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Intro To This Game Is Bad And Its Creators Should Feel Bad© (SPOILERS

HalfOrcBeastmasterHalfOrcBeastmaster Member Posts: 301
No use sugar-coating it, folks. I've got past it in the past by cheating my way to success, but whenever I tried to get through the prologue and initial chapter of the game without cheating? It's just been torturous for one reason or another.

So bad, in fact, that my attitude towards the canon party (with the exception of Imoen, who is wonderful) has practically succumbed to the Eight Deadly Words.

What are the Eight Deadly Words, you ask? It's a phenomenon I picked up on from those smashers on TV Tropes. (My apologies for any free time you will almost certainly lose if you click on that link.) Those eight words are as follows:
  1. I
  2. Don't
  3. Care
  4. What
  5. Happens
  6. To
  7. These
  8. People
To elaborate on this point, these characters... what bothers me is not that I hate them (although I have hated some of them in the past and still do hate Minsc) so much as I was never asked if I wanted them, nor was I ever given a choice about which companions to bring over from the first game. That really rubs me the wrong way and, to this day, is the thing I hate the most about the entire series (and that's including the Enhanced Edition portions, which had their own set of shortcomings, and SoD) of BG games, even though I love them in general. What I'm saying is, I seem to have gone from despising some of them for being shoved down my throat when there were other, perfectly good characters available to bring back. I don't know what the selection process for the companions in the cages was, but surely they could have done better than that.

I don't know, am I the only one who feels this way?

(Edit: At the request of @gorgonzola, added 'spoilers' to the title.)
Post edited by HalfOrcBeastmaster on


  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    How many times can you afford to rewrite a game the length of BG2? As that is what you are effectively asking when looking for different companions to join you in Irenicus dungeon. Jaheira, in particular, has personal quests that last most of the game. Most the rest of the BG cast crop up again in various places throughout the game, all of which must be rewritten. We go from the majority of content being available in a single play-through, to a small minority of content.

    Or totally rewrite the game again so that the BG1 cast are entirely absent from BG2, or have minimal interaction. While I think the team succumbed a little too much to wanting to let everyone see their favorite faces again, cutting back strongly on that would have lost the great sense of continuity that fills the game.

    The characters chosen are also the ones that make mot sense. Jaheira and Khalid are the two you are directed to directly by daddy Gorion, and Minsc (or at least Boo) is probably the most popular character in Bioware's history (for all the naysayers). The party was always going to trend towards Good, as that is just way games rolled in that era, and you do bump into at least one other classic character if that's your preference anyway.

    In the ideal world, if this were a game run by a human DM, it would be far more accommodating of the choices you made in the first game. You would also play each game exactly once, and see a tiny fraction of the content. The DM generally does not waste too much time detailing the parts of the game you do not explore, unlike for a CRPG where every possible choice must be rendered before the first sale.

    I feel much more cheated by the willful ignorance of player choice in the Mass Effect series than I do by the limited opening party of BG2 - and I still love that series too.

    That said, Dungeon Be Gone seems to be one of the more popular mods, so I think you are not alone.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Just play Siege of Dragonspear and find out why you're starting the game with those and not other people. You'll do yourself and us great service.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    If only :(

    When SoD comes to the Mac App store I shall be buying on day 1! Until then, I am deep into avoiding spoilers - which will get harder and harder and harder as the community decides more of its doings are common knowledge :(

    Same will be true for folks playing on other non-PC platforms.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    I think the whole dungeon intro thing is a result of:
    a) SoA was sold as a stand alone game, so in the original game it functioned both as a tutorial and to provide a backstory. But......
    b) SoA was a also a sequel so there had to be some sort of carry over from BG and TotSC, and at that time "Good/Neutral" alignment was probably regarded as the default option for most players. Which brings us to......
    c) The Canon Party - something that I'd never heard of before I joined this forum (many years after ToB came out) but which apparently is (or was at the time) important.

