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+1/+2 weapons or proficiencies?

Hi guys

One of the characters I rolled for my latest game is a Dwarven Defender, and I gave him a War Hammer proficiency x2. However i've since found a +1 mace, so I was wondering which would be better to use here? The regular War Hammer with proficiency or the Mace +1 with no proficiency?



  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    In the inventory screen, it will tell you what the THAC0 and damage for each weapon will be if you equip them.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,423
    Having no proficiencies whatsoever is a solid penalty, -2 for warrior classes, higher for other classes.

    If you're looking for a proper warhammer:
    Travel to the Red Canyons (directly south of the High Hedge), and there travel to the southeast corner of the map.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Go for the full points in warhammers
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    You'll also get 0.5 fewer attacks per round with the mace.
  • FrancoisFrancois Member Posts: 452
    Use the plain hammer, but until you get a magical hammer keep the magic mace in your inventory just in case. Some monsters can only be hit by magical weapons.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Pros for mace:
    • Will not break
    • Will do more damage per hit
    Pros for War Hammer:
    • Will hit more often
    • Will have more attacks
    Even though the mace will do more damage, it is meaningless if you can't hit your target. Keep using the War Hammer and only switch to the mace if by chance the hammer breaks on you or if you run into a vampiric wolf.

    There is a magical war hammer near the beginning of the game.
    From Bassilus, a cleric of Cyric that the mayor of Beregost wants you to track down and kill. Get the quest by talking to the town crier and heading south of High Hedge
  • SunshroudSunshroud Member Posts: 8
    Wow thanks guys that is really helpful. So for future I know now to stick with proficiences until circumstance demands magical weapons. One more question related though - can magical weapons ever break? I get a sweet +2 warhammer and +2 longsword for Khalid and it would suck if they broke :/
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Magical weapons are immune to the iron crisis, thankfully. They were made before it happened.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,423
    Varscona and Ashideena? They're solid weapons. :) The best weapons that you can get so early in the game. And no, they won't break!

    Don't worry too much about weapons breaking. Only the weapons that come in large supply can break, so it should be easy to replace them.
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