some other race with a short lifespan compared to elves, half-elves, halflings, gnomes and dwarves, and chooses to give up his/her Bhaalspawn essence and remain mortal at the end of the ToB game. Being a former Bhaalspawn guarantees longevity it seems.
"The Last Threshold" and "The Companions" end in 1484 DR
"Dungeons & Dragons: Cutter" comic book series issue #1 "Birthright", issue #2 "The Lost Child", issue #3 "Sword, Wielder", issue #4 "A Dark Path", issue #5 "Homecoming" (comic books written by R.A. Salvatore and his son Geno Salvatore, art by David Baldeon, colors by David Garcia Cruz, letters by Neil Uyetake, cover art by Steve Ellis) (1484 DR, before "Night of the Hunter")
"Night of the Hunter" of the Companions Codex series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1484 DR)
"Rise of the King" of the Companions Codex series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1484 DR)
"Council of Spiders" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By James Wyatt and Logan Bonner) (1484 DR, during The Darkening)
"War of Everlasting Darkness" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By Shawn Merwin, Steve Townshend and James Wyatt) (1484 DR, after "Council of Spiders)
"Storm Over Neverwinter" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1484 DR) the game references the events of The Darkening from "Night of the Hunter" and "Rise of the King".
"Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf" of the Companions Codex series (By R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1484 DR)
"Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf" of the Companions Codex series ends in 1485 DR
"Legacy of the Crystal Shard" (The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #2) (Tabletop game created by R.A. Salvatore, James Wyatt and Jeffrey Ludwig) (1485 DR)
"Archmage" of the Homecoming series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1485 DR) This novel is the origin story of how demons started appearing in the Underdark
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 3: "Curse of Icewind Dale" begins and ends sometime after month of Eleint in 1485 DR) This may come as a shock to those who have read "The Crystal Shard", but in Module 3, the main villain is none other than the villainous mage Akar Kessel, who comes back from the dead as a powerful wight.
"Scourge of the Sword Coast" (The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #3) (Tabletop game created by Tito Leati, Matthew Sernett and Chris Sims) (1485 DR) Just a wild guess on the realm year.
"Dead in Thay" (The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #4) (Tabletop game created by Scott Fitzgerald Gray) (1485 DR)
"Archmage" ends in 1486 DR
"The Reaver" of The Sundering saga (By Richard Lee Byers) (1486 DR)
"The Sentinel" of The Sundering saga (By Troy Denning) (1486 DR)
"Fire in the Blood" of the Brimstone Angels series (By Erin M. Evans) (1486 DR)
"Ashes of the Tyrant" of the Brimstone Angels series (By Erin M. Evans) (1486 DR)
"The Herald" of The Sundering saga (By Ed Greenwood) (1487 DR)
"Spellstorm" (By Ed Greenwood) (1488 DR)
"Timeless" (By R.A. Salvatore) (Part 2 and Part 4 and Epilogue are in 1488 DR)
"Boundless" (By R.A. Salvatore) (possibly 1488 DR) As of now, 5/29/2019, this novel won't be released until September 10th, so I can only assume this novel is probably not long after Timeless
Tyranny of Dragons Adventurers League game story modules "Corruption in Kryptgarden", "Defiance in Phlan", "Secrets of Sokol Keep", "Shadows over the Moonsea", "Dues for the Dead", "The Courting of Fire", 'The Scroll Thief", "Drums in the Marsh", "Tall Trees Tell," "Outlaws of the Iron Route", "Tyranny in Phlan", "Dark Pyramid of Sorcerer's Isle", "Raider of the Twilight Marsh", "Pool of Radiance Resurgent", and "Escape from Phlan" (1489 DR)
"Hoard of the Dragon Queen" tabletop adventure game (By Wolfgang Baur, Steve Winter, Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford) (1489 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 4: "Tyranny of Dragons") (begins and ends in 1489 DR)
"Legends of Baldur's Gate" comic book series issues 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Written by Jim Zub, art by Max Dunbar, colors by John-Paul Bove (and Joana Laufente in issue #2), letters by Neil Uyetake, edits by John Barber) (1489 DR) These comic books bring Minsc from the Baldur's Gate games from the 2nd-3rd edition time frame into the 5th edition time frame of the Forgotten Realms in a very interesting way, and Coran appears in this series too. If you haven't read these comic books before, you'll enjoy them, I know I did
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 5: "Rise of Tiamat") (begins and ends in 1489 DR) Linu La'neral, one of the companion characters from Neverwinter Nights is in this module's story and is one of the NPCs that helps player characters fight against Tiamat in the end of the module's story
And alternatively the "Rise Of Tiamat" tabletop game (By Wizards RPG Team) (begins and ends in 1489 DR) The Neverwinter MMO's version of the Rise Of Tiamat and the tabletop version do not and cannot coexist.
