X-men in the Baldur's Gate serie

If X-men were in BG, what race/alignment/class would they be (EE Keeper authorized)?
Some obvious:
Phoenix: Human Chaotic Evil Dragon Disciple
Wolverine: Dwarf Chaotic Good Barbarian
Gambit: Elf Chaotic Neutral Thief/Mage
Storm: Half-elf True Neutral Avenger
And some less obvious:
Psylocke: Elf Neutral Evil Blade (she is an assassin to start with, but I feel that the assassin class doesn't fit her)
Nightcrawler: Halfling True Neutral Shadowdancer
Heavily EE Keepered:
Beast: Gnome Neutral Good Ranger
Colossus: Half Orc Lawful Good Dwarven Defender
Some I cannot quite figure out:
- Bishop (Ranger Kit Archer or a good aligned warlock type?)
- Rogue (Wizard Slayer or Fighter/Necromancer or even monk?)
I'm at a lost here:
- Professor X (the wheelchair....)
- Iceman
- Angel
- Cyclops
Your thoughts on this....
Some obvious:
Phoenix: Human Chaotic Evil Dragon Disciple
Wolverine: Dwarf Chaotic Good Barbarian
Gambit: Elf Chaotic Neutral Thief/Mage
Storm: Half-elf True Neutral Avenger
And some less obvious:
Psylocke: Elf Neutral Evil Blade (she is an assassin to start with, but I feel that the assassin class doesn't fit her)
Nightcrawler: Halfling True Neutral Shadowdancer
Heavily EE Keepered:
Beast: Gnome Neutral Good Ranger
Colossus: Half Orc Lawful Good Dwarven Defender
Some I cannot quite figure out:
- Bishop (Ranger Kit Archer or a good aligned warlock type?)
- Rogue (Wizard Slayer or Fighter/Necromancer or even monk?)
I'm at a lost here:
- Professor X (the wheelchair....)
- Iceman
- Angel
- Cyclops
Your thoughts on this....
Angel could be an Avariel fighter maybe would have to go with just "elf" though n rp. lol and with the voice "I need some ale! BURRRP" xD ...Although Enchanter would perhaps be more fitting as a class.
Some others...
Jubilee =Wild Mage (shes already kinda Neera)
Sabretooth = Shapeshifter
I would make Mystique a doppleganger but if we're talking playable race/class then probly a blue skinned LN human monk
Multiple Man: Human Illusionist (mirror image, simulcrum, etc)
Layla Miller: Human Diviner (of course!)
Banshee: Half-Elf Bard (shout!)
Strong Guy: Half-Orc Monk
Darwin: Doppelganger Transmuter (surprisingly good fit for an odd powerset)
Havok: Human Evoker
Polaris: Human Transmuter
M: Elven Fighter/Mage (tough to place)
Wolfsbane: obviously a Shapeshifter
Longshot: Elven Archer with "Luck" as a special ability
Shatterstar: Elven Fighter or Ranger
Rictor: Human Avenger
Psylocke works as dark moon monk, nightcralwer for sure has to be elf...consider storm as sorceress for elemental spells but avenger works too