Schedule for reached milestones (The Road to v2.0)

April 1st I asked:
Dee answered:
...................several (124) days later................
Today is August 12st. When can we expect at this schedule. It's been 4 months. And what about The Familiar? Can someone officialy tell what's up with it?
So after SoD is relesed and the excitement wore off, I want to aske when we can expect the rewards for the milestones that had been reached.
Dee answered:
We'll be spending the next several days working out a schedule. Personally I'm very excited for the things you've all unlocked.
...................several (124) days later................
Today is August 12st. When can we expect at this schedule. It's been 4 months. And what about The Familiar? Can someone officialy tell what's up with it?
And yes, the wallpapers are up. What we're waiting on now are:
- Selfie Portraits
- Pregen Character
- Giveaways
- The AMA*
* The AMA may end up not being what was described during the event, due to available time and resources. That's one of the things that still needs to be sorted out; the rest of them, I think, are just about ready.
Might it be an idea to make a general topic in the news-forum where you can make a list of what you're working on? Nothing fancy, just a basic rundown of what you're trying to tackle with a small sentence on the status. For example:
Things we are working on:
* Patches: Working on a next update for the games. Update: The last open bug on the list proves to be very elusive. No concrete ETA for when it is solved.
* Bugs/Features: Keep reporting them through redmine!
* SoD to Android/iOS: In progress. Latest news: still struggling with data sizes etc etc, working on it.
* v2.0 to Android/iOS: Conincides with the release of SoD on these platforms
* Road to v2.0 goodies. Latest news: Wallpapers done, rest in the works.
* IWD:EE to v2.0: We want to convert IWD:EE to the v2.0 changes, but nothing concrete is being done as other things take precedence.
Other interesting things:
You could even divide it into short-term/long-term or something like that. The main problem is that all the information about the myriad of things you could be working on is dispersed throughout the forum/twitter accounts/etc. It would be nice to have it in one central place for easy overview.* UI discussions: Recently a coordinated discussion on the UI started. You can find the subforum for it here.
* A new game: Very hypothetically speaking, what would you like in a new D&D game? Let it know here.
I'm not saying that you need to constantly update it every time something changes, but at least people would know where to look for information.
Thanks for the update Dee.