Question about Classes in EEKeeper

I can't seem to find an answer to this, so I thought I'd ask here.
I was mucking around with EEKeeper for the lulz, and the sudden though occured to me:
What happens if I create a F/M, but add the Cavalier kit to it using EEKeeper? Does it mean I functionally have a Paladin/Mage?
How about any other combinations, like making a Ftr/Mage and kitting in Archer? Anyone done it before?
I was mucking around with EEKeeper for the lulz, and the sudden though occured to me:
What happens if I create a F/M, but add the Cavalier kit to it using EEKeeper? Does it mean I functionally have a Paladin/Mage?
How about any other combinations, like making a Ftr/Mage and kitting in Archer? Anyone done it before?
Also, several of the kit bonuses don't actually get assigned automatically. Unlike some other mechanics, the system doesn't update all your kit stats in regular intervals (like e.g. level-up) so if you add the wrong affect flags or innates, it won't correct itself. An implication of that behavior is that if you just add the kit to something, it won't simply give you all the kit things automatically.
There are ways in which you can expand class mechanics through EEKeeper and/or some NI engine tool, but hard-coded limitations will stop things eventually. Classes in particular seem to be quite the hurdle, Monk, Sorcerer, Bard or Paladin duals are not really in the mix.
Note: Barbarian duals alone are trivial. While the game lists it as a class rather than a kit, the engine does, in fact, simply treat Barbarian as a fighter kit. It can be combined into dual/multiclass without any problems just via EEKeeper.
I think you need NearInfinity to change the label of the class, but I dunno for sure since I have never used that program myself.
Make sure you use 100% selfrestriction on items and spells though.. I've done something similar but then I've faultered and kept the best of all worlds, hehe.. too godly chars always ends up in the drawer though, they're just not as fun as regular chars.
The above-mentioned C/M modification is probably the best workaround solution. It'll still be awkward in places and will require constant maintenance with EEKeeper on every level-up pretty much, but it'll probably do the trick.
Thanks, guys.
EDIT: Nevermind. Found it. Had to play with Effects to get it to work.
About character-specific items I recently noticed that in EE Jan's special equipment can not be used with UAI, thing that I have done many times in original. Someone knows if this is a bug, so I will post it in the redmine, or a wanted change by the EE developers? There is a tricky way to do it. Downolad Tactics mod and install only the generic archer component, that is an archer kit for fighters, quite similar to the ranger one. Than add that kit to the F/M using EEkeeper.
Here you can find more information on that mod Is somehow possible but labor intensive. Using a modding tool new arcane spells that replicate the effect of the divine ones must be created. Than EEkeeper is used to learn them. The new spells will be used from the mage spellbook and the divine one will not be accessible, so each fakedivine spell is memorized at the cost of an arcane one.
Since BG2 is essentially D&D E2.5, the ban on bladed weapons is still universal. I encourage you to go around it if you like, or if you think it makes sense within the character logic (and it very often does). To that end, UAI is a convenient tool to use in order to circumvent the restriction, but I believe there are ways to permanently mod them away as well (was it one of the Tweaks mods? was it IR? can't remember).
The biggest MECHANICAL implication of abolishing the ban that I see is that Clerics would then get access to +APR weapons. Considering that has long been a factor holding them back that may perhaps not be all that dramatic, but on the other hand many people loved Clerics for their utility even before and perhaps giving them high damage output on top of that utility is too much. In the end, it will (as always) have to be a personal decisions. Don't let ideas of "legitimacy" discourage you too much from experimentation. Be honest to yourself, and reasonable about what you allow or disallow for your characters. You are the GM, essentially, and the arbitrator of your own fun.
I believe UAI in BG actually breaks the rules of 2nd Ed wide open.
I don't really care what other people do with their games. You should see what I have done with my 3.5 house rules. I am the last person who can complain about people not playing the base game so the sole exclusion of everything else. I just wish the dramaqueens would give people like me the same courtesy.
IIRC their will still be an issue with you cleric(paladin)/mage... only fighter types get the extra 1/2 APR for getting weapon specialization. So for instance a swashbuckler can get two stats, but does not gain the 1/2 APR. I think you need NI to change this and allow specialization to give anyone besides fighter/ranger/paladin the benefit.
He was a dual class, not a multiclass.