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The LoB + SCS Solo Challenge vs Bhaal´s Cataclysm



  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    After managing to add SCS to a new BGEE installation I've made a start with the same sorcerer character that I've used in unmodded LoB. Getting the first few levels in order to acquire invisibility is significantly harder in this - partly as a result of calls for help and follow-me scripts and partly because more creatures react to being blinded by wandering all over the place.

    At the 4th attempt though I've managed to avoid archer ambushes for long enough to get that crucial invisibility. That provides the opportunity to not just travel safely, but also acquire some equipment without risk.

    Installation is as follows (including all encounter upgrades):
    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate Spell Turning): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4030 // Improved shapeshifting: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4040 // Make party members less likely to die irreversibly: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4110 // Allow NPC pairs to separate: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4120 // NPCs go to inns: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5020 // Remove the blur graphic effect from the Cloak of Displacement: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5050 // Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6031 // Smarter Mages -> Mages only cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat if they are created in sight of the PC: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6041 // Smarter Priests -> Priests only cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat if they are created in sight of the PC: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6103 // Potions for NPCs -> Two thirds of the potions dropped by slain enemies break and are lost: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Dark Side-based kobold upgrade: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    Oh you don't do the improved chapter fights?
    They are a must. :blush:
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited December 2016
    A slight lack of patience proved costly with my sorcerer nearing level 7 after finishing off all the basilisks and a couple of battle horrors at Durlag's Tower. I was trying to kill a wolf to save Melicamp and had run it around in circles several times firing magic missiles at it. Needing 2 or 3 skull traps to finish it off I tried to go invisible, but at a point where I knew I would barely have enough time to cast the spell. As it turned out I barely had time not to cast it and the wolf hit as I was disappearing - and got a critical :'(.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    What a pity @Grond0! Big bad wolf just wanted to have some fresh meat it seems! :disappointed:

    Okay, i will upgrade SCS a bit even though i dont think it would have made a big difference up to now. Evil cheese is too powerful. Daevaeorn on the other could prove to be quite nasty! we will see! ;)

    EDIT: After updating SCS i will redo the chapter-end-fights using my old savegames. Could be interesting!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Grond0, that's harsh man... I've had a similar situation but fortunately not fatal...
    @Victor_Creed_SFV, the improved battles are a must for me too.
    @Harpagornis, glad you're ejoying the use of cheese. I think we all do it to some extent in a challenge like this one, even non-evil characters like my neutral goody two shoes Gnome :)

