Theft Question

I go into a store and there are a couple of unlocked cupboards, I open one and immediately the flaming fist are there accusing me of theft but I've not taken anything I was just looking in the drawer?
What if I simply want to read a book I find there...
What if I simply want to read a book I find there...
Early in BG1 you can freely take anything that isn't behind a lock. Once you get to BG city there are several (many?) unlocked containers that will trigger a theft from taking the contents (maybe even just looking?).
it was probably implemented this way too add "realism" into the game to make it look like if you are going to steal something from somebody, there will be consequences for it
but again, its not quite perfect, as I said, the game was originally made in the late 90s, so things like this will happen every once in a while
Shame on me
I also love reading the books...
Is there "anything" I can do to not get caught because I really don't want to lose rep?
Though it has been a while since I’ve tried it, I believe that using the cleric sanctuary spell has helped me in the past as well.
Pick - click - 40 XP. YESSSS!!!
You could also just charm them. Either way they don't call the guards.