Challenge: the all-of-a-class party

Simple rules:
- full party creation with members of the same class (i.e. only bards, only thieves, only druids, only rangers etc.);
- NPCs can join the party if they comply with the rule above;
- no dual classing, unless ALL party members have the same dual class;
- no multi classing, unless ALL party members have the same multi class;
- kits are allowed in any number you want, but if you use the same kit for all party members it's better (i.e. 6 assassins, 6 berserkers, 6 shapeshifters etc.).
Post your opinions about which party would give the most fun, or which party GAVE or IS GIVING you the most enjoyable experience with these rules.
So let's see which experience gives the most satisfaction. Is there anybody who tried or would try 6 F/M/T characters despite the geologically slow level progress?
- full party creation with members of the same class (i.e. only bards, only thieves, only druids, only rangers etc.);
- NPCs can join the party if they comply with the rule above;
- no dual classing, unless ALL party members have the same dual class;
- no multi classing, unless ALL party members have the same multi class;
- kits are allowed in any number you want, but if you use the same kit for all party members it's better (i.e. 6 assassins, 6 berserkers, 6 shapeshifters etc.).
Post your opinions about which party would give the most fun, or which party GAVE or IS GIVING you the most enjoyable experience with these rules.

So let's see which experience gives the most satisfaction. Is there anybody who tried or would try 6 F/M/T characters despite the geologically slow level progress?
6 FMT would probably be very powerfull and fun in BG2. You would really make the most of all the cool equipment availbale in BG2.
I'd probably go with 6 Cleric/Mages for ALL the spells. Between Project Images, Simulacrums, Contingencies and Alacrities, I wonder how many Dooms you could land on a target. Like, imagine 18 chain contingencied Finger of Deaths flying towards a monster with a saving throw penalty of 100 or so. That would be the ultimate "Well I'm dead" moment.
Darn, now I actually want to do that.
Unless you make ALL of your characters the same multiclass, so that you still have a little variety but for all the party members + the additional difficulty of slow level up