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Some kind of screen tearing (Colours of Infinity mods, Tower of Deception, Sellswords...)

gaiteirogaiteiro Member Posts: 3
edited November 2016 in BGII:EE Mods
Hey !

First of all, I would like to apologize for the poor quality of my english. I understand it well, but when it comes to speaking it... Well I still hope I'll be at the very least understandable. So I'll make it brief.

As I said in the title, I have a tearing issue. Or some kind of tearing. It happens only in the quests mod (Tales of the Deep Garden, Sellswords, Tower of Deception, Innershade...).
Here is a screenshot :

And here is my weidu.log :

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~SETUP-WEIDU.TP2~ #0 #0 // 24000
~SETUP-BWS.TP2~ #0 #0 // 20160201 - Updated by agb1 (installation started 17/10/2016)
~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ascension v1.51 BETA (requires ToB): v1.5 BETA 20160608
~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #103 // Restored Bhaalspawn Powers by David Gaider: v1.5 BETA 20160608
~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #999 // Remove Anyone Identifier in EA.ids: v1.5 BETA 20160608
~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #104 // Extended Epilogues by shawne: v1.5 BETA 20160608
~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #105 // Extended EE Epilogues by shawne: v1.5 BETA 20160608
~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #101 // Ascension Portraits - Bodhi: v1.5 BETA 20160608
~ASCENSION/SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #102 // Ascension Portraits - Original Balthazar by Cuv: v1.5 BETA 20160608
~C#SB_SILBER/SETUP-C#SB_SILBER.TP2~ #0 #0 // Adalon's Blood - Modification for BGII by Gandalf the white: 13 BWP Fix
~TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Tower Of Deception Mod (Requires Throne Of Bhaal): v3.3.1 BWP Fix
~DC/SETUP-DC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Dungeon Crawl: v9
~ASSASSINATIONS/SETUP-ASSASSINATIONS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Assassinations mod for Baldur's Gate II: v11
~SELLSWORDS/SETUP-SELLSWORDS.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Sellswords mod for Baldur's Gate II: v5
~TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity: Tales of the Deep Gardens: v10.1 BWP Fix
~TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2~ #0 #1 // NPC Reactions (Aerie, Viconia, Jaheira, Anomen, Haer'Dalis, Keldorn): v10.1 BWP Fix
~TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2~ #0 #2 // Add Deep Gardens to the Worldmap - suggested component. If this component can't be installed due to incompatibilities, skip it.: v10.1 BWP Fix
~INNERSHADE/SETUP-INNERSHADE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity: Innershade: v7.2 BWP Fix
~INNERSHADE/SETUP-INNERSHADE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Talks for original Bioware NPCs: v7.2 BWP Fix
~INNERSHADE/SETUP-INNERSHADE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Add Innershade to Worldmap (You *must* pick one of these components, otherwise the mod won't run as it should.) -> Yes: v7.2 BWP Fix
~WHITEQUEEN/WHITEQUEEN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity - The White Queen: v4.1 BWP Fix
~ISNF/ISNF.TP2~ #0 #0 // Colours of Infinity: I Shall Never Forget: v4.4 BWP Fix
~EILISTRAEE/SETUP-EILISTRAEE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Eilistraee's Song: 4.0 BWP Fix
~EILISTRAEE/SETUP-EILISTRAEE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Worldmap addition -> Add Eilistraee's Clearing to BP-BGT-Worldmap: 4.0 BWP Fix
~SETUP-VAMPIRETALES.TP2~ #0 #0 // Vampire Tales (Requires Throne of Bhaal): v1.03 BWP Fix
~XULAYE/XULAYE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Xulaye NPC Mod for BG2:SoA: v1.2 BWP Fix
~XULAYE/XULAYE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Xulaye's Player Initiated Dialogues: v1.2 BWP Fix
~XULAYE/XULAYE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Korgan Fights at the Pits: v1.2 BWP Fix
~DEARNISE/SETUP-DEARNISE.TP2~ #0 #0 // de'Arnise Romance for Baldur's Gate II: v4
~SETUP-BANTERPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Pocket Plane Banter Pack for BG2: Shadows of Amn: V14 BWP Fix
~SETUP-BANTERPACK.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install SOA Banter Accelerator script? (Increases the frequency of interparty banter): V14 BWP Fix
~SETUP-BANTERPACK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Pocket Plane Banter Pack for BG2: Throne of Bhaal: V14 BWP Fix
~SETUP-BANTERPACK.TP2~ #0 #3 // Install TOB Banter Accelerator script? (Increases the frequency of interparty banter): V14 BWP Fix
~IEPBANTERS/SETUP-IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Extended NPC-NPC Interaction SoA: V4.2_Isaya BWP Fix
~IEPBANTERS/SETUP-IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Extended Minsc/Aerie Interaction ToB: V4.2_Isaya BWP Fix
~IEPBANTERS/SETUP-IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #2 // Imoen "Retrospection" dialogue for BGII: ToB: V4.2_Isaya BWP Fix
~IEPBANTERS/SETUP-IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Wake-Up dialogue for Anomen Romance (By David Gaider with additions from Kulyok): V4.2_Isaya BWP Fix
~IEPBANTERS/SETUP-IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #4 // NPC Conflict Revisions: V4.2_Isaya BWP Fix
~IEPBANTERS/SETUP-IEPBANTERS.TP2~ #0 #5 // Restored Aerie/Jaheira/Anomen interjection in Underdark: V4.2_Isaya BWP Fix
~VICONIA/SETUP-VICONIA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Viconia Friendship: v3.3_Isaya
~MAZZY/SETUP-MAZZY.TP2~ #0 #0 // Mazzy Friendship: v2.2_Isaya BWP Fix
~YOSHIMO/YOSHIMO.TP2~ #0 #0 // Yoshimo Friendship Mod for BGII: SoA: 2.2_Isaya
~SETUP-EDWINROMANCE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Edwin Romance: v2.0.7
~SETUP-EDWINROMANCE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Edwin flirts: v2.0.7
~SETUP-EDWINROMANCE.TP2~ #0 #3 // New ending for Viconia Romance by Laufey: v2.0.7
~IMOENFRIENDSHIP/IMOENFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Imoen Friendship: 2.1_Isaya
~LAVALYGAR/LAVALYGAR.TP2~ #0 #0 // LaValygar - new talks with Valygar Corthala
~SAREVOKFRIENDSHIP/SAREVOKFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Sarevok Friendship for BGII: ToB: 1_Isaya
~SETUP-WINGS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Wings for BG2:EE
~SETUP-WINGS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Restore missing banters?
~SETUP-WINGS.TP2~ #0 #2 // Remove conflict with Hexxat?
