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Who are your favorite companions in SoD?



  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    Short party should also include Wilson. I totally imagine my gnome riding him into battle
  • FreyaFreya Member Posts: 28
    I don't know for sure, I did like Corwin though.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    I only did my neutral and good runs so far, so I can't speak for the evil characters yet.
    Glint and M'khiin clearly get all of the awards. Voghiln was also a lot of fun. Rasaad stole my heart away :heart:
    I got mixed feelings on Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc and Dynaheir, I feel these four kinda got the short end of the stick. Not funny enough, not enough of an impact, especially when compared to the Beamdog characters. Not saying they are bad, just not as good as the new guys.
  • MandragoraMandragora Member Posts: 79
    New npcs Corwin and goblin. Nothing new to be said about those two, there are plenty threads about them.
    As for the old npcs - Minsc, Viconia!! I even started to like Dynaheir more, i disagree with Buttercheese, i was amazed how classic is Minsc after such long time
  • AndrewFoleyAndrewFoley Member Posts: 744

    I'd like to have Glint and M'khin especially in BG2

    You and me both, friend.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I actually liked SoD-Edwin. Not sure what exactly it was, but I found him infinitely more tolerable than his original self. Aside from that Neera and Khalid are pretty great too, but I liked them before SoD as well.

    For the exclusive NPCs it'd rank like Corwin, M'Khiin, Glint, Voghiln. Not that I dislike the skald, but he left literally no impression on me. I'll have to actually try the romance to have a better opinion.
  • AndrewFoleyAndrewFoley Member Posts: 744

    Voghiln. Not that I dislike the skald, but he left literally no impression on me. I'll have to actually try the romance to have a better opinion.

    Amber had planned a pretty extensive personal quest for Voghiln that would have given the character a lot more depth; unfortunately it got cut for time. His romance (which Amber also wrote) has some interesting turns in it.

  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    Corwin was my favorite, I'm going to miss having her when I get to BGII.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819

    Voghiln. Not that I dislike the skald, but he left literally no impression on me. I'll have to actually try the romance to have a better opinion.

    Amber had planned a pretty extensive personal quest for Voghiln that would have given the character a lot more depth; unfortunately it got cut for time. His romance (which Amber also wrote) has some interesting turns in it.

    Any chance for SoD: Unfinished Busines, then? :)
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited August 2016
    While it's unfortunate that you and Amber left Beamdog, I do hope that doesn't put a stop to any future content/patches for SoD and BG2 in regards to expanded writing or restoration of cut content.

    Anything to help bring SoD and BG2 closer together.

    I actually think Corwin works best as a SoD exclusive NPC, since the flaming fist and her daughter is what she lives for.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    Free SoD patches that add content aren't especially likely, but a paid BG2 expansion that adds content would certainly be a possibility.
  • RezkallaRezkalla Member Posts: 20
    When does Corwin hit on my Bhallspawn? She keeps asking if it's possible to find love on the battlefield but never makes the move. Voghiln had but I shot him down. Now I think I shouldn't have; he seems like more fun than Corwin who is too uptight. How is Dorn as a party member?
  • cervanntescervanntes Member Posts: 64
    Put me down for Corwin too. She's by far my favorite of the new NPCs, and honestly, one of my favorites in the entire series now. Not only is she a useful addition to just about any party, but she's a pretty grounded character, something that is often sorely lacking.

    I think overall M'Khiin comes in second for me, both because she's quite useful and because I love her brusk, gloomy cynicism. Unlike Xan, her gloomy attitude isn't grating to me; quite the opposite. It's ever-present, but never overburdening, and often just amusing enough in a wry way to balance the negativity.

    I had a lot of fun with Glint too, although I do sometimes get tired of the chaotic chatter-box gnome stereotype. I had a similar issue with Voghiln. I'm a huge bard fan, but I get so tired of the stereotypes, and Voghiln is almost over the top on the drink-loving womanizing bard stereotype. In short, I like both of these guys, but I kind of feel like they are more charicatures than actual characters, if that makes sense.

