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Intro To This Game Is Bad And Its Creators Should Feel Bad© (SPOILERS



  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864

    Please change the title or edit your opening post adding a Spoiler tag as we are in a no spoiler section and as the (very interesting) discussion is evolving crucial points of the plot are revealed.

    I, and the new players who like to go trough the game unspoiled, will appreciate.
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229

    Vbibbi said:

    Thanks for the condescending tone.

    I did not want to be not respectful, sorry if I was, I apologize.

    Okay, sorry for misinterpreting your tone. It can be hard online to detect intent sometimes. No worries. :)
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @Vbibbi As a conversation on a board lacks totally of not verbal language, misinterpretation can happen, I could add an emoticon as it is the better approximation of not verbal language we can have, but I didn't it.
    Anyway if civil people is involved, like in this case, the misunderstanding is cleared up, only when trolls or very arrogant people is involved a flame rise.

    @HalfOrcBeastmaster thanks.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    Someone hasn't played SoD...
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    I did not, and I prefer to not be spoiled about it.
    So, without spoiling me, can you explain what you mean?
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    Minsc is referring to dynaheir quite a lot by making aerie his new witch - wouldn't say there was no idea when adding him in bg2 too, besides his popularity.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,439
    To add to my earlier post, I said it would have been nice if there were alternatives to the core party, like an evil core party, or maybe a 2nd alternative good party, for those that dislike, say, Minsc or Jaheira.

    But to say that the game is bad or that the creators should feel bad? Far from it. It would be nice if it was there, not horribly broken for it not being there.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    jusst do what i did when i did not feel like using minsc. kick him from the party when you leave the opening dungeon and replace him with the person you want from the characters available.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Minsk kicking for evilness?
  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    Just my personal opinion:
    When I play a game, I look at it as I look at life itself. In life, we do not get to choose who our siblings or parents are and neither do we get to choose who our classmates or colleagues (just like the prologue dungeon). Having said that however, we can decide who we like in class or work and be closer as friends or avoid certain people or even have pretty direct confrontations in school or work likewise (much like we see in the game).

    As we play the game more often (just like when we work longer in a company), you will develop even more opnions and feelings towards certain people (example, Nalia is one character as an NPC I like to have in party for her specialty BUT I really hate her repeated comments on how are we going to help the poor by trudging around in dungeons (with her genius level intelligence, she cannot figure out we are helping the realms not just the poor, by trudging around in dungeons X_X).

    The great thing about BG2/EE is that if I really want to have the NPCs I like in the prologue, I actually can export them with EEKeeper and start the game with a custom party (minus some traits at times but they can still grumble as if recruited for some strange reason).

  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    You should try to lay your hands on SoD, I don't think it require very high specs new computers, my 9 years old laptop could still run it ^^.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @Bubbles my laptop is older, and even when it was new was low end, we just needed something to read emails and run open office when we was not at home. And the OS is quite skewed up,In the last 2 years I am having troubles in running an original modded BG2, like waiting 1 or 2 min for a reload if Charname dies or I want to try a different tactic (fantastic to compel you to don't abuse reloads, but... :smiley: ).
    In the last year I am having problems even in running the browser. I don't know if is the OS skewed or sf is just to old to run the antivirus, I suspect both.
    I lack of the knowledge needed to fix it in other way than resetting the OS and go trough the pain of reinstalling everything, and I wander if is worth with a machine so old and running an unsupported OS.
    Also BG 1 and 2 are original version, having something in between not compatible make importing the char not possible. Using the desktop for my intensive gaming, when I am in the BG mood, is also not possible for "family reasons".

    I have to wait the moment when I will buy a new PC, then all the new games, and other priorities, like taking a licence for hang gliders and buying a flying machine.... A lifetime dream that before was never possible to accomplish. Family is the priority.
    In my country this is spending some K dollars, maybe 6 or 8, adding other 500$ would make me feel guilty...

  • BubblesBubbles Member Posts: 589
    I send you a message (I hope I did it correctly as I do not know how to send messages here ^^). If you can read that message, do let me know, I might be able to suggest some help without you spending money in a hurry.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @Bubbles no message (PM), but you posted on my wall, we can continue there. Many thanks!

    Other readers. sorry for the OT.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,439
    If you run a lot of mods to get the game in proper shape (something the original versions need quite a bit), running the EE that has all that integrated may even be a smoother experience than running a load of mods on one of the old versions. Of course, there's no way to be sure but to try.

    Also, seems like Bubbles gave you a lot of tips on cleaning up your laptop on your wall, so I'll leave that to him.
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    The creators should feel bad!!! I can never get back those 200+ hours wasted playing these games. :wink:
  • GloatingSwineGloatingSwine Member Posts: 18
    dunbar said:

    c) The Canon Party - something that I'd never heard of before I joined this forum (many years after ToB came out) but which apparently is (or was at the time) important.

    The "canon party" wasn't important, they are all just early game characters who are statistically nonrubbish and are good aligned so they won't complain or leave most people's party.

    They ended up as the "canon party" because they were the path of least resistance and so most players ended up using them and ended up getting used to using them. (also it means you have Jennifer Hale and Jim Cummings in the party and that's never bad).
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265
    That's an interesting notion, I never even considered the possibility of having continuity from BG1 in what characters are in your starting party. But I agree, at least they could've made one good/neutral version and one evil version. Having Minsc in your party as a Chaotic Evil character is fairly silly.

    The creators should feel bad!!! I can never get back those 200+ hours wasted playing these games. :wink:

    200 hours? I... I don't even want to know how many I have ;_;
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    Tenrecc said:

    200 hours? I... I don't even want to know how many I have ;_;

    Yeah, 200 is probably quite low for me too. 600 is actually probably a better guess. I picked up the EE versions almost a year ago and play about 2 hours a night. Thats 25 days of solid playing. Its hard to imagine filling that up, but that might even still be low balling it.

  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    this game is amazing... i have no idea how many hours i have sank into it XD
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