Marvel themed party
Contemplating a party modelled after heroes from the Marvel Universe. Some options have obvious parallels: Hawkeye would be a human archer using longbows, Ironfist would be a human monk, Gambit strikes me as a teifling fighter/theif with staves and throwing weapons, Wolverine as a dwarven berserker dual wielding daggers or katanas. Oh and Doctor Strange, Earth's Sorcerer Supreme? A no brainer.
Captain America would be a paladin, but since I couldn't seem to find a way to weaponize shields I'm thinking I wont use him. Can't think of many good options for priests though. I could jusify Storm as a druid or shaman with her control of the weather, anyone got other ideas?
Captain America would be a paladin, but since I couldn't seem to find a way to weaponize shields I'm thinking I wont use him. Can't think of many good options for priests though. I could jusify Storm as a druid or shaman with her control of the weather, anyone got other ideas?
The black widow is quite the candidate for a thief/rogue position;
You could EEKeeper a half-orc monk that uses berserk and call it Hulk
The mod works on bg2:ee 1.3, with a small tweak, I had to edit CLS 2da file to add the kit as available to human race, for some compatibility reason the mod fails to do so you can't select the kit normally upon installing. After that it works. I dunno about v2.0+
Hawkseye is the easiest, as you said. Human archer, neutral good, grandmastery in longbows, str 18/xx something (but lower than Captain America) 18 (or illegal 19) dex and 16+ con.
Black Widow may be a neutral good kensai dualled into thief:she never wears armor, is extremely agile, and deadly in melee. She can't use ranged weapons but can use wands of magic missiles, a sub for handgun.
I make Hawskeye and Black Widow neutral good, for they can function well on their own but also in a group, and they understand each other well.
For Ironman, eekeeper the Big Metal Unit and its weaponry on a chaotic good regular human thief or fighter (With 18 int, and low wisdom and 16+ charisma) and use it all the time. He is chaotic good (with some lingering neutral tendencies) because, well, DUH! Thief also makes sense because he is tech-savy and can deal with traps/locks and all sorts of electronic thingies.
Scarlet Witch just screams chaotic neutral wild mage. Or, if you have the mod, wild sorcerer! Chaos rules!
Hulk (in permanent Hulk form) really needs to be a true neutral (eekeeper) monk with 25 strength. Hulk is no Rasaad clone. Is true neutral with low int, and wisdom and charisma. May even have barbarian resistances and backstab immunity, if possible with eekeeper. And a rage ability of sorts, 1/day like Minsc's so he can be uncontrallable sometimes. Needs a lot of tweak this guy!
Ironman and Hulk would be OP in regular play, but fun for a wacky LoB run maybe?
Thor may be a lawful good aligned, tanky (str dex con full) Talos priest. It makes no sense in-game but with eekeeper it is possible, he can wield hammers, and release lightnings, and has 'god' like given powers as cleric spells. With DUHM he can be very strong, too.
His counterpart Loki would be a chaotic evil (eekeeper) Jester, spreading chaos and strife whereever he goes. Has all the illusion/enchantment magic and tricks. In a direct melee fight, no match for Thor. Two in the same party makes little sense but can be fun to play.
Such themed parties are fun. I once even tried a Buffy party, her being a tough as nails Undead Hunter, ofcourse! She can tackle all the vampires all night! Willow wild mage, Oz shapeshifter, etc. so much fun!
@dr_muds had some great input and maybe he has done some of these playthorughs we came up with...Im still going through my SOD runs so still have to try my x-men one out!
I can't see Hulk as a monk, his fighting style is fuelled by rage and strength, not martial prowess. If I wasn't using NearInfinity I'd probably make him a half-orc barbarian (reflects his less skill oriented fighting style, plus his rage speficially increases strength), give him mace/bastardsword and shield and use art from Planet Hulk. If I DID use NearInfinity I'd make a custom shapeshift innate spell that would turn a human into a green golem (an actual nickname of Hulk) or an ogre perminently. And I agree that Black Widow would be a theif, my first thought was Shadowdancer fit a master spy, but I don't hate the idea of figher>theif. Not kensai though, she's WAY too connected to ranged weapons in my mind for that. Really liked the ideas for Cap, Ironman, Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch though! (I'd probably even make a kit where not only is she a wild socerer, but all her spells are red, just because I can!)