Endless Quest book "Escape the Underdark" (By Matt Forebeck) (possibly 1490 DR) (Sometime before Sword Coast Legends because the red dragon Themberchaud who appears in Sword Coast Legends is in this open choice novel)
Elemental Evil Adventurers League game storyline modules "City of Danger", "Embers of Elmwood", "The Drowned Tower", "Mayhem in the Earthspur Mines", "Flames of Kythorn", "Breath of the Yellow Rose", "Bounty in the Bog", "Foulness Beneath Mulmaster", "Eye of the Tempest", "Cloaks and Shadows", "Oubliette of Fort Iron", "Dark Rites at Fort Dalton", "The Howling Void", "The Sword of Selflaril", "Black Heart of Vengeance", "Boltsmelter's Book", and "Mulmaster Undone" (1491 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 6: "Elemental Evil") (1491 DR) Minsc makes his first in-game appearance in this expansion of the game
"Princes of The Apocalypse" tabletop adventure game (By Michele Carter and Stacy Janssen) (1491 DR, a few tendays or a few months after the Neverwinter MMO's Elemental Evil campaign)
"Death Masks" of the Chosen Heirs series (By Ed Greenwood) (1491 DR)
"Shadows of The Vampire #1" (issues #2, 3, 4 and 5 are set in the Ravenloft campaign setting) (Written by Jim Zub, art by Nelson Daniel, letters by Neil Uyetake, edits by John Barber, published by Ted Adams) (possibly 1491 DR) In Ravenloft, the comic book's story takes place before the tabletop game "Curse of Strahd" because Minsc and his party encounter Strahd himself before they return to the Forgotten Realms world.
"Curse of Strahd" tabletop adventure game (By Jeremy Crawford, Laura Hickman, Tracy Hickman, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Richard Whitters) (Forgotten Realms year 1491 DR)
"Frost Giant's Fury #1, 2, 3 and 4" (Written by Jim Zub, art by Netho Diaz, letters by Neil Uyetake, colors by Thiago Ribiero, edits by David Hedgecock, assistant edits by David Mariotte, published by Ted Adams) (possibly 1491 DR) The story of this comic book series begins after Minsc, Delina, Krydle, Shandie and Nerys return to the Forgotten Realms world after being sent to and trapped in Ravenloft for a while in the "Shadows of The Vampire" comic book series.
"Sword Coast Legends" (A game developed by N-Space and Digital Extremes, playable on Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) (1492 DR) This game was designed to be the spiritual successor of the Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights. The devs of Sword Coast Legend's forums said that this game is set somewhere between 1490 DR and 1492 DR, answering someone's question about the game's time frame in the Forgotten Realms, which means it would take a few years for the demons of the Nine Hells to completely infest the Underdark after what happened in R.A. Salvatore's Archmage novel. That's my educated guess, the in-game journal does not keep track of the game's time and day, month and year like Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights did.
"Out of the Abyss", Tabletop game adventure (Published by Wizards of the Coast) (1492 DR)
Rage of Demons Adventurers League game storyline modules "Harried in Hillsfar", "Shackles of Blood", "The Occupation of Szith Morcaine", "It's All in the Blood", "Bane of the Tradeways", "No Foolish Matter", "Herald of the Moon", "The Malady of Elventree", "The Waydown", "Quelling the Horde", "The Quest for Sporedome", "Hillsfar Reclaimed", "Writhing in the Dark", "Death on the Wall", "Szith Morcaine Unbound", "Assault on Maerimydra" (I enjoyed playing this part, and fighting Grazzt in the end was challenging for me and my party), and "Blood Above, Blood Below" (1492 DR)
"Maestro" of the Homecoming series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1492 DR)
"Sword Coast Legends: Rage of Demons DLC" (1492 DR) Drizzt is in this DLC's story, making Sword Coast Legends the fifth D&D game allowing the player's character to adventure and/or fight alongside him. The first one was Baldur's Gate, the second was Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, the third was Demon Stone, and the fourth is the 8th and 9th module expansions of the Neverwinter MMORPG. This DLC is set sometime after "Maestro" but before "Hero", because in this DLC, Drizzt's mind is still under the influence of the faerzress since the end of "Maestro", he is not the compassionate drow we knew anymore, he enjoys hunting worthy prey and will almost not hesitate to attack anyone in his way unless they prove to be a worthy ally against his prey, and he has no intention of returning to Catti-Brie even if you urge him to, because he is aware that he is not entirely sane, and he does not want want to be near anyone he cares about until Demogorgon is defeated, which he believes will clear his mind.
