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This is one bad mother. I have read other sites as to how to conquer he and surrounding companions (eg kill others first) but am running into a brick wall trying to survive long enough to kill anything in the area. I have tried combinations of a potpourri of mage & priest spells and practicably gotten drunk on bottles of potions.

So, thought I'd go to the well to find out you folk's strategy.


  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited August 2016
    In a BGT playthrough a few years back I trapped him with Ozilukes Resilient sphere and proceeded to kill all the cultists. I'm not sure if that was intended to work on it or not. In a recent BGEE game I tried it again, but his magic resistance blocked it this time. I didn't try multiple times though(beat him in a more traditional manner this time) so I'm not sure if the EEs changed his resistances or modified the Oziluke spell overall.

    Also it's a little cheesy to beat him that way I guess^^
  • ChidojuanChidojuan Member Posts: 211
    If you have someone to tank, you can load them up with potions and buffs and have the rest of the party take out the cultists. Potions of Magic Blocking/Shielding/Resistance will tank his magic attacks, which are his primary weapon. You'll also want Potions of Mirrored eyes, which are for sale in the tavern, to stop his Death Gaze. Cultists die pretty quickly, especially with fireballs.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    edited August 2016
    On my recent playthrough, my protagonist (F/M/T) and Edwin continually peppered the area with fireballs from wands to kill all the cultists while the other members (Dorn, Kagain, Viconia) went toe-to-toe with Aec'Letec. Kagain was the meat shield and Viconia did have to heal him during battle but the whole party survived.
  • buckbeachbuckbeach Member Posts: 63
    OK, managed to kill the cultists, but everything seems to bounce off the Aec'Letec like water off a duck's back. Kevin did get some hits with his sword. Times like these I wish I had a leveled up Dorn.
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    edited August 2016
    Whoever your combat machine is in your party just needs one of these, drink a few potions and let the rest of your party play cards upstairs, it should only take a minute to mop them all up ;)

    *I usually go downstairs and let my casters use area of effect spells for one round (The first round) Fireballs, Cloudkills, skull traps and then have them retreat upstairs, hopefully my combat machine will attract the Demon's attention. I make sure my combat machine is fully prepared beforehand, after using the scroll of protection first, THEN and only Then, drinks a potion of speed, heroism, giant strength, also have a bunch of healing potions on standby. He then smashes all the area of effect singed, weakened cultist . The demon will hit you a few times, but finally when he's all that's left, he's pretty much a paper tiger to your magically protected juggernaut.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    I actually think Sarevok is harder in a way due to all the traps and such floating around^^
    And he's got tougher mages backing him up.
  • buckbeachbuckbeach Member Posts: 63
    Skarose said:

    Whoever your combat machine is in your party just needs one of these, drink a few potions and let the rest of your party play cards upstairs, it should only take a minute to mop them all up ;)

    *I usually go downstairs and let my casters use area of effect spells for one round (The first round) Fireballs, Cloudkills, skull traps and then have them retreat upstairs, hopefully my combat machine will attract the Demon's attention. I make sure my combat machine is fully prepared beforehand, after using the scroll of protection first, THEN and only Then, drinks a potion of speed, heroism, giant strength, also have a bunch of healing potions on standby. He then smashes all the area of effect singed, weakened cultist . The demon will hit you a few times, but finally when he's all that's left, he's pretty much a paper tiger to your magically protected juggernaut.
    Thanks for your help, I finally was able to kill it off and get the 16000 experience points. I blew it by not picking up goodies after killing the cultists but not even going back to redo.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    I don't remember the cultists dropping any great loot. Maybe some more potions of heroism. Nothing to lose sleep over, for sure.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    click on the post that Raduziel posted, there are some easy sure fire ways to win in there
  • buckbeachbuckbeach Member Posts: 63
    sarevok57 said:

    click on the post that Raduziel posted, there are some easy sure fire ways to win in there

    Thanks for redirecting me to that thread. Even though I have already managed to beat the monster, there is a wealth of knowledge that will assist me going forward (or a replay further down the road).

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