After reading lunar and the good doctor's discussion I'm tempted to make a Buffy party too! lol. I agree with the doc on most stuff related to the Buffy party. I see where people get split is often what fits the core of a character VS what most accurately represents their skillset. Xander is a jester in that he's both a wise cracker and a support character, that's his core, but it doesn't represent his actual skillset. Personally, I'm all about the core. For me it'd be Undead Hunter Buffy, Shapeshifter Oz, Berserker Angel (edited to Vamp), Jester Xander, Theif>Wild Mage Willow, and... Priest of Talos Caleb! LOL. IDK about the last one, but I DO love Nathan Fillion...
The Batman party discussion got me thinking too, I like the idea of Nightwing as a stalker, but using clubs instead of maces. Batons are a type of club for one and also because you can't backstab with maces. But the idea of Poison Ivy as a druid got me really thinking. Maybe give her a shambling mound summon via NearInfinity... oh, throw in Catwoman as a fighter/theif with a custom fist weapon that does slashing damage and Harley Quinn as a jester with cheated max two weapon style (no giant hammers, she's gotta compensate by using two!) and you've got the Gotham City Sirens. Question is, do I keep it villanous with Lynx as kensai, Madame Zodiac as mage, and Talia al Gul as an assassin? Or two I mix it up with Batgirl as a monk, Huntress as an archer and Zatana as a socerer?
Okay, so I know, TL;DR, but now onto what I'm actually doing! I've decided to go full X-Men. Initially I was thinking Wolverine as a dwarven berserker (mountain dwarves can be about 5' 3", plus Wolvie is as dour and tacturn as any dwarf) using daggers, Gambit as a fighter/theif with staffs and throwing weapons, Storm as an Avenger kit druid, Phoenix as a DD, Nightcrawler as a swashbuckler, and I was strongly leaning toward Jubilee... maybe as a monk? I mean, she's a vampire now (which is doable on BG now), mostly goes weaponless and while she isn't a master at hand to hand, neither is a level 1 monk. LOL.
Now I'm considering replacing Wolverine with Magik, mostly because I just did an evil run though with Korgan and thought a fighter/mage might be more interesting and add some spellpower to my group. I think I might make a custom kit for Storm giving her more of the weather related mage spells (chilling touch, stinking cloud, lightening bolt, ice storm, etc). Part of me wants to make her a shaman instead of a druid too, though I'm not sure which is more honest to the character, shaman would allow her to use Gesen which means she'd be shooting lightening even when using her weapon! I've already made a verson of dimension door that uses a puff of smoke as its animation, only works in line of sight and can be used infinitely for Nightcrawler. I was thinking of making a spell with permanent duration that adds explossive damage to weapons and turns them fuschia for Gambit. And a sunlight bending Forgiven amulet for Jubilee... I'd love to make Magik's soulsword, but it might be kind of overpowered in the Forgotten Realms... woohoo for NearInfinity!
I like Magik and she works but cant replace wolverine hes a must in any xmen run and storm too but druid or shaman works with her too...jubilee's a vampire now?
Later, when Scarlet Witch's powers went nutso (M-Day) and depowered 91.4% of the mutant population Jubs was one of them. She would later return in a powersuit going by the name Wondra. As Wondra she had flight, force fields, super strength and intangibility.
Not sure what happened to the powersuit, but eventually she was bitten by the son of Dracula and is now a vampire. A vampire group called The Forgiven help her kick the human blood habit and sustain herself on animal blood. She also adopts an orphaned infant, befriends X-23 and does a run of a comic called Wolverine and Jubilee where for a change it's Wolverine helping Jubilee with HER violent urges. LOL.
You know she looks tight!
I've picked out classes, proficiencies, portraits, now I'm thinking stats. Thoughts? I feel like most (Ivy excluded) will have DEX between 16 and 18. Cat high on the CHA, Ivy higher. Bat, Ivy and Harley all high INT (I believe they all have PhDs), but HOW high? I think I'm struggling the most with STR and CON scores... but really any thoughts would be helpful.
Constitution could be anything really. None are sickly so I wouldn't go lower than 10. Poison Ivy may have picked up some poison resistance so I might give her the highest of the bunch.
BatGirl - monk, Ivy - Druid, Quinn - Jester, Huntress - Archer, Cat - Thief...not sure on Katana but maybe kensai?
Fardragon, it's arguable. Especially depending on which Batgirl, but I'm playing Barbara Gordon. She has black belts in multiple martial arts and more often than not fights unarmed (and with throwing weapons). Compared to someone like Nightwing who is iconically linked to dual wielding clubs she seems less Stalker and more Monk. Oh, plus Stunning Blow is reminiscent of Batgirl's stun guns.