    Personally I think Dungeon Be Gone is a very neat solution as it simply bypasses the cause of my irritation and allows me to get straight into the game.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    @GreenWarlock: You know that you can buy the Mac version from Beamdog and Steam, right? I've been playing it on a Mac since April.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,439
    @HalfOrcBeastmaster: Your dislke to the 'canon' members is entirely personal. Going with Imoen/Jaheira/Khalid/Minsc/Dynaheir as the 'default' party made sense, and while they could have included other members instead, there are no clearcut reasons why other members should be chosen over those five for the 'default' party.

    That said, the fact that there is a 'default' party to begin with, is something that could be considered as bad, yes. BG1 had a wide variety of characters (25 in total), but I can see how it would be technically infeasible to provide options for all 25 of chose characters, still introduce new characters in BG2 and have every character still be meaningful. BG2 strove more towards quality over quantity in NPCs. There are much less options to choose from, but each option comes to life a lot more. There was little chance of that being possible if they had to account for practically all BG1 options.

    Still, though, it would be nice if there were slightly more options. For example, if PC was evil, or perhaps was below a certain treshold, Jaheira and Minsc could be replaced by Viconia and Edwin, while you could counter the former two elsewhere. It's a little bit too railroaded to start with those three specific NPCS.

    I personally quite like them, though, and tend to bring them along on most of my BG1 runs, so I personally don't mind as much.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    @Joluv - without trying to derail the thread, but yes, and that is not a good answer for those of us who (for whatever reason, there are many) choose to buy Mac products exclusively from the Apple store. That is also no help for those on Android or iOS installations.

    AFAIK, Beamdog staff have said the new patches and SoD are coming our way, but all in good time - and after the current batch of patches have settled enough to be comfortable moving attention to other ports again (I hope we may be there now). I can wait, BG2EE taught me that! I just need to be vigilant to avoid accidental spoilers :)
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    The initial dungeon as told was a tutorial for not BG1 players. But being there is also a part of the plot. And is not possible to fill the dungeon with NPCs. You are caged and you have to escape, you can do it alone or you can seek help, in the latter case you take who you find. Maybe just until you are out of there. For me it make sense.
    I agree that implementing a check on the alignment when a BG1 Charname is imported and spawning in the cages the BG1 Characters present in the new game that suit better would be a good idea, good point @Thels .
    But Bioware did not had it and Beamdog can not change the original content, only add new content.
    Consider also that at that time BG2 was a big game, 4 different CD and the hard disks of the time where rather small, more content and NPCs where not an option.
    The continuity had to be somehow preserved as BG2 is a sequel. And those who begin with SoA are somehow informed about what happened before the cage.

    Use Minsk to help you to get out of there and drop him or let him die at the first battle outside the prison if you really hate him.
    Never explore the part of the dungeon with his cage, going there is really not needed. And the chapter can be soloed or played only with Imoen and Yoshi, if you want him.
    Install Dungeon Be Gone.

    Bioware gave you Viconia and Edwin so there are 4 NPCs from the first game, I would say 2 for the good party and 2 for the evil one. And the starting dungeon is just a very small part of the whole SoA and ToB.
    New NPCs was needed, and the CD where full.

    I think that you can live with that, and even without that, using Dungeon Be Gone or creating your own NPCs importing the savegame of a multiplayer session, just to get out of there.
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229
    What's annoying to me is that Minsc was clearly brought into BG2 because he was one of the most popular, if not the most popular, NPCs from the first game. But his inclusion was really just fanservice since he didn't have his own side quests, didn't really have any involvement other than revenge for Dynaheir, who is never mentioned again after the first dungeon. It was like Bio felt that they had to include him as the popular character, but then didn't know what to do with him once he was in the game.