    Trixy has made some progress playing it pretty safe most of the time. First my weidu-log, for those who are interested.
    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~EET/EET.TP2~ #0 #0 // Initialise EET (first mod in install order): 1.0 RC7
    ~EET_CORE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Core EET (game importation): 1.0 RC7
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ascension v1.51 BETA (requires ToB): v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #1 // Tougher Abazigal (optional, requires ToB): v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #2 // Original Tougher Demogorgon (optional, requires ToB): v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #3 // Tougher Gromnir (optional, requires ToB): v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #4 // Tougher Illasera (optional, requires ToB): v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #5 // Tougher Yaga-Shura (optional, requires ToB): v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #101 // Ascension Portraits - Bodhi: v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #102 // Ascension Portraits - Original Balthazar by Cuv: v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #103 // Restored Bhaalspawn Powers by David Gaider: v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #104 // Extended Epilogues by shawne: v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #105 // Extended EE Epilogues by shawne: v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #999 // Remove Anyone Identifier in EA.ids: v1.5 BETA_20160601
    ~WHEELS/SETUP-WHEELS.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Wheels of Prophecy: v6
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #0 // Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards: v4.90b1
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #3 // Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills: v4.90b1
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #4 // Bard kit revisions: v4.90b1
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #6 // Proper spell progression for Bards: v4.90b1
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #11 // Chosen of Cyric encounter: v4.90b1
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #12 // Shadow Thief Improvements: v4.90b1
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #999 // BG2-style icons for RR content: v4.90b1
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #50 // Avatar Morphing Script: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #60 // Weapon Animation Tweaks: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Commoners Use Drab Colors: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Icon Improvements: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Fix Boo's Squeak: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #160 // Make Magic Shields Glow (plainab/grogerson): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #170 // Unique Icons: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #190 // Use Character Colors Instead of Item Colors -> For all shields and helmets: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1020 // Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1030 // Reveal Wilderness Areas Before Chapter Six: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1036 // Make Cloakwood Areas Available Before Completing the Bandit Camp -> All of Cloakwood Except the Mines: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1040 // Improved Athkatlan City Guard: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1050 // Gradual Drow Item Disintegration: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1090 // Exotic Item Pack: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1120 // Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1161 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash) -> Keep Class Restrictions: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1180 // Female Edwina: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1220 // Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1230 // Allow Cespenar to Use Cromwell Recipes: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2040 // Universal Clubs: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2060 // Weapon Styles for All: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2090 // Change Experience Point Cap -> Remove Experience Cap: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Expanded Dual-Class Options: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2150 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> P&P Restrictions: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2160 // Alter Weapon Proficiency System -> Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2170 // Cast Spells from Scrolls (and Other Items) at Character Level: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2200 // Multi-Class Grandmastery (Weimer): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2210 // Change Grandmastery Bonuses -> True Grandmastery (Baldurdash): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2220 // Change Magically Created Weapons to Zero Weight: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2240 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2250 // Un-Nerfed Sorcerer Spell Progression Table: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2261 // Alter Mage Spell Progression Table -> PnP Table: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2270 // Alter Bard Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2281 // Alter Cleric Spell Progression Table -> PnP Table: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2300 // Triple-Class HLA Tables: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2320 // Trap Cap Removal (Ardanis/GeN1e): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2330 // Remove Delay for Magical Traps (Ardanis/GeN1e): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2390 // Paladins Use Icewind Dale-Heart of Winter Spell Tables (grogerson): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2400 // Rangers Use Icewind Dale-Heart of Winter Spell Tables (grogerson): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2410 // Druids Use 3E Alignment Restrictions: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2440 // Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2999 // Max HP at Level One: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3011 // Maximum HP for NPCs (the bigg) -> For Non-Party-Joinable NPCs Only: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3050 // Remove fatigue from restoration spells: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3070 // Change Effect of Reputation on Store Prices -> Low Reputation Store Discount (Sabre): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3083 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Stacks of 120: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3093 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Stacks of 120: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3103 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Stacks of 120: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3113 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Stacks of 120: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3120 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Are Never Angry About Reputation: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3125 // Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3150 // Turn Off The Hideous Cloak-of-Mirroring, Spell-Trap, and Physical Mirror Animations: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3183 // Romance Cheats: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3205 // Stores Purchase All Item Types: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3220 // Sensible Entrance Points: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3230 // Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armor (Icendoan/grogerson): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3263 // Recoverable ammunition -> 100% chance to recover after a successful hit: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3273 // Recoverable throwing weapons -> 100% chance to recover after a successful hit: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Adjust Evil joinable NPC reaction rolls: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Improved Fate Spirit Summoning: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // ToB-Style NPCs: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4031 // Consistent Stats: Edwin -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4041 // Consistent Stats: Jaheira -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4050 // Change Jaheira to Neutral Good: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4061 // Consistent Stats: Minsc -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4071 // Consistent Stats: Viconia -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4080 // Make Khalid a Fighter-Mage (Domi): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4100 // Change Korgan to Neutral Evil: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2291 // Alter Druid Spell and Level Progression Tables -> No Level Progression Changes, PnP Druid/Cleric Spell Table Only: Beta 5