"Hero" of the Homecoming series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1492 DR)
"Evil At Baldur's Gate #1, 2, 3 and 4" another comic book series featuring Minsc, Delina, Krydle, Shandie and Nerys returning to Baldur's Gate with the scars they endured from the "Shadows of The Vampire" and "Frost Giant's Fury" comic book series. (possibly 1492 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 8: "Underdark", story written by R.A. Salvatore) (1492 DR) Through this module's story, your character gets to fight alongside Drizzt and his reincarnated companions against Demogorgon's demonic forces.
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 9: "The Maze Engine") (1492 DR) Drizzt and Minsc both appear in this expansion together, and Drizzt seems to know Minsc either personally or by reputation because when they meet, he is surprised that Minsc is still alive in this day and age. If it is personally, then Drizzt probably remembers Minsc back during the events of Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn game version, when Minsc traveled with Gorion's Ward. And Viconia's relative, Vizeran DeVir, appears in this expansion too.
"Storm King's Thunder" table top adventure game (By Wizards of the Coast) (1492 DR, before the Neverwinter MMORPG's story of the adventure because Storvald is in this game and not the antagonist you fight at the adventure's climax, an ancient female blue dragon named Iymrith is the "final boss" of the adventure. I don't mean to brag, but when my D&D group played this adventure, my human fighter named Kanan Shan killed her singlehandedly, believe it or not! With the help of a potion that helped him grow to the size of a giant, of course, and because Iymrith was more focused on trying to kill Hekaton than my fighter (and she almost killed him too, but Kanan managed to bring her down when Hekaton was seriously bloodied.)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 10: "Storm King's Thunder") (1492 DR sometime during or after the tabletop game's story because Storvald is the "final boss" in the module) Reincarnated Wulfgar and Catti-Brie are in this expansion of the game and one of your in-game allies.
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 11: "The Cloaked Ascendancy") (possibly 1492 DR)
"Tomb of Annihilation" tabletop adventure game (By Wizards RPG Team, Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter and Adam Lee) (possibly 1492 DR) Dragonbait, Alias's partner from the Azure Bonds novels is in this adventure. And Valindra is back. I knew she would come back because in the Neverwinter MMORPG's Shadowmantle expansion, you destroy her body, but not her phylactery, which cannot be found during that epic battle.
"Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" tabletop adventure game (Written by Christopher Perkins, James C Haeck, James Introcaso, Adam Lee and Matthew Sernett) (1492 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 12: "Tomb of Annihilation") (possibly 1492 DR after the tabletop adventure)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 13: "Lost City of Omu") (1492 DR)
Endless Quest book "Into The Jungle" (By Matt Forebeck) (sometime after Tomb of Annihilation)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 14: "Ravenloft") (1493 DR)
"Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage" tabletop adventure game (Written by Christopher Perkins) (1493 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 15: "The Heart of Fire") (1493 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 16: "Undermountain") (1493 DR)
"Infernal Tides" comic book series (Written by Jim Zub, art by Max Dunbar) (possibly before or after Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus, 1493 DR) Minsc, Delina, Krydle, Shandie and Nerys are dragged with Baldur's Gate into the Nine Hells
"Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus" tabletop adventure game (By Christopher Perkins) (Possibly 1493 DR)
"Baldur's Gate 3" YES!!! FINALLY!!! (By Larian Studios, playable on PC and Google Stadia) (Sometime after Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus, possibly 1493 or 1494 DR) Swen Vincke of Larian Studios went on record to say that Descent Into Avernus is essentially the prequel of what's going to be happening in the Forgotten Realms within Baldur's Gate 3
Endless Quest book: "Big Trouble" (By Matt Forebeck) (Not sure where this goes yet)
Endless Quest book: "To Catch A Thief" (By Matt Forebeck) (Not sure where this goes yet)
That's about as far as I can get for now. In the meantime I will try to dig up some interesting information about all the novels, comic books and games I listed whether I have read or played them or not, something that'll pique your interest. And the reason why I skipped over adding Module 7 of the Neverwinter MMORPG, "Strongholds" is because there is no real storyline behind that expansion, just competitive gameplay based around strongholds. In the years to come, as more books get published and more games get released, I will modify this list from time to time as new information gets revealed. Remember, not everything is final in this list.
Here is the link back to part 2 if you've never seen it and are interested.