    He also veers into "funny disabled person". His head trauma or developmental disability or whatever comes across as sitcom style humor. Especially considering that if he has a brain injury, which BG1 indicates that he has, it's kind of unethical to not try to treat him and help him recover. I think Dynaheir mentioned that he seems happier since the head wound, but that's BS because how can she know his thoughts without even asking for his input? She makes a judgement call that he doesn't need treatment without actually asking him.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    Vbibbi said:

    I think Dynaheir mentioned that he seems happier since the head wound, but that's BS because how can she know his thoughts without even asking for his input? She makes a judgement call that he doesn't need treatment without actually asking him.

    For what we can see in BG1, Dynaheir is disturbingly similar to Edwin in that she has an overinflated ego. She's always right (it's even one of her quotes) and knows better than everyone else about everything. She wasn't very popular though, probably because unlike Edwin she has limited entertainment value.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Vbibbi said:

    What's annoying to me is that Minsc was clearly brought into BG2 because he was one of the most popular, if not the most popular, NPCs from the first game.

    I tell you a secret, when someone try to sell something he try to make it appealing to the customers. To choose a more interesting but not so popular character would have been an interesting and brave choice, but it could also be not so wise. It was not fanservice, it was marketing.
    And he had his quest, the kidnapping of Boo, that was dropped at the last moment when some changes was decided and a relevant role in the plot was given to another BG1 char.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025

    Vbibbi said:

    What's annoying to me is that Minsc was clearly brought into BG2 because he was one of the most popular, if not the most popular, NPCs from the first game.

    I tell you a secret, when someone try to sell something he try to make it appealing to the customers. To choose a more interesting but not so popular character would have been an interesting and brave choice, but it could also be not so wise. It was not fanservice, it was marketing.
    And he had his quest, the kidnapping of Boo, that was dropped at the last moment when some changes was decided and a relevant role in the plot was given to another BG1 char.

    yeah, there were quite a few things that were dropped at the last second when the game was being released, that's why someone made an "unfinished business" mod which added all the things that bioware dropped right before release, kind of how beamdog added the unfinished business mod to IWDEE

  • AewyrvenAewyrven Member Posts: 228
    I wish xzar and monty were able to join... I always hated Jahira.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited August 2016
    I tole you, it was not possible, when they decided to change the plot at the last moment they had to drop some quests that was in something like a beta condition. Not sure that they had not enough place on the CDs or was a releasing time issue, or was related to the budget, changing the plot is work, as is work bringing the beta quests to completion. Time to code, and time to test, a lot of time, a software house is not a modder, if they make too many errors they are out of the game....
    And time is money, people don't work for free, and delaying the release mean to start to earn money later, if not even loose the magic moment where the expectation of the possible customers is really high.

    EDIT I add the following.

    Is easy to criticize other people but those guys had a great idea, made a game that is in the history of the CRPG, that survived like no others and then resurrected like a phoenix.
    Now is easy to sit on an armchair and tell "it could be better cause of this or cause of that".
    I see A LOT of things that could have been made better, little things, even the whole chap.1 is a little thing.
    I see also some big thing that could have been better, the full plot of the expansion, too linear and boring after the first time.
    But I forgive, I had years of fun with this game, worn out keyboards, mouses and CPUs playing it.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Totally agreed!
  • AewyrvenAewyrven Member Posts: 228
    Its also the basic building blocks for a lot of games out there. The only 2 games that come to mind that really put their foot in the genera are magic the gathering (which is older) and Warhammer (which is kinda the same age)... thing is, NEITHER of them went to computer to let it handle the dice rolls and allow you to focus the story.

    You wouldn't have pokemonGO or clash of clans or heck... command and conquer if it wasn't for what those 3 games did and if it wasn't for what bioware did to make dnd a reality.... dont believe me? Try do the dice rolls for a coc battle.... try do the rolls for pokemon... You'd go insane....

