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Problems with Liches

CARV3RCARV3R Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 23
Because liches are effectively immune to Level 5 and below spells, is there a non-cheese way (i.e. wait for Protection From Magical Weapons/Stoneskin to wear off) to hit them with melee/ranged weapon attacks, or is it just magical attacks/damage mitigation only after the Timestop?


  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    edited September 2016
    The PFMW will wear off after 4 rounds but the Stoneskin won't for 8 hours. Are you playing with any mods like SCS?
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    If your spellcasters are unable to cast those spells directly then you can use scrolls. Also, potions of fire breath work well against liches as I recall. Two of them will usually get them down to near death and maybe kill them with good damage rolls.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    A very high level bard or a mid level inquisitor can dispel/remove magic them. Dispel magic works, but you need to have a very high caster level.
    A high level cleric can turn them.
    If you dispel the spell protections beforehand, creeping doom will work wonders.
    High level area effect spells like the other poster suggested work:death fog, incendiary cloud, fire storm, meteor swarm, etc. Even if they are protected from the elements, they will get spell disruption. Horrid wilting works too, be sure to remove mirror images with true sight (lvl 6 mage version)
    Summon monsters to catch their more devastating spells. They always have a death spell or two, so have a lot of summons and introduce them one by one.
    When their pfmw is down, a single dispel arrow can dispel all of the stoneskins. Also when pfmw is down, a wizard slayer can cripple them.
  • CARV3RCARV3R Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 23
    edited September 2016
    Thank you all for your comments! I always love hearing different ideas and approaches.

    I'm playing LoB this time around so magic doesn't do that much damage to individual targets, but I didn't think to get Wand of Spell Strike from Watchers before I go screw with Kangaxx and his subs (I don't currently have a cleric in this party as I always found their endgame lacking past buffing the party). Current charname is an Archer.
    mf2112 said:

    Are you playing with any mods like SCS?

    Not yet, i messed around with mods back in the day but might pick it up for my next play through as solo dual class from warrior (@ level 13) to cleric on core difficulty.

    Solo wild mage was a joke, absolutely slaughtered everything, but was really fun.

  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    CARV3R said:

    a non-cheese way (i.e. wait for Protection From Magical Weapons/Stoneskin to wear off) to hit them with melee/ranged weapon attacks

    Why cheesy? If you don't have in the party casters able to cast spells that can affect them, 5 or below for liches but 9 or below for demiliches, and your fighters can not touch them imo to try to avoid their damaging or disabling spells is only logical, not cheesy. Doing it using the weakness of the AI "hiding" yourself in the fog of war can be cheesy, as you exploit the AI weakness, but if you keep busy with your summons or with a character that can resist to the punishment, like a mage with the correct buffs or a berseker, is not cheesy.
    mf2112 said:

    The PFMW will wear off after 4 rounds but the Stoneskin won't for 8 hours. Are you playing with any mods like SCS?

    The immunity of PFMW and their natural immunity to not magical weapons make them untouchable for only 4 rounds, stoneskin last a long time, but only prevents physical damage.
    The elemental damage that some weapons have, like FoA, pierce trough the stoneskin, damaging them and disrupting their casting, and with enough APR the stoneskin wears off faster than PFMW.
    lunar said:

    Horrid wilting works too, be sure to remove mirror images with true sight (lvl 6 mage version)

    It works on liches but not on demiliches, luckily vanilla damiliches don't use mirror images, or if the liches are protected against divination spells. The only reliable way in that case is the detect illusions ability of a thief, even if in your vanilla game that is not needed.

  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Elemental arrows do the trick when their pfmw wears off!
  • sluckerssluckers Member Posts: 280
    edited September 2016
    A cleric of level 13 or 14 should have access to holy word, bolt of glory, false dawn, repulse undead (might be level 5, but game isn't open to check right now) etc.

    A lich is undead, and there is no one better at combating the undead than a cleric. Make sure to use bolt of glory, however, only if their protections have worn off (if you've been fighting them that long). As it's a single target spell it's vulnerable to being caught in spell traps and deflectors. Worse yet, if the lich has spell turning, you're own searing bolt of death could end up coming right back at you.

