Isn't CHARNAME still being hunted by the end of TOB?

Due to the actions of The Five all the Bhaalspawn are being hunted down, and that includes the protagonist. Even if you've been playing as a 20 rep saint your character is still blamed for Saradush's destruction and has a 100k gp (in-universe enough to buy a frigging castle) bounty on his head, to the point that entire platoons have been sent to try and kill you. By the end of TOB, assuming you pick the good mortal ending, your character gets rid of the taint and walks off into the sunset.
...Except absolutely no one knew about the fight with Amelyssan and since I never cleared it up with the king of Tethyr I'm really curious as to how my CHARNAME and Aerie ended up settling down and living happily ever after. Did Elminster just vouch for me or something? Cause I'm real curious how I managed to avoid having to fight increasingly absurd waves of bounty hunters come the ending.
...Except absolutely no one knew about the fight with Amelyssan and since I never cleared it up with the king of Tethyr I'm really curious as to how my CHARNAME and Aerie ended up settling down and living happily ever after. Did Elminster just vouch for me or something? Cause I'm real curious how I managed to avoid having to fight increasingly absurd waves of bounty hunters come the ending.
Honestly, even Paladins with 20 points of Reputation would have slaughtered tens of thousands from Candlekeep to the Throne of Bhaal. Even without the Saradush incident Gorion's Ward would be target of enough grudges to last dozens of lifetimes.
Not to mention even if CHARNAME decides to settle down somewhere to live a simple life, Faerûn has many magical means to locate his/her wherabouts. Everyone in power loves scrying mirrors, especially the deities themselvs who sure as Baator will keep an eye for every 40th level demi-god character.
This of course quadruples for ascended Bhaalspawns even more. But instead of absurd waves of mob encounters they have to fend off the divine Big Guys.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked!
A (mortal) PC at the end of ToB would be be extremely famous (or infamous) at that point,
The Elminster thing could be possible, he has, after all, watched your journey from the beginning of the first game right up until the very end so if you could have gained sufficient approval from the Harpers to have gained their protection (or even become a Harper yourself). Gorion was friends with him and Blackstaff, two of the most powerful and famous people in Faerun. Elminster is also one of Mystra's chosen so there's divine protection as well.
The (mortal) PC may have gained the favour of a few gods by this point and in a similar way to Tethtoril might have a few watching over them. Of course that's speculation on my part.
If you aren't showing active hostility to a nation, I doubt that they'd try to bring your wrath down upon them.
That or we take the alternative option of 'your character is so high level no one's willing to test it', but considering no one save Sendai ever seems to hesitate trying to attack you I'm doubtful of this.
@deltago Is Murder in BG canon to the game series? I mean I'm not disputing the race thing, but rather the impossibility of it: Abdel Adrian kept the Bhaal essence (why I have no clue) and it's why he lives so long, but that's not a choice you can make: Either you ascend or you give it up to the Solar, there's no 'keep the essence and remain mortal' option.
You enter not invited the closed palace of the Saradush boss, kill some of his men and face him. Avery sane person would have perceived that as an attack, an he is quite insane and very suspicious and frightened.
You chase Yaga, the drow and the dragon. With the monk again you sneak into his place and any way killing you is part of his mission, mission at which he has devoted (literally) his life.
The only person who manipulate you and attack you, manipulating the five, is the final boss, that at that point is a level of power well beyond anything you can find after the end of ToB....
As all this happens the common people is quite happy to sell and buy from you, you continue to rise your reputation and chat with friendly people.
Furthermore a major event like the baalspawn crisis, that anyway is also a manipulation of the final boss, is too relevant. Is almost impossible that the people will not know that the crisis is ended, even if you don't tell exactly what happened inside the trone. The whole energy of a major God has been destroyed and all the temples should know this.
Imo Charname has a good chance to settle down almost everywhere he want even without the protection of the fear of his immense power.