"Gauntlgrym" of The Neverwinter Saga (Written by R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1409 DR)
"Cry Of The Ghost Wolf" (By Mark Sehestedt) (possibly 1410 DR)
"Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale" (A game developed by Bedlam Games, playable on PlayStation 3 (downloadable via PlayStation Network), Xbox 360 (downloadable via Xbox Live Arcade), and Microsoft Windows (downloadable via Steam)) (begins and ends in 1420 DR)
"The Godborn" of The Sundering Saga (By Paul S. Kemp) (begins and ends in 1450 DR)
"Sandstorm" continues in 1450 DR, the Second Era of Skyfire ends
"The Rose of Sarifal" (By Paulina Clayborne) (possibly 1450 DR)
"Dawnbringer" (Written by Samantha Henderson) (begins in 1460 DR and believe it or not, ends in 1600 DR!) Amazing, isn't it, jumping 121 years from the 4th edition setting!
"Gauntylgrym" of the Neverwinter Saga ends in 1462 DR
"Neverwinter Tales" comic book series issues 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Written by R.A. Salvatore and Geno Salvatore, published by IDW Publishing, cover art by Gonzalo Flores, interior art by Augustin Padilla, Jose Avilles, Tim Seeley, Leonard O'Grady, and Gonzalo Flores) (1462 DR) This comic book series takes place not long after "Gauntlgrym" ends, starring Drizzt and his new love interest, the bald elf Dahlia Sin'felle, and Valindra Shadowmantle is one of the characters in this story
"The Companions" of The Sundering Saga (By R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1463 DR) Drizzt's deceased companions begin to reincarnate in this story
(Realms of the Dead book "The Resurrection Agent" (By Erin M. Evans) (1463 DR)
"The Last Legend of Gedrin Shadowbane" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1463 DR)
"Neverwinter" of The Neverwinter Saga (by R.A. Salvatore) (1463 DR) This novel is intentionally tied in to the Neverwinter MMORPG game because in one part of the book, the moon elf lich Valindra Shadowmantle led an attack on Neverwinter for the purpose of powering up the Dread Ring in the Neverwinter forest, a location that can be visited in Module 2 of the Neverwinter MMORPG
"Charon's Claw" of The Neverwinter Saga (by R.A. Salvatore) (1463 DR)
"The Last Threshold" of The Neverwinter Saga (By R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1463 DR)
"Corsair" of the Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy (By Richard Baker) (prologue is in 1466 DR)
"City of the Dead" (By Rosemary Jones) (prologue set in 1467 DR)
"Shadowbane: Eye of Justice" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (prologue set in 1470 DR)
Realms of the Dead book "Feast of the Moon" (By Cristopher Rowe) (1471 DR)
"The Orc King" ends in 1472 DR (prologue and epilogue both take place in this year)
"Avenger" of the Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy (By Richard Baker) (begins in 1473 DR)
"Venom In Her Veins" (By Tim Pratt) (possibly 1473 DR)
"Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle" (Tabletop game created by Christopher Perkins (the guy who usually is the DM for Acquisitions Inc.), and Jeremy Crawford) (1474 DR) Not sure about the realm year, just a wild guess
"The Fall Of Highwatch" of The Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (1475 DR) This novel takes place a century after "Frostfell"
"Hand of the Hunter" of The Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (1475 DR)
"Cry of the Ghost Wolf" of The Chosen of Nendawen Trilogy (By Mark Sehestedt) (1475 DR)
"Scepter Tower of Spellgard" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By David Noonan and Greg A. Vaughan) (possibly 1476 DR)
"Swordmage" of the Blades of the Moonsea Trilogy (By Richard Baker) (begins in 1477 DR)
"The Devil You Know" of the Brimstone Angels series (By Erin M. Evans) (1477 DR) Though no realm year has been officially confirmed, it shouldn't be hard to narrow down once you realize that this story takes place before Farideh made the warlock pact in the "Brimstone Angels" story, which comes up next afterwards.
"Brimstone Angels" of the Brimstone Angels Series (By Erin M. Evans) (prologue is in 1477 DR)
"Unholy" of The Haunted Lands (By Richard Lee Byers) (1478 DR)
"Brimstone Angels" continues and ends in 1478 DR
"Brimstone Angels: Lesser Evils" (By Erin M. Evans) (1478 DR)
"Cold Steel and Secrets" (By Rosemary Jones) (1478 DR)
"The Captive Flame" of the Brotherhood of the Griffin series (By Richard Lee Byers) (begins in 1478 DR)
"The Adversary" of The Sundering saga (By Erin M. Evans) (1478 DR)
"Gates of Neverdeath" (a tabletop adventure game) (Written by Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR, months before the Neverwinter MMORPG) Seldra Tylmarande, the great great niece of Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights is in this game.