    However if you get a clear shot it does extra damage against the undead. It will be hard punching through the liches saves, though, as they're immune to greater malison and doom, but then liches are supposed to be hard.

    Hopefully I remember this all correctly, as I've not tried some of this in while. Liches are optional and I usually just skip them.

    It's also possible to harrass liches into using up their weapons protections. Sooner or later they will have to fall back on mantle or improved mantle, at which point you can pelt them with minute meteors (non SCS), or chew them to shreds with summons that have highly enchanted claw attacks, like the totemic druid's spirit animals (if you have one). Highly recommend taking a totemic druid on a playthrough at some point if you haven't already; they can outright destroy just about any mage in the game. Summon the wolves, howl at the moon, look for (imp.) mantle in the message bar then go to town. Pre-spellhold, minute meteors or summons are your few options against Mantle.

    Some weapons available for purchase in the game give bonuses against the undead, allowing them a modified enchantment level to scrape over the bar set by improved mantle, as well, giving your fighters a chance.

    Aside from that, a fully protected lich requires carpet bombing. I'm not sure, but I think the necklace of missles (purchaseable in Trademeet after the Druid Grove and Djinni quests are finished) bypasses spell immunities because it's level 0, or some such, though I may be mis-remembering.
  • sluckerssluckers Member Posts: 280
    Ya, I can't stress that lvl7 spell enough. Clerics rock.

    So I say again: Nicky @#$%ing Verona.... I mean...

    Holy @#$%ing Word.

    USE IT.

    I was thinking about the spell failure when I mentioned it... but it stacks? [i]Nice[/i].
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    I find liches aren't terribly difficult as long as you have a decent mage and a high HP warrior with items that increase elemental resistance. The fights tend to be 1 v 6, so the lich for all their power are very much on the losing side.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @unavailable in vanilla game, and with enough knowledge, I agree with you, with some mods can be different.
    But with enough knowledge and the right gear almost everything you find in the game is not terribly difficult, and that is why experienced players use mods, build charnames with low stats and solo with them, use XP reducing mods or take a no rest or no reload approach.
    But for the new players, specially if they want to fight some battles at low level and don't want to use easy tactics or certain items (shield of Balduran, scroll of protection from undeads or AoP anyone?) liches, vampires, beholders and mind flyers can be very difficult to fight.
    Of those I would say that , without the shield or cloak and without abusing of fog of war, only the beholders remain difficult for the experienced players.
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268

    @unavailable in vanilla game, and with enough knowledge, I agree with you, with some mods can be different.
    But with enough knowledge and the right gear almost everything you find in the game is not terribly difficult, and that is why experienced players use mods, build charnames with low stats and solo with them, use XP reducing mods or take a no rest or no reload approach.
    But for the new players, specially if they want to fight some battles at low level and don't want to use easy tactics or certain items (shield of Balduran, scroll of protection from undeads or AoP anyone?) liches, vampires, beholders and mind flyers can be very difficult to fight.
    Of those I would say that , without the shield or cloak and without abusing of fog of war, only the beholders remain difficult for the experienced players.

    I'm half way through a new one now. some of the SCS + all of atweaks, and I kill liches the same as I've always done, main differences been more healing potions and a maxed out detect illusions skill. Other parts of the game are quite changed however. The githyanki maze anyone without protection, vampires use their powers so well that I had to recruit help vs bodhi for once, demons summon reinforcements, and beholders are annoyingly difficult now that they can make me drop the shield of balduran they're too much for any single party member to defeat. I've just come back from the underdark, and have about 50 potions of extra healing to share among my group of six after picking up every one of them I could find + the 1/3 of potions that my enemies didn't use.

