Just out of curiosity, how many people are participating in beta? What is the normal amount of beta testers for a game, particularly one of this size?
The BG:EE Beta is not being conducted as "free preview" like many other beta's are. The majority of BG:EE beta testers are modders and those who can easily identify and find errors in the rule set. One person gave the example that he spent 8 hours strait creating different character race/class combinations to find errors. So it's that kind of testing.
There are some testers who are not modders though, that were selected or asked to join. But if you want in and feel that you can provide something, I'm sure if you make your case to a developer as to what you can provide to the beta, they may let you have it.
The MAC version beta just went live a couple weeks ago. If you have a MAC they would probably let you in hat beta by just asking.
And others of us do this kind of thing for a living.
I don't think any of us has actually sat down to just play the game. I'm pretty sure all of the current beta testers have been too busy trying to break it.
...Which is kind of a game in and of itself, really.
Just out of curiosity, how many people are participating in beta? What is the normal amount of beta testers for a game, particularly one of this size?
The BG:EE Beta is not being conducted as "free preview" like many other beta's are. The majority of BG:EE beta testers are modders and those who can easily identify and find errors in the rule set. One person gave the example that he spent 8 hours strait creating different character race/class combinations to find errors. So it's that kind of testing.
There are some testers who are not modders though, that were selected or asked to join. But if you want in and feel that you can provide something, I'm sure if you make your case to a developer as to what you can provide to the beta, they may let you have it.
The MAC version beta just went live a couple weeks ago. If you have a MAC they would probably let you in hat beta by just asking.
I am neither a modder nor someone who could find errors in the rule set. I know nothing of the technical aspects of game files, creating, or testing them either. Also, I don't have a MAC. I'm pretty sure I would be useless other than the basic "I did this and that did/didn't happen like it should have" type of thing. I was just curious as to how many people had this task/privilege.
@Aosaw I actually used to dream of being a professional video game tester! That would be my dream-job. I wish I were more tech savvy.
Well you don't have to be tech savvy to beta test a game and in fact you may be better off that way. Someone who actually plays the game for what it is is maybe exactly what we need :P And fresh eyes is always good.
And when I say I do this sort of thing for a living, I mean that I have experience doing QA for software in general, so I have a good handle on how to mess around. (In other words, I know how to turn my rational brain off and just press buttons. )
I should also point out that Beta Testers don't get any cookies at all, no sir. And no, they aren't delicious with chocolate crisps and cinnamon. And most certainly they aren't wrapped and packed inside a premium box. Not at all, I swear!
@Cheesebelly - I guess that's because @Coriander ate them all before we got involved in the beta to begin with...?
Probably just put a note on the plate saying "I licked all of these", and then stored them for inducing a cookie coma at a later date once the game is released.
Well you don't have to be tech savvy to beta test a game and in fact you may be better off that way. Someone who actually plays the game for what it is is maybe exactly what we need :P And fresh eyes is always good.
Well, my eyes are plenty fresh... I've only dabbled a bit with the original, never made it through cause it wasn't my game. I've been itching to get my hands on BGEE though and I've pre-ordered. Soooo....you need any regular joes like me?
Really? So i guess that would have ruined the beta experience or perhaps it would have identified a bug or an issue with the game.... I may be wrong but is that not the point of beta?
me: I died. It's a bug
Devs: No, it isn't. You're incompetent
me: No, I'm pretty sure it's a bug
There are reasons for everything
There are some testers who are not modders though, that were selected or asked to join. But if you want in and feel that you can provide something, I'm sure if you make your case to a developer as to what you can provide to the beta, they may let you have it.
The MAC version beta just went live a couple weeks ago. If you have a MAC they would probably let you in hat beta by just asking.
I don't think any of us has actually sat down to just play the game. I'm pretty sure all of the current beta testers have been too busy trying to break it.
...Which is kind of a game in and of itself, really.
@Aosaw I actually used to dream of being a professional video game tester! That would be my dream-job. I wish I were more tech savvy.
me: See? I died again
Them (lying): That is not a bug. You're not good at this game.
me: We know that can't be true. Let me re-load a save... See? I died. This game has GOT to be fixed.
See the conspiracy against me? See?