Coldhearth (Spoiler)

OK. What happened? As a freshly minted lich Coldhearth used to have no spells. Now he comes fully loaded. On top of that. Each time I kill him he comes back fully loaded with spells, spawns right next to me and always knows where I am at even when I haste far out of sight and close doors between us. On top of that, if I run someone to grab his phalactery and destroy it, it says he screams in rage as his soul dies, yet he is still running around fully loaded with spells. How the heck are 9th and 10th level characters suppose to have two fights with a fully loaded lich (you need to win one to get his key) who spams AOE spells that hold and knock you out when they don't just kill you AND deal with the fire elementals and skeletal warrior that spawn after I have already killed everything?
This fight has become pretty much impossible to win.
I don't have any difficulty mods on, only Eldritch Magic and Palemaster for Sorcerers.
Would love to know the secret to this?
This fight has become pretty much impossible to win.
I don't have any difficulty mods on, only Eldritch Magic and Palemaster for Sorcerers.
Would love to know the secret to this?
Post edited by Tresset on
At times Siege of Dragonspear competes well with the best of the IE RPGs: the Dwarves of Dumathoin quest is one example of that.
Incidentally, I just got done fighting an Alhoon in Shrouded Sun, a NWN2 module. An Alhoon is an "illthilich", in case you don't know. The encounter almost reduced me to tears due to its brutal difficulty. You can read about it here. Just search the post for the word "alhoon".
Edit: I think you need to convince the dwarf that you're telling the truth as well. Either through a Charisma check or by collecting some evidence. The evidence is located on the same level as the dwarf, inside the locked chest near where you encountered the giant (you should have found the key to the chest on the lower level).
But then just ran like buggery to get the phylactery, destroyed it ultra quick and ended up winning without really knowing why or how.
Most dissapointing.
It's a good fight on one level, on the other hand a real head to head was too hard so ended up "cheesing" it when the novelty of trying had worn off.
As for the special gem, since when does anybody use something that useful immediately on their first run through?
It does against every instinct that dictates you must, must, must hang on to it unused for the next encounter that might be even more difficult.............and then ultimately end the game with it still in the inventury.
When I wrote this I was seething over how hard the battle was. Totally didn't notice the go back to talk thing and ended up using my two anti-magic scrolls to get through after I wrote the thread. I wish I would have paid better attention.
Can't undo that fine work, so I was pleased. Regardless of the morbidity and alignment of necromancy, it's damn nice arcane workmanship imo.
perhaps you remember him that way?