    I kind of thought about randomizing the items, but decided not to use every mod at once to motivate me for another play through.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited September 2016
    I am more used to Tactics mod than SCS, and there the liches are definitely more difficult than vanilla ones.
    Is not a matter of just using more healing potions.
    The lich in the docks is really nasty, well protected and not easy to reach first dispell you and bombs you with spells, than uses a BBoD during a TS and cuts you into pieces. There each lich and his brother uses smart spellcasting and teleport field, a strong demon is spawned with him, the kind of demon that spawns other ones if you are not fast to kill him, and when you can trigger the lich spawning traps are prevented as minor foe is spawned just a moment before and take the damage of the traps. They use also widely reallyforcespell script for casting that make it not disruptable. With low levels parties killing a lich is still doable, but not easy.
    I have to check if the lich in the docs component of Tactics mod is compatible with EE, now I don't remember, I read the topic on Tactics and EE long ago and I remember only that some of the components are compatible. If that one is imo is worth to give it a try.
    EDIT: here is the topic about tactics and ee if someone is interested in trying a such old school mod.
    EDIT 2: and
    Post edited by gorgonzola on
  • OtherguyOtherguy Member Posts: 157
    Maybe I am just a bad player, but playing no-reload on SCS I think liches are very hard. Every party member without access to SI:abjuration gets dispelled immediately and that makes the fear aura annoying. Add that the smarter mages part of SCS makes the lich cast a bit randomly and they've learned how to deal with some of the cheesier strategies. This plus innate immunity to normal weapons and immunities to level 1-5 spells on top of PfMW contingency and quite a few level 9 slots makes every lich something of a challenge to me.

    There are quite a few spawns where you get a lich and a few powerful melee opponents and maybe I just suck but I sure find them quite tricky. If I have access to 2-3 arcane casters and preferably a wand of spell striking and 100% detect illusion I can usually pull it of, but not until my casters have access to level 7 spells does it start feeling somewhat safe.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    SCS is a difficulty enhancing mod, and playing no reload is difficult, even in vanilla. I don't think that you suck, even if players more advanced than you can be able to deal with them at lower level or with more effective tactics.
    One of the problems of playing no reload is that you have to stick to what you know that works, as a single error can be game over. Unless someone is exceptionally gifted, very few people are. And this doesn't help if you want to improve.
    Let me suggest to alternate runs where you reload and experiment, maybe reloading more than one time to compare different tactics, with no reload ones when you make good use of what you have learned.
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    I only have a mage and bard for killing liches, so I rely on jahiera and some berserker/cleric summons. I find that summoning skeleton warriors works nicely against liches, and if jahieras only good quality were her conjuration spells she would still be an effective party member. mountain bears and level 5 and 7 insects are damned nasty. group is rounded off by a cavalier and an open slot who I rotate other NPCs through. Cavalier is fantastic because nobody suffers from morale failure, and he can protect from evil too which is how I come the demons I summon won't attack me.
  • bdtgazobdtgazo Member Posts: 49
    I think the first time I played the game, I bought a Protection from Magic scroll for the demi lich. Didn't have any problems. I don't know about now, but back then, I think there were 2 scrolls available for purchase.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    I did not check, I am quite new to EE, but I think that they are still there.
  • jinxed75jinxed75 Member Posts: 157
    Otherguy said:

    Maybe I am just a bad player, but playing no-reload on SCS I think liches are very hard. Every party member without access to SI:abjuration gets dispelled immediately and that makes the fear aura annoying. Add that the smarter mages part of SCS makes the lich cast a bit randomly and they've learned how to deal with some of the cheesier strategies. This plus innate immunity to normal weapons and immunities to level 1-5 spells on top of PfMW contingency and quite a few level 9 slots makes every lich something of a challenge to me.

    There are quite a few spawns where you get a lich and a few powerful melee opponents and maybe I just suck but I sure find them quite tricky. If I have access to 2-3 arcane casters and preferably a wand of spell striking and 100% detect illusion I can usually pull it of, but not until my casters have access to level 7 spells does it start feeling somewhat safe.