"The Lost Crown of Neverwinter" (sequel tabletop game to Gates of Neverdeath) (Written by Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR) A couple months closer to Valindra's second attack on Neverwinter, one part of this game presumably happens during the Neverwinter MMORPG's prologue
"Neverwinter" (The MMORPG game developed by Cryptic Studios, originally playable only on Microsoft Windows PC, but now playable on Xbox One and PlayStation 4) (main module begins in 1479 DR) The game's prologue begins with Valindra's forces attacking Neverwinter for the second time, and you have to stop them, and throughout the game there are various evil forces that threaten Neverwinter and its allies, not just those allied with Valindra
Realms of the Dead book "Wandering Stones" (By Bruce R. Cordell), "The Bone Bird" (By Jaleigh Johnson), "A Prayer for Brother Robert" (By Philip Athans), "Dusty Bones" (By Rosemary Jones), and "A Body in a Bag" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR)
"The Captive Flame" ends in 1479 DR
"The Rose of Sarifal" (By Paulina Claiborne) (1479 DR)
"Whisper of Venom" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"The Spectral Blaze" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"The Masked Witches" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"Prophet of the Dead" of the Brotherhood of the Griffon series (By Richard Lee Byers) (1479 DR)
"Prince of Ravens" (By Richard Baker) (1479 DR) This novel was part of the D&D event "Rise of the Underdark"
"Swordmage" ends in 1479 DR
"Corsair" continues and ends in 1479 DR
"Blackstaff Tower" of the Waterdeep series (By Steven E. Schend) (1479 DR)
"Mistshore" of the Waterdeep series (By Jaleigh Johnson) (1479 DR)
"Downshadow" third novel of the Waterdeep series, first novel of the Shadowbane series (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1479 DR)
"City of the Dead" of the Waterdeep series (By Rosemary Jones) (1479 DR excluding the prologue which was in 1467 DR)
"Blades for Daggerdale" (a tabletop adventure game) (By Matthias Schäfer) (1479 DR)
"The God Catcher" of the Waterdeep series (By Erin M. Evans) (1479 DR)
"Elminster Must Die" (By Ed Greenwood) (1479 DR)
"Bury Elminster Deep" (By Ed Greenwood) (1479 DR)
"Elminster Enraged" (By Ed Greenwood) (1479 DR)
"Shadowrealm" ends in 1479 DR
"The Fanged Crown" of The Wilds series (By Jenna Helland) (1479 DR)
"The Restless Shore" of The Wilds series (By James P. Davis) (1479 DR)
"Wrath of the Blue Lady" ends in 1479 DR
"Sword of the Gods" (By Bruce R. Cordell) (1479 DR except prologue)
"Sword of the Gods: Spinner of Lies" (By Bruce R. Cordell) (1479 DR)
"The Edge of Chaos" (By Jak Koke) (1479 DR)
"Spider and Stone" (An ebook novel by Jaleigh Johnson) (1479 DR) This is the last book that ties into the D&D event Rise of the Underdark
"Sandstorm" story ends in 1479 DR
"Unbroken Chain" (By Jaleigh Johnson) (1479 DR)
"Chosen of the Sword" (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1480 DR)
"Escape from Sembia" tabletop adventure game (By Chris Tulach) (possibly 1480 DR)
"Avenger" ends in 1480 DR
"Circle of Skulls" of the Waterdeep series (By James P. Davis) (1480 DR)
"Shadowbane" of the Shadowbane series (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1480 DR)
"Unbroken Chain: The Darker Road" (By Jaleigh Johnson) (1480 DR)
"Shadowbane: Eye of Justice" of the Shadowbane series (By Erik Scott de Bie) (story continues into 1480 DR after the prologue)
"Web of the Spider Queen" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By Logan Bonner) (1480 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (main module ends in 1481 DR, Module 1: "Fury of the Feywild" begins in 1481 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 1: "Fury of the Feywild" ends in 1482 DR, Module 2: "Shadowmantle" begins and ends in 1482 DR) In the climactic end mission of Module 2, you get to fight Valindra and put an end to her threat once and for all, and believe me, she doesn't go down easily, you'll need a full group to face her. Then again, no lich goes down easy
"Murder in Baldur's Gate" The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #1 (Created by Ed Greenwood, Matt Sernett and Steve Winter) (1482 DR) This tabletop game ties in directly with the Baldur's Gate games and novels, with Abdel Adrian, the much hated protagonist of the Baldur's Gate novels as one of the NPCs, and even Coran is in this game too, and the game's story ends with the inevitable resurrection of Bhaal. The fact that Abdel lived more than 100 years before he gets killed off even though he chose not to ascend to godhood and gave up his Bhaalspawn essence at the end of the ToB novel signifies that Imoen and the game protagonist could live that long too if he/she is human, half-orc or some other race with a short lifespan compared to elves, half-elves, halflings, gnomes and dwarves, and chooses to give up his/her Bhaalspawn essence and remain mortal at the end of the ToB game. Being a former Bhaalspawn guarantees longevity it seems.
