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X-men in the Baldur's Gate serie

If X-men were in BG, what race/alignment/class would they be (EE Keeper authorized)?

Some obvious:
Phoenix: Human Chaotic Evil Dragon Disciple
Wolverine: Dwarf Chaotic Good Barbarian
Gambit: Elf Chaotic Neutral Thief/Mage
Storm: Half-elf True Neutral Avenger

And some less obvious:
Psylocke: Elf Neutral Evil Blade (she is an assassin to start with, but I feel that the assassin class doesn't fit her)
Nightcrawler: Halfling True Neutral Shadowdancer

Heavily EE Keepered:
Beast: Gnome Neutral Good Ranger
Colossus: Half Orc Lawful Good Dwarven Defender

Some I cannot quite figure out:
- Bishop (Ranger Kit Archer or a good aligned warlock type?)
- Rogue (Wizard Slayer or Fighter/Necromancer or even monk?)

I'm at a lost here:
- Professor X (the wheelchair....)
- Iceman
- Angel
- Cyclops

Your thoughts on this....


  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Professor X should be a sorcerer with the sprite of a tavern patron sitting on a chair
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    Iceman could be an evoker with cold based spells only like chill touch, ice storm, cone of cold etc.
    Angel could be an Avariel fighter maybe would have to go with just "elf" though n rp.
    MacHurto said:

    Professor X should be a sorcerer with the sprite of a tavern patron sitting on a chair

    lol and with the voice "I need some ale! BURRRP" xD ...Although Enchanter would perhaps be more fitting as a class.

    Some others...

    Jubilee =Wild Mage (shes already kinda Neera)
    Sabretooth = Shapeshifter

    I would make Mystique a doppleganger but if we're talking playable race/class then probly a blue skinned LN human monk
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Wolverine is already in BG1....
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Dreadfully obvious: Nightcrawler as an elven shadowdancer
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Modern X-Factor Investigations Team
    Multiple Man: Human Illusionist (mirror image, simulcrum, etc)
    Layla Miller: Human Diviner (of course!)
    Banshee: Half-Elf Bard (shout!)
    Strong Guy: Half-Orc Monk
    Darwin: Doppelganger Transmuter (surprisingly good fit for an odd powerset)
    Havok: Human Evoker
    Polaris: Human Transmuter
    M: Elven Fighter/Mage (tough to place)
    Wolfsbane: obviously a Shapeshifter
    Longshot: Elven Archer with "Luck" as a special ability
    Shatterstar: Elven Fighter or Ranger
    Rictor: Human Avenger
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    check out this thread and had similar ideas...

    Psylocke works as dark moon monk, nightcralwer for sure has to be elf...consider storm as sorceress for elemental spells but avenger works too
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