    You don't suck. SCS Liches are just heavy opposition, as they should be. It's never really safe to engage them until you have really low saving throws, i.e. a level comparable to that of the Lich you are fighting.
    And even then, you can still get screwed over, if you're unlucky. Malison followed by a 3x Chaos Spell Trigger is a nasty combo. There's another one who will cast Wish to get a double length alacrity Time Stop and then starts to rain down an endless barrage of damage spells on you, *after* his first regular Time Stop. :D
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited October 2016

    Chaos is not effective against protected enemies, and a player can have items or spells to protect from it way before his party reach a lich like level.
    Time stop is quite ineffective when no enemy is in sight or the enemies in sight are protected against what the caster of TS can do to them, as the eventual dispelling take place only at the end of TS. Even if is true that a double length TS lasts more than lets say PFMW, so a double length TS caster can damage an enemy protected with PFMW and against fire using MMM. But if only a summon or few ones are in sight usually even a double TS has only lesser effects on the outcome of a lich battle.

    All this require tactical wisdom, and a little metagame knowledge.
    But I am convinced that having very high levels is not a pre requisite to a successful no reload lich battle, even a modded one.
    I want to post a YT movie of a Charname Sorcerer soloing the Twisted rune, not modded, right out of the Irenicus initial dungeon, at lev 9, when a sorcerer is not the powerful one he becomes later, and also an other when a low level soloer kills the Fallen Deva of Tactics mod, that you find in the Irenicus dungeon, where no special equipment or high level are obtained.
    Also if you are talking of SCS liches, and the movies show different situations, they show how tactics and good use of what you can have available are more important than uber equipment and level.
  • jinxed75jinxed75 Member Posts: 157

    SCS randomizes Triggers and Contingencies. Sure, if you are willing to constantly metagame to the max, and always buff up to the extreme, because you as the player knows what your characters don't,you can have an easy time.
    Still, there is always the chance of unlucky save rolls, or that something happens you didn't think of before.
    PfMW does nothing for you, if that Lich uses his super Time Stop to rain down HW, Skull Traps, 3x Flame Arrow from a Sequencer and similar stuff on your non-mage PC.
    Not sure, what you are trying to prove with a vid of prepared Solo-Sorc who exactly knows what is going to happen.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited October 2016
    jinxed75 said:

    SCS Liches are just heavy opposition, as they should be. It's never really safe to engage them until you have really low saving throws, i.e. a level comparable to that of the Lich you are fighting.
    And even then, you can still get screwed over

    jinxed75 said:

    SCS randomizes Triggers and Contingencies. Sure, if you are willing to constantly metagame to the max, and always buff up to the extreme

    My point was exactly that you are correct saying that SCS Liches are just heavy opposition, and that it's never really safe to engage them. But I disagree on the until you have really low saving throws, i.e. a level comparable to that of the Lich, part.

    I assume that if someone wants to fight in a no reload situation a SCS lich, furthermore if he do it at low-medium level, is wise to always buff up to the extreme, and also use at the best all the metagame knowledge. that is useful even if SCS randomizes Triggers and Contingencies.

    To have a non-mage PC exposed to possible HW, Skull Traps, 3x Flame Arrow from a Sequencer imo is not wise, unless you protect him in other way, is not to be a strong tactical player. A shield completely protects from flame arrows, a belt and other items help to survive HW, not self cast protections of mages and clerics can be useful, there are ways to disrupt liches, maybe only after taking down some protections, but before is not wise at all to even let the lich know that not protected PCs exist. And I am not talking of potions.
    All can be dispelled on a not mage, but is an error to have a buffed PC exposed to be dispelled if he can not protect himself from the dispelling, DM and RM have a quite small AoE. Having a PC dispelled is a tactical error, he should not have been there at all. And if dispelled a PC must be withdraw from the battle and buffed again, if you keep him in sight of the enemy, knowing that he can do those things, is only your fault.

    My point is that high level and good ST that a high level grants are useful, but if the player use at the best what he can have, they are not a pre requisite. And they don't warrant the success in a no reload, as good ST is not equal to automatic save. Even with ST that grant automatic save a GM can cause a fail.