"The Last Threshold" and "The Companions" end in 1484 DR
"Dungeons & Dragons: Cutter" comic book series issue #1 "Birthright", issue #2 "The Lost Child", issue #3 "Sword, Wielder", issue #4 "A Dark Path", issue #5 "Homecoming" (comic books written by R.A. Salvatore and his son Geno Salvatore, art by David Baldeon, colors by David Garcia Cruz, letters by Neil Uyetake, cover art by Steve Ellis) (1484 DR, before "Night of the Hunter")
"Night of the Hunter" of the Companions Codex series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1484 DR)
"Rise of the King" of the Companions Codex series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1484 DR)
"Council of Spiders" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By James Wyatt and Logan Bonner) (1484 DR, during The Darkening)
"War of Everlasting Darkness" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By Shawn Merwin, Steve Townshend and James Wyatt) (1484 DR, after "Council of Spiders)
"Storm Over Neverwinter" 4th edition tabletop adventure game (By Erik Scott de Bie) (1484 DR) the game references the events of The Darkening from "Night of the Hunter" and "Rise of the King".
"Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf" of the Companions Codex series (By R.A. Salvatore) (begins in 1484 DR)
"Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf" of the Companions Codex series ends in 1485 DR
"Legacy of the Crystal Shard" (The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #2) (Tabletop game created by R.A. Salvatore, James Wyatt and Jeffrey Ludwig) (1485 DR)
"Archmage" of the Homecoming series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1485 DR) This novel is the origin story of how demons started appearing in the Underdark
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 3: "Curse of Icewind Dale" begins and ends sometime after month of Eleint in 1485 DR) This may come as a shock to those who have read "The Crystal Shard", but in Module 3, the main villain is none other than the villainous mage Akar Kessel, who comes back from the dead as a powerful wight.
"Scourge of the Sword Coast" (The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #3) (Tabletop game created by Tito Leati, Matthew Sernett and Chris Sims) (1485 DR) Just a wild guess on the realm year.
"Dead in Thay" (The Sundering Tabletop Adventure #4) (Tabletop game created by Scott Fitzgerald Gray) (1485 DR)
"Archmage" ends in 1486 DR
"The Reaver" of The Sundering saga (By Richard Lee Byers) (1486 DR)
"The Sentinel" of The Sundering saga (By Troy Denning) (1486 DR)
"Fire in the Blood" of the Brimstone Angels series (By Erin M. Evans) (1486 DR)
"Ashes of the Tyrant" of the Brimstone Angels series (By Erin M. Evans) (1486 DR)
"The Herald" of The Sundering saga (By Ed Greenwood) (1487 DR)
"Spellstorm" (By Ed Greenwood) (1488 DR)
"Timeless" (By R.A. Salvatore) (Part 2 and Part 4 and Epilogue are in 1488 DR)
"Boundless" (By R.A. Salvatore) (possibly 1488 DR) As of now, 5/29/2019, this novel won't be released until September 10th, so I can only assume this novel is probably not long after Timeless
Tyranny of Dragons Adventurers League game story modules "Corruption in Kryptgarden", "Defiance in Phlan", "Secrets of Sokol Keep", "Shadows over the Moonsea", "Dues for the Dead", "The Courting of Fire", 'The Scroll Thief", "Drums in the Marsh", "Tall Trees Tell," "Outlaws of the Iron Route", "Tyranny in Phlan", "Dark Pyramid of Sorcerer's Isle", "Raider of the Twilight Marsh", "Pool of Radiance Resurgent", and "Escape from Phlan" (1489 DR)
"Hoard of the Dragon Queen" tabletop adventure game (By Wolfgang Baur, Steve Winter, Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford) (1489 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 4: "Tyranny of Dragons") (begins and ends in 1489 DR)
"Legends of Baldur's Gate" comic book series issues 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Written by Jim Zub, art by Max Dunbar, colors by John-Paul Bove (and Joana Laufente in issue #2), letters by Neil Uyetake, edits by John Barber) (1489 DR) These comic books bring Minsc from the Baldur's Gate games from the 2nd-3rd edition time frame into the 5th edition time frame of the Forgotten Realms in a very interesting way, and Coran appears in this series too. If you haven't read these comic books before, you'll enjoy them, I know I did
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 5: "Rise of Tiamat") (begins and ends in 1489 DR) Linu La'neral, one of the companion characters from Neverwinter Nights is in this module's story and is one of the NPCs that helps player characters fight against Tiamat in the end of the module's story
And alternatively the "Rise Of Tiamat" tabletop game (By Wizards RPG Team) (begins and ends in 1489 DR) The Neverwinter MMO's version of the Rise Of Tiamat and the tabletop version do not and cannot coexist.