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Restore innate infravision to Half-Orc characters: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #101 // Prevent skeletal and incorporeal undead from being affected by Illithids' Devour Brain attack: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #102 // Change Spiritual Hammer into a ranged force weapon: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #104 // PnP Color Spray: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #105 // PnP Dimension Door: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Magical arrows and bolts deal bonus damage equal to their enchantment level: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #115 // Allow Mages to scribe memorized spells onto scrolls -> Scrolls can be scribed everywhere: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #120 // Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #125 // Rangers' Animal Empathy improves with experience: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Additional racial traits for Dwarves: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Additional racial traits for Gnomes: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Allow Breach to take down Stoneskin effects applied by items: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #201 // Instant casting for warrior innates: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #202 // Revised Bhaalpowers -> Enhance the Bhaalpowers and standardize their casting time: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #218 // Regain Bhaalpowers in ToB: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #211 // Make Death Ward protect against Vorpal Hits: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #212 // Make alignment detection spells more accurate: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #213 // Expanded saving throw bonus tables for Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #270 // Unbiased quest rewards: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #220 // Simple Thief script: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #230 // Simple Bard script: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #239 // Simple Cleric/Paladin script: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #324 // Use Icewind Dale's Dimension Door animation -> Fast animation speed, shorter delay between animation start and creature appearance/disappearance: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #301 // Change the appearance of Valygar's armor: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #302 // Change the appearance of the Robe of Vecna: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #310 // Distinctive creature coloring: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #315 // Distinctive creature soundsets: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #500 // Slightly expanded storage capacity for containers -> Use the recommended storage capacity value (999): v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #510 // Expanded temple services: v4.50
    ~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #999 // BG2-style icons for aTweaks content: v4.50
    ~EET_GUI.TP2~ #0 #0 // SoD GUI
    ~HAERDALISROMANCE/HAERDALISROMANCE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Haer'Dalis Romance (SoA & ToB): v2
    ~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #5 // Bard High Level Ability revisions: v4.90b1
    ~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Teleport spell: 1.3
    ~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #6 // Adjust XP for Traps, Spells and Lockpicking: 1.3
    ~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #12 // More bandit scalps: 1.3
    ~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #13 // Put Sword of Chaos +2 in Sarevok's inventory: 1.3
    ~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #20 // Disable hostile reaction after charm: 1.3
    ~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #26 // Add Priest of Tempus kit for Priests: 1.3
    ~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #30 // PnP spell scroll caster levels: 1.3
    ~XAN/SETUP-XAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Xan NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II: v15
    ~XANBG1VOICE/SETUP-XANBG1VOICE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Delete all other Xan audio lines, inlcuding banter and romance lines (recommended): v2
    ~XANBG1VOICE/SETUP-XANBG1VOICE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Original BG1 soundset for Xan BG2 NPC: v2
    ~THALAN/THALAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Thalantyr - Item Upgrade: v4.2.2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Kidnapping of Boo by Cliffette: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Suna Seni/Valygar Relationship: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #2 // Kalah and What He Was Promised: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #3 // "Cat and Mouse" (Bodhi hunts you in Spellhold) by Ghreyfain: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #4 // Gorje Hilldark and the Extended Illithium Quest: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #5 // The Pai'Na/Spider's Bane Quest: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #6 // Restored Crooked Crane Inn: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #7 // Restored Encounters: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #8 // Artemis Entreri in Bodhi's Lair: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #9 // Corrected "Xzar's Creations": v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Restored Hell Minions, by SimDing0: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #11 // Gorf the Squisher Fix, by Gebhard Blucher: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Item Restorations: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #13 // Yoshimo's Original Portrait: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #14 // Anomen's Original Portrait: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #15 // NPC Portrait Restorations: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Corrected BAMs and Scripts: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Corrected Character Names and Biographies: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Restored Minor Dialogs: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Restored Bhaalspawn Powers, by David Gaider: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #20 // Extended ToB Item Descriptions: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Throne of Bhaal Minor Restorations: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #24 // Sarevok's Remorse: v26beta2
    ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #25 // The Murder of Acton Balthis, by Kulyok: v26beta2
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1000 // Initialise mod (all other components require this): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1910 // Protection from Normal Missiles also blocks Arrows of Fire/Cold/Acid and similar projectiles without pluses: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2010 // More consistent Breach spell (always affects liches and rakshasas; doesn't penetrate Spell Turning): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2020 // Antimagic attacks penetrate improved invisibility: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Iron Skins behaves like Stoneskin (can be brought down by Breach): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2050 // Allow individual versions of Spell Immunity to be placed into Contingencies and Spell Triggers: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2070 // Blade Barrier and Globe of Blades only affect hostile creatures: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2120 // Slightly weaken insect plague spells, and let fire shields block them: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2140 // Slightly increase the power of Mantle, Improved Mantle, and Absolute Immunity: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2150 // Make spell sequencers, spell triggers, and contingencies learnable by all mages: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2160 // Add an extra copy of some hard-to-find spell scrolls: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2170 // True Sight/True Seeing spells protect from magical blindness: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #2180 // Prevent Simulacra and Projected Images from using magical items: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3030 // Re-introduce potions of extra-healing: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Make the healing and resurrection powers of the Rod of Resurrection into separate abilities: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Faster Bears: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Grant large, flying, non-solid or similar creatures protection from Web and Entangle: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // More realistic wolves and wild dogs: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4030 // Improved shapeshifting: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4130 // Move NPCs to more convenient locations: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4140 // Allow Yeslick to use axes: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4146 // Skip the Candlekeep tutorial sections -> Skip Candlekeep altogether (warning: breaks the 4th wall!): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4180 // Make Freedom scrolls available earlier: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5000 // Ease-of-use party AI: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5010 // Move Boo into Minsc's pack: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5020 // Remove the blur graphic effect from the Cloak of Displacement: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5030 // Remove animation from the Cloak of Mirroring (leave it for other spells and effects that use the same graphic): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5050 // Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5060 // Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6000 // Smarter general AI: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6010 // Better calls for help: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6023 // Add high-level abilities (HLAs) to spellcasters -> All eligible spellcasters in Throne of Bhaal get HLAs; only selected casters in Shadows of Amn do: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6030 // Smarter Mages -> Mages cast some short-duration spells instantly at start of combat, to simulate pre-battle casting: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6040 // Smarter Priests -> Priests cast some short-duration spells instantly at start of combat, to simulate pre-battle casting: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6100 // Potions for NPCs -> All of the potions dropped by slain enemies are recoverable: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6200 // Improved Spiders: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6300 // Smarter sirines and dryads: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6310 // Slightly harder carrion crawlers: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6320 // Smarter basilisks: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6500 // Improved golems: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6510 // Improved fiends -> Fiends have about 50 percent more hit points than normal: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6520 // Smarter genies -> Genies have about 50 percent more hit points than normal: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6530 // Smarter celestials -> Celestials have about 50 percent more hit points than normal: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6540 // Smarter dragons -> Dragons have a substantial hit point increase: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6551 // Smarter beholders -> Don't give beholder rays any chance of burning through spell protections; beholder antimagic blocks all spells, including harmful ones, for a round (simulates D&D rules): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6562 // Smarter mind flayers -> Illithids have only original-game resistances; Illithids cannot see invisible enemies (matches original game): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6570 // Smarter githyanki: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6580 // Improved Vampires: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #6590 // Smarter Throne of Bhaal final villain: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Improved doppelgangers: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7010 // Tougher Black Talons and Iron Throne guards: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7020 // Improved deployment for parties of assassins: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7030 // Dark Side-based kobold upgrade: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7040 // Relocated bounty hunters: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7050 // Improved Ulcaster: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7060 // Improved Balduran's Isle: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7070 // Improved Durlag's Tower: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7080 // Improved Demon Cultists: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7090 // Improved Cloakwood Druids: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7100 // Improved Bassilus: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7110 // Improved Drasus party: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7130 // Improved Red Wizards: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7140 // Improved Undercity party: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7200 // Tougher chapter-two end battle: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7210 // Tougher chapter-three end battle: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7220 // Tougher chapter-four end battle: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7230 // Tougher chapter-five end battle: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7250 // Improved final battle: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #7900 // Improved minor encounters: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8000 // Make the starting dungeon slightly harder: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8010 // Improved Shade Lord: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8020 // Spellcasting Demiliches: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8041 // Increase difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings -> Significantly increased difficulty: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8050 // Improved Random Encounters: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8060 // Improved de'Arnise Keep ("Tactics Remix") -> Spirit trolls have the same powers as in the original game: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8070 // Improved Unseeing Eye: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8080 // Improved Bodhi (Tactics Remix) -> "Toned-down" version of the original Tactics Improved Bodhi, with SCSII scripting: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8100 // Improved battle with Irenicus in Spellhold: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8110 // Improved Sahuagin: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8120 // Improved Beholder hive (adapted from Quest Pack): v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8140 // Slightly Improved Drow -> Upgrade Ust Natha's defences: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8150 // Slightly Improved Watcher's Keep: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8160 // Improved Fire Giant temple: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8170 // Enhanced Sendai's Enclave: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8180 // Improved Abazigal's Lair: v30
    ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #8190 // Improved Minor Encounters: v30
    ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ #0 #0 // Fix Sunfire power levels: v2.1
    ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ #0 #2 // Shield of Reflection works on SCS Flame Arrows: v2.1
    ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ #0 #5 // Remove entourage from Ascension Fallen Solars: v2.1
    ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ #0 #100 // Check for and fix incorrect spell animations: v2.1
    ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ #0 #400 // Prevent silent prebuffs: v2.1
    ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ #0 #201 // Add spell school notifications to the combat log -> All spells with a casting time greater than 1: v2.1
    ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ #0 #300 // Add expiration notifications for buffs: v2.1
    ~MAZZY/SETUP-MAZZY.TP2~ #0 #0 // Mazzy Friendship: v2.2
    ~SETUP-KETO.TP2~ #0 #0 // Keto-SOA NPC V2
    ~IMOENFRIENDSHIP/IMOENFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Imoen Friendship: 2.1
    ~SETUP-ALORA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Chosen of Mystra's Alora NPC Mod: 1.5
    ~VICONIA/SETUP-VICONIA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Viconia Friendship: v3.3
    ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Portraits Portraits Everywhere (PPE) - core component: 1.01
    ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #150 // Category Portraits (Recommended) -> Random: 1.01
    ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #10 // Isandir's CHARNAME Portraits: 1.01
    ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #20 // Replace Low Quality TOB & SOA Portraits: 1.01
    ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #25 // Edwin/Edwina: 1.01
    ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #30 // Ust Natha Drow NPCs: 1.01
    ~PPE/SETUP-PPE.TP2~ #0 #35 // Vampire NPCs: 1.01
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #30 // Improved Specialist Mage Descriptions: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #31 // Replace Berserker Kit with Battlerager for Dwarves: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #900 // Add Red Wizard to Edwin's Kit Description: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #1400 // Give Imoen Adventurer Kit: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #2300 // Change Minsc's Title to Rashemaar Ranger: v4
    ~EET_END.TP2~ #0 #0 // Finalise EET (last mod in install order)