  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 531
    Yeah Corwin was well written, loved having al the interaciton with the classics like minsc and edwin and adding new npcs like baeloth and neera
  • outofdaboxoutofdabox Member Posts: 18
    I only extensively used Corwin and Glint in the party. Glint was good but my favourite was Corwin as she had some interesting interactions with your character and I think she was one of the best new characters introduced in Siege of Dragonspear.

    Also off-topic her voice reminds me a lot of Sagani from Pillars of eternity to the point I think they used the same voice actor.
  • PeldinPeldin Member Posts: 46
    I picked up Corwin and Glint as well. Trading Safana for Glint? Yeah... pretty much a no brainer.

    Corwin - I originally just grabbed because I looked at her stats and starting items and went "holy cow, damage much?" Her damage with arrows is so good, it's like she's throwing 2-handed swords at her targets.
  • MagpieRandomsMagpieRandoms Member Posts: 72
    Corwin was the only new character that I liked from SoD. She was well voice acted, I love her portrait and she is a complete murderhouse with those arrows. I actually liked having a member of the Flaming Fist in my party.
  • jinxed75jinxed75 Member Posts: 157
    I thought Corwin and M'Khin were well written albeit somewhat mechanically unbalanced characters. Safana got boring fast, she lacked depth in her character, and Glint was too much of a Jan Jansen knock-off for me.
    The others I didn't try
  • GrimjackMVGrimjackMV Member Posts: 151

    Corwin all the way. A single mom character is fairly unique in video games. She is a military captain who can fight, and her kit and gear are borderline OP. She is all about law and duty, she's like a female Judge Dredd

    Agree! Very fresh design and writing decision, that. ^_^
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I would like Corwin to be in BG2, but that would require some changes in her story. That daughter of her would need to die or be kidnapped to justify her going to Amn.

    She's a strong woman with a lot of presence and without the need of all the minority drama we have today. They just need to change lawful good of her to lawful neutral to match her true behavior (will become an illegal alignment for ranger, but storywise it will fit better).

    (she killed a guy that messed up with her feelings... 3 times, hahahahahahaha!!!)
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    I agree that Corwin was the strongest SoD character from a writing point of view but also agree she's lawful neutral rather than lawful good. It isn't even a close call, really. Why do you work? Duty. Why are you in the party? Because my superiors ordered me to join. Etc, etc, etc.

  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    I was a little disappointed in alot of the voices but I do like Corwin - great character concept. Glint has some awesome lines n inner party interactions, and Vogiln's general demeanor is hilarious, he reminds me of the schnitzel guy from Hoodwinked. M'khin, eh, not a fan.

    Overall Corwin is my favourite.

    Also, Skie was very well done but she is neither new nor recruitable unfortunately. :(
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    kamuizin said:

    I would like Corwin to be in BG2, but that would require some changes in her story. That daughter of her would need to die or be kidnapped to justify her going to Amn.)

    I disagree. For one thing, I got the impression from her conversations with her daughter that missions outside of Baldur's Gate were not uncommon. She hates them, yes, but she doesn't back away when duty calls her. Given her role in events, she'd be the most likely one selected for a mission to Amn.

    Going to Amn would, in fact, be in keeping with her. Assuming she survived, the Scion is either a fugitive murderer she failed to spot or a victim she cruelly asked to die for her city. Either way, there's a lot left to be addressed not just from a professional standpoint, but also from a personal one. If Corwin were the type to take easy, stay-at-home assignments, she wouldn't be the one spearheading the Scion's mission.

    As for the NPCs I love Corwin and M'Khiin, and like Glint. Volghiln can go rot in a brewery, and I actually like bards.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    I too have trouble understanding why it would be a stretch for Corwin to make her way to Amn. She follows orders to the letter and would presumably head to Amn immediately if the Dukes asked her to investigate reports that the Bhaalspawn had been sighted there. This might be especially interesting if she gradually came to believe she'd abetted a dishonorable railroading of CHARNAME in Baldur's Gate, which might produce an internal struggle about whether to follow the Dukes' orders.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Look, maybe i'm wrong, maybe not, but my impression is: Before a soldier, corwin is a mother. A mission to Save Baldur's Gate (where her daughter lives) and follow orders at the same time? Ok. An track down bounty hunter quest to get charname by the dukes orders that can let her on the road for years to come? I don't know.
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