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Jaheira romance, again (Dermin issue)

FingardFingard Member Posts: 11
Hello again, I'm still trying to complete the Jaheira romance quest.
This time I'm stuck with the Dermin spawn(s).
In the attached save:
- Jaheira never died or left the party (except when she was called "back to the Harpers' hold")
- Dermin never showed
- LoveTalk variable is set to 51, and the time for the next LoveTalk already passed.
- DerminSpawn and DerminAppear variable do not exist

By going outside, the expected dialogue will trigger, but Dermin won't show and LoveTalk variable will be set to 52 (even number, bad).

Any suggestions?

Thank you!


  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Then go outside.

    By the looks of things, it should have been set when Jaheira said Der... Dermin... Is that you?
  • FingardFingard Member Posts: 11
    Great, this made Dermin appear and talk with Jaheira. LoveTalk is set at 53 now.
    Just a sidenote: Dermin didn't appear first time.
    I hope this won't stop the quest from progressing.
    We'll see :)

    Thank you!

  • FingardFingard Member Posts: 11
    After some days in game (or hours of play, I don't know) Terminsel appeared. Nice.
    I went back to the harpers' hold, completed the related quest and all seemed ok.

    Now Dermin should appear for the third time.
    DerminSpawn is set to 5, but:
    - if I go to Umar's Hills and sleep 3+ days (9 times) nothing happens
    - if I set DerminAppear variable to 1 and then sleep 3+ days (9 times) nothing happens
    - if I force the romance times (by setting JaheiraRomance to 1 multiple times), romance stops at LoveTalk = 56; JaheiraRomanceActive remains 1

    Save attached (just completed the Harpers' quest)

    Thank you again!
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    This indicates a timer is running. Setting it e.g. as below will expire it and progress activity.

    The alternative is to let game time advance and eventually the activity will progress of it's own accord.
  • FingardFingard Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2016
    Hello Gate70,

    yes exactly, if I set the timer to 1 multiple times the quest progresses up to Lovetalk = 56, then stops.
    I think it happens because Dermin is not showing for the third time (but I may be wrong).

    Thank you!
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Setting the timer to 1 then resting twice for dialogues sees Dermin appear and turn hostile - at least it does for me. I usually rest outside Watchers Keep as a safe area without interruption and where most plots proceed. Lovetalk also increments to 57.
  • FingardFingard Member Posts: 11
    Oh, great! I saw LoveTalk = 56 and I started worrying: the other times I had an even LoveTalk the quest was stuck. It was enough to rest one more time instead.

    Thank you!
  • lamaroslamaros Member Posts: 139
    I've gotten bugged out on Dermin appearing the second time. Tried everything and it's driving me crazy!
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