    And yeah... those of us who were here for the beginning of this... playing bg1 on 5 cds then buying tosc then getting soa for 5 more cds then tob for another cd.....and yeah... you leave candle keep or irenicus dungeon and ur "please insert disc x" literally and praying it READS the disc or u lose progress... or hang and gotta restart....

    There are very very few games out there that come anywhere near the depth of the bg series or near replay value. (Granted I love nwn flexibility, but I also love trying to come up with some screwy combo in the 2nd rules of bg to have fun with, it's a challange)

    Can u wreck it? Sure. Can u enjoy it? Sure. Can u replay it? Frack yeah. Have you got another game anywhere near close to it?

    There's a few.... but then challange the fact this was made in the 90s.... where 4mb ram and a 500mhz processor was common.... nothing stands the test of time against this games trilogy. Well... quintilogy? Since beam dogs given 2 extra added contents? ... or is it 3....

    I can deal with jons crappy dungeon just because the game is so freaking awesome.

  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    a 500mhz processor was common....

    The game utility to configure SOA, if I am not wrong, consider 450 as a super computer, my game was running on a pentium or pentium 2 160mhz....
  • AewyrvenAewyrven Member Posts: 228
    Yeah I had a laptop running Intel pentium 2... was like 233mhz.... a 512mb ram was godly....128mb was high end... now our phones are pushing gigs of ram.... Heck remember when a gig hdd was unbelievable. .. haha....

    I actually miss having a computer and playing this on the old GameSpy network. Ahhh the days....
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Sadly, minmaxing IRL requires a much higher willpower stat than I possess, in order to follow a good diet, take regular exercise, and sleep well (no late nights gaming!)
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    I remember BG2 coming out and hoping my system could run it. Those were indeed the days.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Strange day today, both this topic and the poll are drifting into a nostalgic mood.
  • AewyrvenAewyrven Member Posts: 228
    edited August 2016

    Sadly, minmaxing IRL requires a much higher willpower stat than I possess, in order to follow a good diet, take regular exercise, and sleep well (no late nights gaming!)

    No. It's the same. People just cheese their way through using excuses.... firkraag too hard so I'll use traps..aka works too hard so I'll use some excuse to get out of doing it (I have this or that condition or my spleen hurts and I can't do it) because they have no drive.

    Put as much effort into life as you do this game (if you DO put effort into this game) and you will find life is easy.

    Don't put the effort in and blame everything else. .. well... firkraag will force you to reload.

    Only difference is you can't meta game life and there is no reload button.
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229

    Vbibbi said:

    What's annoying to me is that Minsc was clearly brought into BG2 because he was one of the most popular, if not the most popular, NPCs from the first game.

    I tell you a secret, when someone try to sell something he try to make it appealing to the customers. To choose a more interesting but not so popular character would have been an interesting and brave choice, but it could also be not so wise. It was not fanservice, it was marketing.
    And he had his quest, the kidnapping of Boo, that was dropped at the last moment when some changes was decided and a relevant role in the plot was given to another BG1 char.

    Thanks for the condescending tone.

    And I knew about the kidnapping of Boo from the Unfinished Business mod. The problem with it, IIRC, was that it relied too much on visiting multiple maps, interacting with too many characters and their variables, and generally overextended itself much more than any other side quest did, and became unworkable. The last time I played the mod, it was still a very buggy quest and could be impossible to complete.
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229
    @gorgonzola @Aewyrven

    The armchair quarterbacking is going on because this is a discussion forum for the games, and as the base games are 15 years old and there is nothing new to discuss about them. If people truly didn't like these games they would not be posting on a forum discussing them.

    Some posters enjoy critiquing the games and theorising "what if" scenarios. It doesn't mean they hate the game (and the title of this thread is tongue in cheek if you read the OP).
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Vbibbi said:

    Thanks for the condescending tone.

    I did not want to be not respectful, sorry if I was, I apologize.

  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    I don't know, am I the only one who feels this way?

    Yup. :tongue: (no tongue-in-cheek emoji)

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