Endless Quest book "Escape the Underdark" (By Matt Forebeck) (possibly 1490 DR) (Sometime before Sword Coast Legends because the red dragon Themberchaud who appears in Sword Coast Legends is in this open choice novel)
Elemental Evil Adventurers League game storyline modules "City of Danger", "Embers of Elmwood", "The Drowned Tower", "Mayhem in the Earthspur Mines", "Flames of Kythorn", "Breath of the Yellow Rose", "Bounty in the Bog", "Foulness Beneath Mulmaster", "Eye of the Tempest", "Cloaks and Shadows", "Oubliette of Fort Iron", "Dark Rites at Fort Dalton", "The Howling Void", "The Sword of Selflaril", "Black Heart of Vengeance", "Boltsmelter's Book", and "Mulmaster Undone" (1491 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 6: "Elemental Evil") (1491 DR) Minsc makes his first in-game appearance in this expansion of the game
"Princes of The Apocalypse" tabletop adventure game (By Michele Carter and Stacy Janssen) (1491 DR, a few tendays or a few months after the Neverwinter MMO's Elemental Evil campaign)
"Death Masks" of the Chosen Heirs series (By Ed Greenwood) (1491 DR)
"Shadows of The Vampire #1" (issues #2, 3, 4 and 5 are set in the Ravenloft campaign setting) (Written by Jim Zub, art by Nelson Daniel, letters by Neil Uyetake, edits by John Barber, published by Ted Adams) (possibly 1491 DR) In Ravenloft, the comic book's story takes place before the tabletop game "Curse of Strahd" because Minsc and his party encounter Strahd himself before they return to the Forgotten Realms world.
"Curse of Strahd" tabletop adventure game (By Jeremy Crawford, Laura Hickman, Tracy Hickman, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Richard Whitters) (Forgotten Realms year 1491 DR)
"Frost Giant's Fury #1, 2, 3 and 4" (Written by Jim Zub, art by Netho Diaz, letters by Neil Uyetake, colors by Thiago Ribiero, edits by David Hedgecock, assistant edits by David Mariotte, published by Ted Adams) (possibly 1491 DR) The story of this comic book series begins after Minsc, Delina, Krydle, Shandie and Nerys return to the Forgotten Realms world after being sent to and trapped in Ravenloft for a while in the "Shadows of The Vampire" comic book series.
"Sword Coast Legends" (A game developed by N-Space and Digital Extremes, playable on Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) (1492 DR) This game was designed to be the spiritual successor of the Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights. The devs of Sword Coast Legend's forums said that this game is set somewhere between 1490 DR and 1492 DR, answering someone's question about the game's time frame in the Forgotten Realms, which means it would take a few years for the demons of the Nine Hells to completely infest the Underdark after what happened in R.A. Salvatore's Archmage novel. That's my educated guess, the in-game journal does not keep track of the game's time and day, month and year like Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights did.
"Out of the Abyss", Tabletop game adventure (Published by Wizards of the Coast) (1492 DR)
Rage of Demons Adventurers League game storyline modules "Harried in Hillsfar", "Shackles of Blood", "The Occupation of Szith Morcaine", "It's All in the Blood", "Bane of the Tradeways", "No Foolish Matter", "Herald of the Moon", "The Malady of Elventree", "The Waydown", "Quelling the Horde", "The Quest for Sporedome", "Hillsfar Reclaimed", "Writhing in the Dark", "Death on the Wall", "Szith Morcaine Unbound", "Assault on Maerimydra" (I enjoyed playing this part, and fighting Grazzt in the end was challenging for me and my party), and "Blood Above, Blood Below" (1492 DR)
"Maestro" of the Homecoming series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1492 DR)
"Sword Coast Legends: Rage of Demons DLC" (1492 DR) Drizzt is in this DLC's story, making Sword Coast Legends the fifth D&D game allowing the player's character to adventure and/or fight alongside him. The first one was Baldur's Gate, the second was Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, the third was Demon Stone, and the fourth is the 8th and 9th module expansions of the Neverwinter MMORPG. This DLC is set sometime after "Maestro" but before "Hero", because in this DLC, Drizzt's mind is still under the influence of the faerzress since the end of "Maestro", he is not the compassionate drow we knew anymore, he enjoys hunting worthy prey and will almost not hesitate to attack anyone in his way unless they prove to be a worthy ally against his prey, and he has no intention of returning to Catti-Brie even if you urge him to, because he is aware that he is not entirely sane, and he does not want want to be near anyone he cares about until Demogorgon is defeated, which he believes will clear his mind.
