Should the Wizard Slayer kit be modified?

Relevant redmine issue:
- Should the Wizard Slayer kit be modified?30 votes
- No46.67%
- Yes, use the version from the mod named 'Wizard Slayer Rebalancing for BG:EE and BGII:EE'33.33%
- Yes, but don't use the version from said mod. Another solution is needed20.00%
I like the WSR mod version but some things should be added...
Potions of Explosions and Oils of Fiery Burning, for example, should be allowed. AFAIK they are alchemical, not magical.
Potion of Clarity should be allowed, as they simulate a Divine spell (Chaotic Commands), not an Arcane one.
As should be any and all item that increases MR
IMHO, of course.
I do wonder how long this poll will go until someone votes "No." Of course, now that I've mentioned it, someone will do so out of spite. But since I know that they know, they'd avoid it, but since they know that I know that they know...
- Gains a +2 bonus to saves vs. spell.
- At 1st level, can use Disruptive Strike once per day. For every 4 levels, the ability can be used an additional time per day. This ability improves significantly at level 10.
- At 1st level, can use Inner Focus once per day. For every 4 levels, the ability can be used an additional time per day. This ability improves significantly at levels 10 and 19.
- At 5th level, gains Magical Defense.
- At 11th level, gains a 10% resistance to magic. At 14th and 17th level, this resistance increases by an additional 5%.
- At 15th level, can use Resist Magic once per day.
- Cannot wear heavy armor, nor use large shields.
- Cannot use Offensive Stance or Defensive Stance.
- Cannot use Called Shot.
- Cannot dual class to mage.
DISRUPTIVE STRIKE: During the round when this ability is activated, any successful melee or ranged hit on an arcane spellcaster imposes a non-cumulative 40% spell failure penalty, lasting 3 rounds.
At 10th level, the wizard slayer becomes able to break through the magical defenses of arcane spellcasters when performing a Disruptive Strike. Each successful hit during the round removes one combat protection from his target.
INNER FOCUS: Concentrating all his fortitude, agility and mental resistance, the wizard slayer is able to withstand, dodge, or resist almost any type of magical threat. During the round when this ability is activated, the wizard slayer becomes immune to all spells of 4th level or lower.
At 10th level, the wizard slayer becomes immune to all spells of 7th level or lower when using Inner Focus.
At 19th level, the wizard slayer becomes immune to all spells of 9th level or lower when using Inner Focus.
MAGICAL DEFENSE: A wizard slayer's constant training in countering arcane spells manifests itself as a +2 bonus to all saves made against spells cast by practitioners of arcane magic.
RESIST MAGIC: This ability grants the warrior +50% magic resistance for 5 rounds.
As always, feedback is welcome.
I particularly try to avoid everything that enlarges the chasm between BG and P&P. Same reason why I don't use the @subtledoctor mods.
You guys do a terrific job, is just some personal taste
@Arthas I haven't totally interrupted KR, I just haven't modded for like 6 months until few weeks ago. I'm working hard to get new releases, possibly on one particular day (secret hint).
@Raduziel which changes of the kitless Fighter don't you like?
I surely haven't tried to "enlarge the chasm between BG and P&P":
- Offensive/Defensive Stances are almost perfect copies of the two most classic PnP fighter's feats, Power Attack and Combat Expertise respectively
- Called Hits are based upon AD&D Complete Fighter Handbook, and have been part of Fighter's abilities in every D&D edition in some way (e.g. Disarm, Trip, Sunder maneuvers within 3E)
You mixed up AD&D and D&D3 features. It's something I don't like.
As said earlier it's not a bad thing, it's just personal taste.
I would love to see the Complete Fighter's Handbook maneuvers implemented as they should be. Your Disarm is not the same of the CoFiHb. Neither is the Trip. IDK if it is an engine limit TBH.
One more time: I hope you didn't take any offense. Is just a preference o' mine.
P.S I didn't take any offense. It takes much more than a different opinion to offend me.
I also think one needs to be able to differentiate wizard slayer from inquisitor, stalker and even monk. Too similar abilities will not make the different roles of the kits clear to the user.
* all kids in the world should be r**** before they turn 4
(yes, that was the most gross statement I could come up with)
As it stands I'm uncertain what would be a good change...But the way it's been, the inquisitor has been better at wizard slaying than this kit will ever be. And the classes with access to poison, even though it was recently nerfed.
not really
And a pure class Wizard Slayer is the strongest kit IMO. His abilities are active all the time and he can do what a fighter is supposed to do: take hits and swing hard.
WS is far superior to Kensai, the way I see, and more reliable than Berserker.
PS: Talking abou the modded WS here.
@batoor What are those items?