~SETUP-SLANDOR.TP2~ #1 #0 // The Minotaur and Lilacor
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #0 // Restored Locations: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #1 // Restored Characters and Dialogs: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #2 // Restored Sounds: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #3 // Restored Items: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #4 // Restored Wish Options: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #5 // Restored XP for Minor Things: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #7 // Restored Random Encounters: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #8 // Minor Restorations: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #11 // Restored Final Slayer Dream: v8.2.7
~ARESTORATIONP/SETUP-ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #1 #13 // Restored Waukeen's Promenade Cutscene: v8.2.7
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Aerie Flirt Pack For SOA: v1.03
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #2 // Aerie Flirt Pack For TOB: v1.03
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #4 // Jaheira Flirt Pack for SOA: v1.03
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #6 // Jaheira Flirt Pack for TOB: v1.03
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #8 // Viconia Flirt Pack for SOA: v1.03
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #10 // Viconia Flirt Pack for TOB: v1.03
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #12 // Anomen Flirt Pack for SOA: v1.03
~SETUP-NPCFLIRT.TP2~ #0 #14 // Anomen Flirt Pack for TOB: v1.03
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Kidnapping of Boo by Cliffette: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Suna Seni/Valygar Relationship: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #2 // Kalah and What He Was Promised: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #4 // Gorje Hilldark and the Extended Illithium Quest: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #5 // The Pai'Na/Spider's Bane Quest: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #6 // Restored Crooked Crane Inn: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #7 // Restored Encounters: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #8 // Artemis Entreri in Bodhi's Lair: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #9 // Corrected "Xzar's Creations": v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Restored Hell Minions, by SimDing0: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Item Restorations: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #15 // NPC Portrait Restorations: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Corrected BAMs and Scripts: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Corrected Character Names and Biographies: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Restored Minor Dialogs: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #20 // Extended ToB Item Descriptions: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Throne of Bhaal Minor Restorations: v26beta2
~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #0 #25 // The Murder of Acton Balthis, by Kulyok: v26beta2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #401 // Miscellaneous Enhancements -> Without Additonal Random Encounters: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #6 // Alternative Harper/Xzar Plot: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #7 // Extended Reynald Sequence: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #8 // Intrigue In The Copper Coronet: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #9 // Rahul Kanakia's Potion Quest: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #10 // Revised Hell Trials: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #13 // Saving Sanik In Brynnlaw: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #14 // Burglary Of The Bookkeeper: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #15 // New Fate For The Dryads' Acorns: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #16 // The Tragedy Of Besamen: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #17 // Further Slaver Involvement: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #18 // Sending The Solamnic Knights Home: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #19 // Nazariel The Lich: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #20 // Reward Negotiation: v3.2
~SETUP-D0QUESTPACK.TP2~ #0 #21 // Infernal Thievery: v3.2
~WHEELS/SETUP-WHEELS.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Wheels of Prophecy: v6
~CROSSMODBG2/SETUP-CROSSMODBG2.TP2~ #0 #0 // Crossmod Banter Pack for Shadows of Amn: v15
~CROSSMODBG2/SETUP-CROSSMODBG2.TP2~ #0 #1 // Crossmod Banter Pack for Throne of Bhaal: v15
~CROSSMODBG2/SETUP-CROSSMODBG2.TP2~ #0 #2 // Crossmod Romance Conflicts: v15
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install new spells -> Only add spells if not present from other mods: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #100 // Cleric Remix: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #103 // Install Silverstar of Selune Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #106 // Install Nightcloak of Shar Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #107 // Install Holy Strategist of the Red Knight Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #109 // Install Battleguard of Tempus Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #112 // Install Painbearer of Ilmater Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #115 // Install Firewalker of Kossuth Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #118 // Install Authlim of Iyachtu Xvim Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #121 // Install Lorekeeper of Oghma Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #124 // Install Heartwarder of Sune Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #127 // Install Feywarden of Corellon Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #130 // Install Strifeleader of Cyric Cleric Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #200 // Druid Remix: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #203 // Install Oozemaster Druid kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #403 // Install Bowslinger Ranger Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #406 // Install Feralan Ranger Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #409 // Install Forest Runner Ranger Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #412 // Install Justifier Ranger Kit: v8