    We start with the fetching and kiting jobs (plus lockpicking as a matter of fact) along the Coast Way, for level 2/3. Buy an Invisibility scroll and copy it. Kill Shoal to reach level 3/4 and be able to cast said spell. From there it is hoard looting, and easy XP farming and rep boosting in remote areas. We can't be bothered with Charleston Nib's diggers, resorting instead to sporting the girdle of gender to show Oublek our honesty. Invisible fairy dragon blocks Greywolf's way to Trixy for more easy XP.
    Trixy finds Drizzt slain by Gnolls. She holds on to his scimitars to carry on the dark elf's legacy but she sells his armor. We pickpocket Algernon for shop discounts, and buy and scribe copies of several of High Hedge and Ulgoth's Beard's useful scrolls. We also acquire the Quiver of Plenty (unlimited mundane arrows, a UB addition) at the Nashkel Carnival, and Thalantyr's Robe of the Good Archmagi, a purchase that leaves us almost penniless.

    Wands are a gnome's best friend. Meilum (paralyzation) and several of Mutamin's basilisks (fire) are the first enemies to learn this. (Mutamin himself is repeatedly paralyzed by Korax, who in turn is slaughtered by Kirian and company.) The two battle horrors in front of Durlag's Tower fall to Trixy's wand of fire as well. One of the creatures makes Trixy sustain her first injuries: 12 slashing + 10 fire damage due to a wand scorcher taking too long in activating, allowing the battle horror to close in. Had that been a critical, then Trixy would have staggered away with a single HP left, thanks to me playing with full HPs at leveling up.
    We further deal with the four basilisks on the roof. Trixy Blinds them to make it easier to hit them and to make sure that PfPetrification expiration won't be something to worry about. Thus Trixy reaches level 6/7. She loots most of the chests on the upper levels but leaves the remainder of the tower for someone greedier than she.

