Anyone else skeptical about this remake?

I'm a long-time fan of Baldur's Gate. I consider it one, if not thee, greatest games of all time. So, with such high standards that players like I put on the series, it feels like the only direction you can go with it is down (in terms of a remake). I read that former Bioware employees are working on it, but I still have my doubts.
I believe at the very least, the tempo of the game will be disrupted; things will stand out that seem 'out of place' and not feel right. This might not be a problem for new players, but for old (pessmistic) fans, I'm not so sure I'm going to like the changes.
I'm a purist when it comes to these sorts of things. I also don't like the art direction that I see here... Castlekeep does not look like that. The profiles are anime-ish and cheap/kid-friendly looking... Even the skull seems lessened in a sense (I like the gritty texture that the original implied). Meh.
I believe at the very least, the tempo of the game will be disrupted; things will stand out that seem 'out of place' and not feel right. This might not be a problem for new players, but for old (pessmistic) fans, I'm not so sure I'm going to like the changes.
I'm a purist when it comes to these sorts of things. I also don't like the art direction that I see here... Castlekeep does not look like that. The profiles are anime-ish and cheap/kid-friendly looking... Even the skull seems lessened in a sense (I like the gritty texture that the original implied). Meh.
I'm willing to give Beamdog the benefit of the doubt and wait to play it before passing judgement.
Worse comes to worst, I'm out $20 & I go back to playing the modded GOG versions I already own.
I don't know how "Castlekeep" looks, but I think that Candlekeep could have that kind of look, because in reality Candlekeep would be much bigger city/town than what you see in-game. Also I understand that art director can imagine this town different way than me, you or anyone here. Part about anime-ish "profiles" (what do you mean by "profiles?") I leave without comment.
Sorry, if you're purist then you shouldn't be here in the first place. Just enjoy pure, original Baldur's Gate, like you have been so far.
I'm here because, whether I like it or not, someone is remaking a renowned game. So, I have the right to raise my concerns. Sorry that you don't have the same respect for the series that I have.
Its not like they are trying to reinvent the game in some terrible 3D engine with pure action based hack n slash combat, nor is anything being dumbed down, though I'm very skeptical about the possible BG3 doing crap like this based on the fact that there is no one out there who has ever made a new game like BG2 without dumbing everything down and removing everything that was originally so great about this genre.
Still, I get the general concern. I would say that there's a fair chance of the out-of-the-box BG:EE game not being all that much of an improvement, if you compare it to present-day BG with all its bugfixes and content-expanding mods. It's even more likely than not that it won't deliver the same gaming experience, at least to me.
In my opinion the main value isn't the out of the box experience though, but rather the long-term potential. If BG:EE does well we will likely see more content for it in the future. More important still, with the reworked code, stuff that presently cannot be touched by the modding community could likely end up customizable. To get that, changes in the cutscene art direction would be a small price to pay - it's not like you spend a lot of time watching cutscenes during a playthrough.
And if they turn out to suck, I'd bet money that there will be a mod to get rid of them and put the old ones in instead. Same goes for NPC portraits that you don't like. In that perspective, it's win-win.
Yes, I'm sure the modding community can do a lot to rectify things if needed. Though, with this release there may be an influx of new players who have never heard of Baldur's Gate. I'm hoping the out-of-the-box experience does the original justice as to why it's one of the greatest RPGs. I am hoping the gameplay, story, and art direction remain true to the original.
Everything else, i have no problem with, i like everything, and the devs were kind enough to listen and respond to many of our requests as well.
Nothing is really changing in a way that it would be bad for the first game.
Better resolutions and zoom? -> Good thing
3 new NPCs that you can take optionally? -> Good think, they're not forcing you
Bug fixes? -> Good thing
New adventure Y that's coming(sooner or later) and Black pits? -> Good thing
BG1 animations for optional use soon? -> SUPER good thing, the best for sure!
See how good i'm getting with my BG1 animation propaganda? ^^
It's very obvious the original was made with passion; lets hope that same impression is felt when this releases.
Have you even clicked those links on the main page? I find the new characters portraits are in fact very much in line with the art style of BG1. Even more so than the portraits from BG2.
What kind of new content do you fear is going to interfere with the tempo of the game? The new 'content' is 3 new areas tied to the new characters as far as I know. Plus an arena mode outside of the campaign (which I believe will also be connected to the new multiplayer revision).
Dont fret! Bucause there IS a god! The Unseeing Eye offers the faithful a clarity of vision, the true path to the divine!
On a side note - Isn't there a chance that you will, oh I dunno, really like it?
"C'mon, let's keep a little optimism here!" -- Han Solo
I dont want 2WF on NPCs, I'd rather have a ranged weapon at the start of the game.
And yea, Xzar starts with 1 point in daggers, I think thats the same in the base game as well. 4 HP and daggers, fantastic idea! Give all the mages Sling proficiency first!
if all went wrong worse case scenario is --> lost 20 bucks <-- but I guess its natural to be a little skeptic
IIRC, putting points into daggers in BG1 also allowed proficiency with throwing daggers, which would make Xzar a bit easier to deal with...
First thing: Some of Beamdog's employees are from the original crew of Baldur's Gate 1 - I doubt you have the right to question their passion about the game.
Second: Its not an easy way to make money, Specially when your income firstly goes to WotC and Atari and all of this is after 14 months long of hard negotiations - An easier way is to make a brand new title and save themselves all of this headache.
And last thing, Any member here that is enough time on the forums and also following Trent Oster tweets can clearly see that they are busting their a$$es off at working on this title.
Thanks to this version, BG will be playable for the next 5-10 years , unlike the old one which is becoming more and more hassle to install with each new OS that comes out