"Hero" of the Homecoming series (By R.A. Salvatore) (1492 DR)
"Evil At Baldur's Gate #1, 2, 3 and 4" another comic book series featuring Minsc, Delina, Krydle, Shandie and Nerys returning to Baldur's Gate with the scars they endured from the "Shadows of The Vampire" and "Frost Giant's Fury" comic book series. (possibly 1492 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 8: "Underdark", story written by R.A. Salvatore) (1492 DR) Through this module's story, your character gets to fight alongside Drizzt and his reincarnated companions against Demogorgon's demonic forces.
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 9: "The Maze Engine") (1492 DR) Drizzt and Minsc both appear in this expansion together, and Drizzt seems to know Minsc either personally or by reputation because when they meet, he is surprised that Minsc is still alive in this day and age. If it is personally, then Drizzt probably remembers Minsc back during the events of Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn game version, when Minsc traveled with Gorion's Ward. And Viconia's relative, Vizeran DeVir, appears in this expansion too.
"Storm King's Thunder" table top adventure game (By Wizards of the Coast) (1492 DR, before the Neverwinter MMORPG's story of the adventure because Storvald is in this game and not the antagonist you fight at the adventure's climax, an ancient female blue dragon named Iymrith is the "final boss" of the adventure. I don't mean to brag, but when my D&D group played this adventure, my human fighter named Kanan Shan killed her singlehandedly, believe it or not! With the help of a potion that helped him grow to the size of a giant, of course, and because Iymrith was more focused on trying to kill Hekaton than my fighter (and she almost killed him too, but Kanan managed to bring her down when Hekaton was seriously bloodied.)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 10: "Storm King's Thunder") (1492 DR sometime during or after the tabletop game's story because Storvald is the "final boss" in the module) Reincarnated Wulfgar and Catti-Brie are in this expansion of the game and one of your in-game allies.
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 11: "The Cloaked Ascendancy") (possibly 1492 DR)
"Tomb of Annihilation" tabletop adventure game (By Wizards RPG Team, Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter and Adam Lee) (possibly 1492 DR) Dragonbait, Alias's partner from the Azure Bonds novels is in this adventure. And Valindra is back. I knew she would come back because in the Neverwinter MMORPG's Shadowmantle expansion, you destroy her body, but not her phylactery, which cannot be found during that epic battle.
"Waterdeep: Dragon Heist" tabletop adventure game (Written by Christopher Perkins, James C Haeck, James Introcaso, Adam Lee and Matthew Sernett) (1492 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 12: "Tomb of Annihilation") (possibly 1492 DR after the tabletop adventure)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 13: "Lost City of Omu") (1492 DR)
Endless Quest book "Into The Jungle" (By Matt Forebeck) (sometime after Tomb of Annihilation)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 14: "Ravenloft") (1493 DR)
"Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage" tabletop adventure game (Written by Christopher Perkins) (1493 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 15: "The Heart of Fire") (1493 DR)
"Neverwinter" (MMORPG game) (Module 16: "Undermountain") (1493 DR)
"Infernal Tides" comic book series (Written by Jim Zub, art by Max Dunbar) (possibly before or after Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus, 1493 DR) Minsc, Delina, Krydle, Shandie and Nerys are dragged with Baldur's Gate into the Nine Hells
"Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus" tabletop adventure game (By Christopher Perkins) (Possibly 1493 DR)
"Baldur's Gate 3" YES!!! FINALLY!!! (By Larian Studios, playable on PC and Google Stadia) (Sometime after Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus, possibly 1493 or 1494 DR) Swen Vincke of Larian Studios went on record to say that Descent Into Avernus is essentially the prequel of what's going to be happening in the Forgotten Realms within Baldur's Gate 3
Endless Quest book: "Big Trouble" (By Matt Forebeck) (Not sure where this goes yet)
Endless Quest book: "To Catch A Thief" (By Matt Forebeck) (Not sure where this goes yet)
That's about as far as I can get for now. In the meantime I will try to dig up some interesting information about all the novels, comic books and games I listed whether I have read or played them or not, something that'll pique your interest. And the reason why I skipped over adding Module 7 of the Neverwinter MMORPG, "Strongholds" is because there is no real storyline behind that expansion, just competitive gameplay based around strongholds. In the years to come, as more books get published and more games get released, I will modify this list from time to time as new information gets revealed. Remember, not everything is final in this list.
Post edited by BladeDancer on
[EDIT]: . .and we are currently at what? 1491DR, right?
I meant to comment on this one rather than your first one lmaoThese are cool!
Novels without a confirmed time period like "The Rose of Sarifal" are so hard to figure out.