    We then enter the Nashkel Mines. Trixy stays invisible until she reaches Mulahey. She buffs with Ghost Armor, MSD, and Mirror Image, and she also applies an oil of speed to facilitate emergency exiting. That proves unnecessary. Trixy paralyzes Mulahey right after he finishes his talk, but before the Half-Orc's minions appear. She strikes her foe down with her dual-wielded scimitars. Trixy has only one pip in TWF although she can eventually get three with Rogue Rebalancing, but hits are guaranteed against paralyzed opponents, so the hasted Gnome has no difficulty taking Mulahey down.

    Next up is the bandit camp. Taking my reload restriction into consideration I should probably use stealth/invisibility to just loot Tazok's chest and get out. I really can't see Trixy slay a horde of bandit and black talon archers aided by Venkt and melee beasts Taugosz and Britik, even with two or three fully charged wands.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Very nice progress @Blackraven - keep on sneaking! ;)

    I am disappointed with my run so far cause this Fighter/Thief feels totally OP - even with buffed up fights. Sure this may (and will) change later but in the meanwhile it starts to get boring. Thats one reason why i restricted the original challenge to Warriors only. Maybe its time for something else...

    I thought i was clever when i saw that Barbarians are now just another Fighter Kit so i could play a Dual classed Barbarian/Druid. That would be really cool - but it doesnt work. Damn. Every other Fighter Kit works but not the Barbarian. Damn again. So maybe i will just switch to Fighter/Druid - or something more weird. Will have to think about this... :D
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    Fighter/Thief is slightly less op when you have to kill High Level Mages and dragons.
    Ofc you can still cheese a lot and your damage is gonna be outta control with Assassination, but it's gonna be less straightforward.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I've seen you give praise to assassination a few times now. Makes me think you have never played a FMT with Mislead GWWA
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    Because I like one ability I never played a class?
    Makes sense. :smile:
    Btw guys I can not beat Abazigal with my DD.
    I tried quite a few times but death can come ut of too many directions in that fight.
    The main problem is his melee attack, even with 90% resistance he does 80 damage per round to me which I can barely outsustain by constantly healing but I have to get off defensive stance every 9 rounds and if I don't I die instantly.
    Here coms the next problem he mazes me every now and then, so I also need to keep up 100% MR all the time, which is hard because it only works with potions which are a) limited and b) he uses remove magic everytime he wants to maze.
    Since I already barely outheal his melee damage whenever I get him to badly wounded either I get blinded which is super deadly too, or I get hit by remove magic into maze. :(
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    That sounds not good @Victor_Creed_SFV. I just wanted to start a Barbarian but that would run into similar problems, no? Ironically spoken we all might end up with the so called OP classes: Say hello to F/M and all its counterparts. I hope there are other ways... ;)
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @Victor_Creed_SFV I guess you didn't get the point.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited December 2016
    Yep, that maze is pretty nasty for most character classes - if you haven't discovered it yet, the maze is also a ranged attack unlike the standard mage spell! If I were having a go at him I would say this is a good fight to use a scroll of PfM in.

    There's also a hidey-hole in the southern part of Abazigal's cave that you can exploit to prevent him attacking in melee. He can still hurt you with wing buffets, which would be a potential problem for me as my personal rules virtually always prohibit use of any healing. However, if you're allowing healing potions they would comfortably be enough to keep you going while shooting the dragon up ...

    Another tactic that can be helpful against dragons generally is to reduce their abilities. The sword that reduces their THAC0 can be used to prevent them being dangerous in melee, but won't help with maze. However, chopping levels away with Blackrazor might let you win a combat before being mazed (though that wouldn't be guaranteed).
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    Grond0 said:

    Yep, that maze is pretty nasty for most character classes - if you haven't discovered it yet, the maze is also a ranged attack unlike the standard mage spell! If I were having a go at him I would say this is a good fight to use a scroll of PfM in.

