Does Difficulty (e.g. "Insane") affect number of monsters in non-SoD parts of the game post-2.0?

With "no-difficulty-based damage increase" that would be a nice way of increasing the challenge of the base game, but it appears (at least on early BG) that the encounters are unchanged on Insane?
Does anyone have specific info on this?
If Devs would consider it, it would be a nice addition to the vanilla game as well: as I see it the current already does a level scaling of some sorts. Perhaps, simply tuning the level scaling accordingly (e.g. at Insane the game regards your level to be twice of what it actually is) should be already something. Or perhaps increasing the enemies in a pod (of Ogres, Gibberlings etc.).
Would be a nice feature to add, I think.
I think this would be a great addition to the vanilla game.
A handful of areas in ToB/Watcher's Keep (AR3012 would be an example if you are playing less than core) do however have their total number of enemies adjusted if you are playing on a lower difficulty setting (or have a low level)
I'm now traipsing through my first "hard" BG1 difficulty run and I swear that I've seen a few extra encounters AND higher enemy number encounters than on my "core rules" runs. Is there a small randomness to the number of enemies that spawn at set encounter points (like 4-6 kobolds)? If so, that may explain it.