Late to the 2.0 patch party

Ok, I'm not going to lie to you guys. I literally didn't follow the whole 2.0 patch thing at all, mostly because I didn't expect to come back to bg until I was able to get SoD (no I still don't get it) I just found a mod that peaked my curiosity enough that I was willing to install bg2ee onto my new laptop.
With that said, I had literally just started installing some of the old mods I use to use before I remembered about the patch and need to ask a couple of questions.
Is it safe to assume that the patch is now basically in the game?
Exactly what did the patch change? I've done a search through the forums, and I see a lot of discussion about UI, and I'm looking for information about spells, enemy stats, locations; the patch did change this stuff as well? I need to know before I start adding mods like blood and tomes and spell revise.
With that said, I had literally just started installing some of the old mods I use to use before I remembered about the patch and need to ask a couple of questions.
Is it safe to assume that the patch is now basically in the game?
Exactly what did the patch change? I've done a search through the forums, and I see a lot of discussion about UI, and I'm looking for information about spells, enemy stats, locations; the patch did change this stuff as well? I need to know before I start adding mods like blood and tomes and spell revise.
In other words, go crazy with the balance mods; also I had a question you you directly but its about two of your mods. I'll probably just ask in your thread though.
Also 2.0 includes the Shaman class and Priest of Tyr kit (but you are probably aware of these already).
Actually I just now remembered because I forgot.. I just spent 30 minutes trying to get my custom portrait to work, got to select class and saw the shaman...
Now I'm debating between Shaman, mage, and sorcerer... two out of the three I know for a fact can duo, but I know nothing about what the shaman is fully capable of.
Think of the Shaman as a Druidic Sorcerer. They select Druid spells as they level up, like a Sorcerer does for Arcane spells, and like a Sorcerer, they have no real stat requirements. Unlike a Druid, however, they do not gain any benefits from Wisdom aside from Lore. They also use the Sorcerer/Mage experience table. Which means they don't have that silly experience jump at level 15.
Shaman also have somewhat different weapon selection than Druids, including the Shortbow, which really helps their ranged game a good deal. They also have a unique summoning method, their Dance, which like other things, stops them from attacking (and even moving,) but summons random spirits based on their level to attack whatever the spirits feel like attacking. No controlling them, but at the right levels, they can be a great "meat" wall.
And somewhat awesome as well, they gain Detect Illusion as they level up. No need to waste a rogue's points on it now.
I didn't say dual-class, I said duo; as in a 2 man party.
2.x also adds the updated AI for NPC - which is now like the AI in BGee.
There's a section at the front of each version that goes over the highlights--worth a read, although the folks in this thread have already hit on the main points.