    There's also a hidey-hole in the southern part of Abazigal's cave that you can exploit to prevent him attacking in melee. He can still hurt you with wing buffets, which would be a potential problem for me as my personal rules virtually always prohibit use of any healing. However, if you're allowing healing potions they would comfortably be enough to keep you going while shooting the dragon up ...

    Another tactic that can be helpful against dragons generally is to reduce their abilities. The sword that reduces their THAC0 can be used to prevent them being dangerous in melee, but won't help with maze. However, chopping levels away with Blackrazor might let you win a combat before being mazed (though that wouldn't be guaranteed).

    Didn't know the part about ranged attack, does the cloak of mirroring work against it?

    Preventing it from melee feels kinda cheesy to me, I also could have use PfM but using it against a dragon and not lich or the like feels so unsatisfying.
    All very good advice and thanks a lot. :smile:
    Guess I'll start my ScS run after this weekend. (Having visitors so can't play over the WE)
    Having that much trouble with the dragon convinced me I need mage spells, so I will go F/M/T, which is kinda sad, that Swash (25)-Fighter woulda been kinda dope but having to use scrolls whenever I get meleed would probably use up the scrolls of PfmW to quickly.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Harpagornis, I can't believe it. :o F/T too OP? Boring? That's amazing... I feel I need to be supercareful with my Illusionist/Thief. And I'm already dreading certain encounters. Trixy is likely to skip several optional encounters due to my reload restriction. But that still leaves a number of mandatory battles that are pretty awe-inspiring... Do you skip optional content as well?
    Wolf of Ulcaster, Molkar, Lamalha, Drasus, Davaeorn, the different Iron Throne parties at the HQ in Baldur's Gate, below Candlekeep, and in the Undercity, certain TotSC battles, Slythe & Krystin, Sarevok's coronation, and the final battle all seem risky for any solo character in this challenge. Do you really find them that easy? Maybe you should also consider limiting reloads? Maybe there's too little at stake when playing without any reload restrictions in place? I'm not saying that it should be a mandatory part of the challenge, but it is likely to make a difference in your perception of how easy the game is for your Fighter/Thief.

    @Victor_Creed_SFV and @FinneousPJ, my gripe with the otherwise great Assassination HLA is that you can only pick it once. I think a Swashbuckler's multiple WWs are more useful.

    @Grond0, I knew of the hiding spot in Abazigal's lair, does he still range-Maze Charname down there?

    @chimaera, great to see you join us! Good luck!
    As for the Familiar, I read somewhere that it's supposed to give the caster half its HPs as bonus HPs (i.e. 28 HPs I believe), but I only get 6 HPs as per vanilla. Did you test this in your setup?
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  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @Victor_Creed_SFV @Blackraven Has gotten the gist of it. You only ever get one assassination, while Mislead can give you backstabs for days. Couple that with (G)WWA or IH and you will wreck anything. You don't even need to be a FMT. Especially solo, you can get loads of Mislead scrolls to use with UAI.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2016
    @Blackraven: I am not that far so most of you listed enemies are still ahead. But i run into another problem: After reinstalling SCS to buff creatures and encounters its not working anymore. Even worse: I tried to update BGEE and now it got struck in "Download paused" mode so i even cannot start the game anymore. Damn. :(

    EDIT: Good luck @chimaera! :)
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited December 2016
    Starting again I farmed a fair amount of XP in Shoal's area from ambushing wolves and the odd carrion crawler - meaning not much work was needed in Beregost to get to level 4.

    Rather than go for the easy XP from basilisks, this time I worked round the southern areas laboriously taking down enemies. I had only recently got up to level 5 though when a momentary mis-click allowed Greywolf to get into attack range - and he didn't need a second invitation.

    The amount of time required to kill enemies and the relative ineffectiveness of blindness with SCS is giving me too many opportunities to make mistakes. I'm going to re-roll the starting character and take a slightly different approach next time ...
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    @Grond0, I knew of the hiding spot in Abazigal's lair, does he still range-Maze Charname down there?

