Problem with Dorn becoming a fallen blackguard

Ok so with a reputation around 5, when we came across Laurel the paladin, instead of asking for help with the gibberlings, she made a short speech about evildoers and attacked.
No problem there, but after we killed her, Dorn was changed to a fallen blackguard, and Viconia to a fallen cleric.
Obviously this doesn't seem correct, as they're both evil.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
No problem there, but after we killed her, Dorn was changed to a fallen blackguard, and Viconia to a fallen cleric.
Obviously this doesn't seem correct, as they're both evil.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
There are paladins and blackguards, but are there warriors dedicated to neutrality?
''What makes a good man go neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?"
since at least 3e(never mind, Songs and Swords was written before 3e, it must have been way sooner than that). Elminster, for example, is CG and a leading member of the Harpers, and the characters in Elaine Cunningham's Songs and Swords series are Harpers and all some shade of good.There was a lengthy discussion on Harper alignment a couple of years ago on the enworld boards,, which basically concluded they're predominantly chaotic good but have a fair number of neutral and neutral good members.