~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #415 // Install Wilderness Runner Ranger Kit: v8
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Changes to trueclass bards and thieves, and unmodded game kits (required for other components): v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Add new bardic store and thief items: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Install Acrobat bard kit: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Install Chorister bard kit: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Install Dirgesinger bard kit: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Install Gypsy bard kit: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install Adventurer thief kit: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install Burglar thief kit: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #8 // Install Soulknife thief kit: v6 BWP Fix
~SONG_AND_SILENCE/SETUP-SONG_AND_SILENCE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Install Sharpshooter thief kit: v6 BWP Fix
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #0 // Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #1 // Thief kit revisions: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #2 // Thief High Level Ability revisions: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #3 // Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #4 // Bard kit revisions: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #5 // Bard High Level Ability revisions: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #6 // Proper spell progression for Bards: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #7 // Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #8 // Upgradeable Equipment: v4.90b1
~WSR/SETUP-WSR.TP2~ #0 #100 // Wizard Slayer kit revision: v1.12
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #40 // Change Viconia's Skin Color to Dark Blue: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #50 // Avatar Morphing Script: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #60 // Weapon Animation Tweaks: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #70 // Icewind Dale Casting Graphics (Andyr): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Icon Improvements: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Fix Boo's Squeak: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1020 // Alter HP Triggers for NPC Wounded Dialogues: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1040 // Improved Athkatlan City Guard: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1070 // Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1120 // Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1161 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash) -> Keep Class Restrictions: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1230 // Allow Cespenar to Use Cromwell Recipes: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2040 // Universal Clubs: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2090 // Change Experience Point Cap -> Remove Experience Cap: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2150 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> P&P Restrictions: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2192 // Limit Ability of Storekeepers to Identify Items -> Hybrid of Both Methods: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2240 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2250 // Un-Nerfed Sorcerer Spell Progression Table: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2260 // Alter Mage Spell Progression Table -> Un-Nerfed Table (Blucher): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2300 // Triple-Class HLA Tables: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2320 // Trap Cap Removal (Ardanis/GeN1e): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2330 // Remove Delay for Magical Traps (Ardanis/GeN1e): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2340 // Remove Summoning Cap for Celestials (Ardanis/GeN1e): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3060 // Remove "You Must Gather Your Party..." Sound (Weimer): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3070 // Change Effect of Reputation on Store Prices -> Low Reputation Store Discount (Sabre): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3121 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Can Be Angry About Reputation but Never Leave (Salk): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3125 // Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3150 // Turn Off The Hideous Cloak-of-Mirroring, Spell-Trap, and Physical Mirror Animations: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3170 // No Drow Avatars On Party In Underdark: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3200 // Sellable Items (Icelus): Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3205 // Stores Purchase All Item Types: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4010 // Improved Fate Spirit Summoning: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4031 // Consistent Stats: Edwin -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4041 // Consistent Stats: Jaheira -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4061 // Consistent Stats: Minsc -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4071 // Consistent Stats: Viconia -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4100 // Change Korgan to Neutral Evil: Beta 5
~WSR/SETUP-WSR.TP2~ #0 #200 // Wizard Slayer High Level Ability revision: v1.12
~WSR/SETUP-WSR.TP2~ #0 #302 // Revised Wizard Slayer item restrictions -> Moderate changes: v1.12
~WSR/SETUP-WSR.TP2~ #0 #999 // BG2-style icons for WSR content: v1.12
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #9 // Revised Thievery -> Use PnP thievery potions and prevent their effects from stacking: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #12 // Shadow Thief Improvements: v4.90b1
~RR/SETUP-RR.TP2~ #0 #999 // BG2-style icons for RR content: v4.90b1