    The purpose of the movies, and I was clear saying that they deal with different situations, is only to show how "impossible" situations, like fighting a lev19 cleric and his summoned deva in Irenicus dungeon with a conjurer, or taking the SoTM staff right out of there with a Sorcerer, can be solved if good tactics and good use of what you can legally have at disposal are adopted.
    EDIT: And in both the cases no cheesy/easy tactics like hiding in the fog war and waiting for enemy protections to expire, or bombing with AoE spells and wands from the fog of war, was not used, even if the rune mage is killed using an AoE spell.
    EDIT2, under spoiler ad I have already created a huge textwall :smiley:
    in the rune battle the player have multiple problems to solve. Using 2 powerful and rare scrolls solve only few of them, making the lich and vampire not hostile and helping to survive to the mage. Still there are a strong thief, a beholder and a gated demon, and no way at that level to disrupt the mage that gate him in. The skull traps are used to solve the problem of the beholder, and is the only cheesy part of the video as a metagame knowledge is used to know hat spawns and where, and to soft the thief, that a sorcerer of that level, busy to deal with all the rest, had problems to survive against. Then the few wands saved from Chateau Irenicus are used to kill him. The beholder could be survived as the 2 scrolls where active, but it has to be killed to exit the area. What to do with the demon? No way that in that situation a low level sorc can survive to him while doing all the rest. But the not hostile vampire is used to kill him, that imo is synergy, is also genius. The whole battle is a masterpiece of synergy.

    About the conjurer it has to be told that the cleric cast TS (True sight , not timestop) and then gate the Deva, then as the cleric continue to try to damage the Deva cast firestorm, that usually alone decimates parties.
    notice how the TS is disrupted as some self buffs, mirror image and blur, are essential to survive to the cleric. and how staked webs and gm are used to web the Deva, that probably would have no problem at all with a single web. And the MMM are used only in the moments when the deva is webbed, a conjurer of that level would have failed almost all the to hit rolls other way. In the moments when the deva is not webbed the conjurer do other things, like to cast protection against fire, as she is expecting the firestorm, as soon that the deva is webbed again she pelts him again with auto hit MMM. The fact that the deva dies before casting the firestorm is not relevant, as the conjurer was protected and would have won anyway. She was relying on the lowered ST of the deva against stacked webs, but not depending on them blindly, if the deva would have saved one more time, without the protection from fire it would have been game over.

    This is what I intend when I talk of being strong tactical players, in those cases using a soloer, but in party runs also using each party member in the best way, when he can survive and eventually also be useful. And positioning correctly the party members in the battlefield, avoiding that many of them get the same nasty or debuffing spell at once, or withdrawing them from the battlefield when there is a chance that can not survive is a part of it.

    Post edited by gorgonzola on
  • jinxed75jinxed75 Member Posts: 157
    You are assuming all of your ponts from your own, metagaming based experience and playstyle, where your PC knows what you know, and hence everyone is always perfectly prepared.
    If you like to play like that, fine by me. Other people try to play the game in a more plausible manner. That means your party won't always be perfectly prepared through meta-knowledge.
    The consequence is a tougher game, but also a way more interesting one, because you have to overcome more more challenges, and improvise. But it comes with the possibility of failure, in return the satisfaction of making it out of such a confrontation alive feels really rewarding.
    Doesn't mean "weak" tactical playing. Going through a list of known risks beforehand and waterproofing your party against them isn't rocket science, or a display of tactical genius. Everybody with 3 brain cells can do that.
    Oh, and in case of the Lich and his Wish Time Stop, this came as a real surprise, didn't have that happen before, and it was awesome, despite getting chunked.
    Of course, next time I could set up my party in a meticulous manner, and have my PC hide out of the Lich's line of sight, like a real pro gam0r. But I won't do it, because it doesn't give me any sort of enjoyment.
    If you play the game based on the information your party could have in a plausible manner, and not on extensive metagame knowledge up to the extent to browsing NI for NPC scripts, then SCS Liches are extremely dangerous opposition for an underleveled group, and *can* defeat you if things aren't going your way.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    The Style that I had shown in those videos is not my own style, I try to not rely on metagame, very seldom buff before battles, unless my party, and not my metagame knowledge, has discovered that there is a strong enemy that absolutely needs buffs. And I don't play no reload, the price of loosing a single battle for me is not to start again from the beginning, in that case I suppose that I would buff much more and don't use tactics that now I feel free to use.

