I think Dorn is drunk
Member Posts: 263
Hey dudes.
I've been playing through the series as a greedy dwarven wizard slayer, and so far so good. Looting all the houses and taking what I want is fun, and I took along a party full of evil guys as well, including Dorn.
Dorn recently chatted me up and, since I'm evil, I totally agreed with him when he started talking about slaughter and death and all that fun stuff. Then, he said something along the lines of "there aren't many women like you".
I realise dwarven women may not be the most feminine creatures in the realms, but last time I checked, my charname was a male. I have the NPC project mod installed, the one that adds more banter and conversations to the game, so is this something that came about due to that mod? Or is this the game's fault? Is Dorn drunk? Who knows.
Unfortunately I couldn't get a screenshot of this because of a screenshot program I have on my computer that made it difficult, and I totally shut Dorn down after that line, and he hasn't said much since. has anyone else encountered this before?
I've been playing through the series as a greedy dwarven wizard slayer, and so far so good. Looting all the houses and taking what I want is fun, and I took along a party full of evil guys as well, including Dorn.
Dorn recently chatted me up and, since I'm evil, I totally agreed with him when he started talking about slaughter and death and all that fun stuff. Then, he said something along the lines of "there aren't many women like you".
I realise dwarven women may not be the most feminine creatures in the realms, but last time I checked, my charname was a male. I have the NPC project mod installed, the one that adds more banter and conversations to the game, so is this something that came about due to that mod? Or is this the game's fault? Is Dorn drunk? Who knows.
Unfortunately I couldn't get a screenshot of this because of a screenshot program I have on my computer that made it difficult, and I totally shut Dorn down after that line, and he hasn't said much since. has anyone else encountered this before?
I haven't tried to romance Dorn myself, but I guess that's a line from the romance, which incorrectly did not account for PC gender.
If you use the Neera expansion to cheat same sex romances for Neera and Rasaad, then you should expect some gender glitches in the talk, as they're not intended for same sex romances. Dorn however, is intended, and thus shouldn't have such glitches.
@Papa_Lou: You should probably make a bug report for this.
I've heard that the sequel to this game doesn't conform to traditional gender stereotypes, which is all good. But what can kill the immersion for me is how it's presented. For example, I've never personally heard of non-straight people start hitting on people until they at first determine the person is also non-hetero. The obvious reason for this is that making that mistake just creates an awkward situation that both sides would rather avoid. Usually the interested person would present the other person with an opportunity to confirm their particular sexuality or else wait for the person to mention it, and then start trying to turn up the charm once it's confirmed
I's hard to code these subtle nuances in games with romantic subplots. Me personally I have never been much into romantic subplots in any video game so I just ignore em
But I wouldn't say it's a particularly rude thing to do. When you make a pass at someone, even if you know their orientation is compatible, there's still a myriad of reasons they may reject you. Is hoping for them to be homosexual/bisexual really worse than hoping they find you attractive or hoping they aren't already taken?
It probably is less likely to go over well if it occurred at a nightclub and the person was intoxicated on the receiving end and therefore could be quicker to anger. A gay person who makes it their mission to go to a non-LBGT nightclub and start hitting on heavily-intoxicated people of the same gender is setting themselves up for a bad night, I dunno any other way to see that, that's just being real. And I'm certain if we are being true to medieval history, it would go over far worse back then, when "buggary" (which shouldn't have been a crime but is a really fun word to say) was illegal
It's never really enjoyable to be hit on by someone we know we have no interest in. Unless the other party goes for outright sexual harassment or can't take no for an answer they aren't doing anything wrong. Yes you're allowed to be angry about it regardless but the rest of the world is also allowed to call you out for it.
Edit: if I ignore what is socially tactful and start hitting on straight women, I am very likely to make them angry as well
Anyways we're off topic and it's my fault again OTL
I just meant to say that Dorn's way to express interest to a male PC isn't particularly irrealistic or tactless (again by the standards of where I live, might not be the same to you).
There are a million+ scenarios where the way that any straight guy introduces to a woman that he wants to have sex with her in a way that can make her angry, or at least defensive. If we are saying everyone is equal, than the same should apply for the way that a gay person presents that they want to have sex with another person
And for a gay person, where last I checked, being gay is still a minority of he population, checking someone's sexuality should be considered a part of the flirting process. Just like for me, there are certain rules of tact I might want to employ to present sleeping with a straight female. Neither is right or wrong, the rules are just different, because the scenarios are different
For you to be at the point where Dorn is hitting on you, you would've had to select a line of dialogue that set his romance variable to 1. That's how romances work, mechanically speaking, in most RPGs. You would've had to say something to him first in order to get him to make a pass at you. So you're here complaining about a scenario that you triggered, and could've just as easily avoided by not flirting with the man first. You can see how that might look a bit strange.
Like for instance, in Dragon Age, I often trigger Leliana's romance plot despite having answered straight to her face that I have a thing going with Zevran (because seriously, why wouldn't you have a thing going with Zevran?) And then she ends up confronting me because I supposedly was stringing her on when I was just being nice. At least in Dragon Age 2, there were icons on conversations, and one was a big ol' heart that quite plainly says "Choosing this option will start wooing the person you're talking to." You could at last be nice and friendly without pushing the bow-chicka-wow-wow button.
Tell me more about how people falsely jump to conclusions of homophobia.
Who's being defensive now?
In my opinion the game lacks the programming language to accurately simulate the subtle nuances of courtship in a way that I would find believable. Reading about Dorn's version before I downloaded the ee simply confirmed what I already felt
But Dorn still seems like a cool char and the game is still awesome, so...
I guess not. Definitely not on topic, hahahaha, but I don't mind a little friendly argument every now and then. As long as everyone stays civil it's cool. Coming home from work to find 17 notifications was also interesting.
He has pure murderous rage towards his old companions for betraying him...while thinking nothing of slaughtering a village full of women and children. He also, in his quest line, is more than ok with sacrificing a party member to summon his patron (for the purpose of betraying his patron). He demands that others show him loyalty when he doesn't do the same.
He pursues his goals with single mindedness, but turns violent when anyone questions said goals. Or even questions him period.
When Dorn wants something, he takes it. When he likes someone, he says it. Bluntly, without caring how awkward it will make things.
That's who he is. And if he makes you uncomfortable with his advances...well, that's just in line with his character.