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #100 // Restore innate infravision to Half-Orc characters: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #101 // Prevent skeletal and incorporeal undead from being affected by Illithids' Devour Brain attack: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #102 // Change Spiritual Hammer into a ranged force weapon: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #103 // Allow Dispel/Remove Magic to take down Globes of Invulnerability: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #104 // PnP Color Spray: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Magical arrows and bolts deal bonus damage equal to their enchantment level: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #115 // Allow Mages to scribe memorized spells onto scrolls -> Scrolls can be scribed everywhere: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #120 // Restore innate disease immunity to Paladins: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #125 // Rangers' Animal Empathy improves with experience: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Additional racial traits for Dwarves: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Additional racial traits for Gnomes: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #152 // PnP Fiends -> Mod-added fiends are also affected: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #155 // Further Revised Fiend Summoning: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #156 // Fiendish gating: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #200 // Allow Breach to take down Stoneskin effects applied by items: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #201 // Instant casting for warrior innates: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #203 // Make druidic shapeshifting uninterruptable: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #204 // Prevent Mislead clones from singing Bard songs: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #205 // Prevent Project Image and Simulacrum clones from using quickslot items: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #211 // Make Death Ward protect against Vorpal Hits: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #210 // Restore the Dispel Magic vulnerability to Nishruu and Hakeashars: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #212 // Make alignment detection spells more accurate: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #213 // Expanded saving throw bonus tables for Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #216 // Bard songs break invisibility -> Only the Jester song breaks invisibility: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #270 // Unbiased quest rewards: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #220 // Simple Thief script: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #230 // Simple Bard script: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #239 // Simple Cleric/Paladin script: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #324 // Use Icewind Dale's Dimension Door animation -> Fast animation speed, shorter delay between animation start and creature appearance/disappearance: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #301 // Change the appearance of Valygar's armor: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #302 // Change the appearance of the Robe of Vecna: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #310 // Distinctive creature coloring: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #315 // Distinctive creature soundsets: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #510 // Expanded temple services: v4.50
~ATWEAKS/SETUP-ATWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #999 // BG2-style icons for aTweaks content: v4.50
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2020 // No Item Deprecation: 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2030 // Identify all store items: 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2040 // Fix Wild Mage Items and Spells: 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2050 // Prevent Wish Spells from Interrupting Caster: 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2060 // Standardize Poison Immunity: 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2070 // Free Action does not prevent Haste or Movement Rate Bonus: 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2080 // Drop Equipment on Disintegration: 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2110 // Treat all Innate Abilities as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic and Silence): 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2120 // Treat all Psionic Abilities as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic and Silence): 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2130 // Treat all Bardsong Effects as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic): 1.7
~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ #0 #2160 // Remove Delay from Improved Haste Spells: 1.7
~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #6 // Adjust XP for Traps, Spells and Lockpicking: 1.3
~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #7 // Adjust XP for killing creatures: 1.3
~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #8 // Adjust XP for quests: 1.3
~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #20 // Disable hostile reaction after charm: 1.3
~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #23 // IWD:EE soundsets (requires installed IWD:EE): 1.3
~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #24 // IWD:EE portraits (requires installed IWD:EE): 1.3
~EET_TWEAKS/EET_TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #28 // Remove junk from global scripts: 1.3
~SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons: v10.2.1
~SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2~ #0 #1 // Worldmap for Throne of Bhaal -> Use new Worldmap for Throne of Bhaal as well: v10.2.1
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #2000 // Followers -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Eilistraee's Song -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #8000 // Innershade -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #9000 // I Shall Never Forget -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #10000 // Rogue Rebalancing -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #11000 // Sellswords -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #12000 // Tales Of The Deep Gardens -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #19000 // The White Queen -> Vanilla: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #21000 // Tower of Deception: 0.71
~THEPICTURESTANDARD/THEPICTURESTANDARD.TP2~ #0 #22000 // Siege of Dragonspear -> Vanilla: 0.71
~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ #0 #0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2 BWP Fix
~LIGHTINGPACK/SETUP-LIGHTINGPACK.TP2~ #0 #2 // Shader script files for lighting control -> Moderately increased contrast, brightness and gamma (recommended): v2.4