    He certainly does in vanilla. It's possible the SCS script changes that, but I wouldn't count on it.
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    edited December 2016

    @Victor_Creed_SFV and @FinneousPJ, my gripe with the otherwise great Assassination HLA is that you can only pick it once. I think a Swashbuckler's multiple WWs are more useful.

    But if I dual Swash into fighter I get WW anyway AND can use mislead scrolls.
    And if I play F/M/T I also don't see why I would not pick Assassination.

    So I stand by what I said before just because I like Assassination has nothing to do with any other ability or class.
    This discussion is super stupid since backstab only works with thieves to begin with so unless you dual very early (and don't get a good bs multiplier) you will always be able to pick assassination.
    And guess hat it works vs enemies that see thru invis and you can combine it with improved haste.

    We should also keep in mind that most people mc thieves and my idea with the swash dual is super impractical so I'm not gonna go with it either.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited December 2016
    @Victor_Creed_SFV, sorry if my post came across as an attempt to dispute the usefulness of the Assassination HLA. That was not my intention. I specifically called it a great ability after all :smile: And I believe that pretty much any character that can pick it, should.
    @Harpagornis, that's sad news... I hope you can get your install right!
    @Grond0, as an Illusionist Trixy gets a lot of mileage out of Blindness. At level 6 she tends to memorize 4-5 castings of it. She sometimes needs a couple of tries but that's what stealth/invisibility and the ring of wizardry are for. It is true that some enemies start wandering around though. I tend to remedy that with the wand of paralyzation if I want a Blinded creature dead.
    I wonder what your new approach is going to be. I think Cleric/Ilusionist would be ideal for Blinding and otherwise disabling foes, with both Doom and Malison. I have 99 roll Cleric/Illusionist ready for the road. It's probably a more powerful character even than my Illusionist/Thief.
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    Didn't come across like that, you didn't start the discussion after all. :smile:
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    I dont know whats going on. I had to reinstall BGEE and now i am not able to get into the installation window of SCS - it shuts down and thats it. I can install it on my SoD+BGEE version but after installation there is no effect on gameplay. What versions are you playing and how do you made it work? This is so confusing...
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    Did you change the directory?
    When I first installed SCS I had big trouble with that.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Yeah, i changed directory... after this nothing worked anymore... even when switching to the old directory!
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    You have to change the directory to where a specific file is, can't quite remember if it was chitin.key or the exe, but usually it is in your main install directory.
    Remember you have to assign this in SCS, so best to delete all old SCS files and open the install exe you first used where it asks for your BG directory.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited December 2016

    You have to change the directory to where a specific file is, can't quite remember if it was chitin.key or the exe, but usually it is in your main install directory.

    That's right - the relevant folder is the one with chitin.key in.

    If you want to install the patched version of SCS you should:
    1) Put unpacked files into the relevant folder for all desired mods, but don't install them. So for SCS that means running the compressed file you download to specify the folder it should install in, but exiting the programme before making any changes.
    2) Put the Big World Fixpack in the same folder. Again you need to unpack the zipped file (from and then take all the contents of the 'master' folder and put them into your relevant folder.
    3) Put the latest copy of Weidu (from into the same folder.
    4) Run the Fixpack - that will apply fixes to the other mods in your folder. Without those SCS probably won't run properly.
    5) Run SCS and any other mods you're installing.

    Good luck!
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited December 2016

    I wonder what your new approach is going to be. I think Cleric/Ilusionist would be ideal for Blinding and otherwise disabling foes, with both Doom and Malison. I have 99 roll Cleric/Illusionist ready for the road. It's probably a more powerful character even than my Illusionist/Thief.

    I'm still intending to see how a sorcerer gets on, but will start one with immediate access to a familiar. The HP boost from that will help protect against being one-shotted after a movement mistake and also provide an alternative way to run things round while slowly killing them.

    I've had a few trial runs to get a feel for how aggressively I can use the familiar and am ready to see if I can make some decent progress now.

    This character will also aim to get more resources than previously. That's not needed for BG1, but I suspect they will require significant assistance from wands in SoD to make progress - so will need to build up funds for that.
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