    I agree with you that meticulous preparation of each battle and using only safe tactics is not the only way to enjoy the game, and certainly is not the way that give me the most fun.

    But when I first quoted you I quoted an answer of you to @Otherguy, that say that he plays no reload SCS, so I assume that is that what we are referring to.
    In a no reload context that lich and his wish double TS can be a disaster, potentially causing to start again from Candlekeep if is a full saga no reload.
    In the context that I am playing in RL, reload allowed, but trying to not depend on it, it would be as surprising and interesting as it has been for you.
    And I never allowed myself to browse NI for NPC scripts, I prefer to learn their tactics gaming, but I think that in a no reload hard modded game it can have a lot of sense.
    My talking of being strong tactical players was referred to that particular context, no reload, SCS and dealing with strong enemies early.
    I never assumed that you are not a strong player. If I was misunderstood I apologize, that was not my intention.
  • CARV3RCARV3R Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 23
    How do you all deal with the demilich in WK as melee? I had to use two casters, with project image, spell immunity abjuration, lots of mordenkainen's sword and 3 freedom casts to keep freeing them and my melee.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited October 2016
    I did send my FMT improved hasted equipped with the pally sword and every other MR item available, The pour guy lasted less then one round. He defeated also the red dragon and the other one solo and in no time, using only that single buff. Or maybe it was boots of speed to close the distance fast and than GWW, I don't remember exactly now.
    Mordenkainen's sword are not useful against someone that uses imprisonment at will, but doing him a lot of DMG, that also disrupt him, before he has a chance to cast it the first time, is really effective.
    Instead of Mordys, that are a really good summon against strong mlee enemies and very easy to deal with against casters, use a mage protected with spell immunity abjuration as cannon fodder to draw his imprisonment spells, while your I hasted fighters pelt him with long reach high enchantment weapons (ryn, ram, sotm, pally sword, halberds and spears. With mods that give a more intelligent casting to demiliches there is still some chance to have someone imprisoned.
    My FMT could have used spell immunity abjuration, he had it memorized, but that time he did not, it was not needed. I suppose that a I Hasted pally can do the same, but never try it.
    A protected mage using sotm, and then energy blades or mmm is still the best way to kill a demilich using physical damage, even if is ranged, if you lack of a 3Mxp FMT, Both Aerie and Jan have little problem doing it having better thac0 than a single class or early dual as Imoen.

    Edit some typos corrected
    And my usual tactic is protected mage and dragon's breath, that is not a valid answer to your question.
  • CARV3RCARV3R Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 23
    Unfortunately my sorc and mage hadn't unlocked energy blades yet, but I didn't think about MMM, good call. Even on vanilla/no mods the WK demilich would imprison my ranged melee (standing behind the immune caster), I guess melee really can't compete unless the are multi or dual classed casters.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    CARV3R said:

    Even on vanilla/no mods the WK demilich would imprison my ranged melee (standing behind the immune caster), I guess melee really can't compete unless the are multi or dual classed casters.

    True, but with the mage protected that take the first imprisonment while dispelling possible stoneskin with the SOtM and some good fighters hasted or better improved hasted that enter into the room at the right moment, right after the first casting of the demilich, close fast the distance and pelt him with a ton of APR, there is a real chance that he dies before he can even cast the second one. Or maybe can succeed to imprison a single fighter. If GWWs are available even better. Imo a battle with a demilich must be a matter of seconds, other way the whole party has to be protected, and even so problems can rise.
    Don't give him the chance to react, kill him before he can even think of reacting, no demilich survive 30-40 APR, after his stoneskin is dispelled or PFMW has expired, he need lot less to go down.

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