Of course the game is fully patched. Out of curiosity I used the exact same mod order (minus EETweaks) with Baldur's Gate 2 Complete Edition and I didn't encounter the issue. And I couldn't find any relevant thread, so it seems the issue only happens to me.

Thanks for reading despite my lacking english.

Cheers !

EDIT : I just made a new install, this time using BWS (minimal) with Innershade only. I use the console to move directly to the area, and the issue... is still there.

Post edited by gaiteiro on


  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    For what it's worth, I noticed the same in Sellswords. So it's not just you.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,501
    It's a known issue which primarily happens when mods use a legacy file format for map tilesets.
  • gaiteirogaiteiro Member Posts: 3
    Thank you both for your answers... I think I'll just go with the originals for an heavy-modded bg which is a shame, because I really liked the improvements made in the EEs.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,882
    Apart from areas looking a bit strange, they should work quite fine. Also with help from a different modder I will release updates for all my CoI mods, but we're still in the process of upgrading. But yes, after sooo much time, the updates are on the horizon. Apart from CoI series, you'll also get some other updates. Starting with Eilistraee's Song. Something else may follow later.
  • gaiteirogaiteiro Member Posts: 3
    Clearly, this is not game-breaking... just supremely annoying. For now, I still can enjoy your works with the original baldur's gate 2, but still I can't wait to see the updates.
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2016
    The Tis files from the mod you're playing can be exported by Near Infinity into PVRZ based Tis files. This will solve this problem.
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