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My first SCS playthrough.

Decided it was probably about time I try SCS, possibly somewhat late :blush: but hey better late than never right.

So with virtually everything installed (with a few exceptions) my party, led by the young sorceress Kara is ready to get underway. :)

All companions are characters I wanted to play as or with at some point but never got round to.

Components I left out of the SCS install
The prefbuff insta=casts for both mages and clerics & the addition of fine weapons in place of +1 weapons

I'm not sure if I am going to document the whole thing or not, I still havn't decided but I wanted to at least share the playthrough as it is my first time with SCS. :)


  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    So the group entered Winthrops digs and spent Kara's hard earned gold (and a little extra that Tinsy had apparently "found") on some basic weaponary. Ambriel was given a sling and some bullets, Athalas got a long sword, Emelie got a short bow with some arrows, Tinsy received a crossbow and some bolts and Elohim was gifted an axe.

    Barely equipped the group set out to raise more gold to buy more equipment for the journey ahead.

    In the barracks Fuller was happy to trade gold for Tinsy's bolts. Tinsy was less happy about turning over her ammunition but the enchanted dagger we received will be handy. Of course Tinsy wanted to sell it but Kara thinks selling a gift would be rude so she decided to keep it.

    Upon entering the bunkhouse the group was attacked by Carbos, an assassin. Elohim landed a blow that will undoubtedly make resurrection impossible. Won't be seeing him again...right...? :smirk:

    Continuing on we entered the clinic to the south and the cleric there was kind enough to donate a potion.

    On our way to see Reevor we encountered Hull who requested we retrieve his sword from the barracks for him. Conveniently and to everyones suprise Tinsy handed the sword to him on the spot. "...what?"

    Clearing the rats out for Reevor earned the group some more gold though not as much as they'd hoped.

    Heading back to Winthrops we encountered Dreppin who apeared to be concerned. Dreppin told us there was a book belonging to Phlydia in the haystacks which we retireved. Once we had the book he asked if we could fetch an antidote for him from the barracks. In unison the entire party slowly turned to Tinsy who stared blankly for a time then rolled her eyes and pulled out a green bottle from her pack and handed it over to a confused but elated Dreppin.

    While inside the preist's quarters the group was attacked by another amateur assassin by the name of Shank. Unfortunately for Shank he died almost instantly from a bullet to the face courtesy of Ambriel.

    En route to Winthrops to gather more equipment the book found in the haystacks was returned to Phyldia who gave us a nice gem to sell.

    With the extra gold the group was able to buy some throwing daggers for Kara and throwing axes for Elohim along with some additional arrows, bullets and bolts for the others. Although not fully equipped they were as ready as they were going to be. While the group prepared themselves for departure Kara had time to do one last errand and retrieved a scroll of identify from Tethtoril for Firebead.

    After the tragic battle with the mysterious armoured assailant, Kara returned to the site where Gorion fell to pay her pay her respects and say her farewells.

    To be certain there were no more suprises in the region the group swept the area slaying all the wolves gibberlings and bears they encountered. One of the wolves managed to bite Athalas but was promtly slain by Elohim with an impressive hit from a throwing axe,

    While clearing the area the group came across two travelars who offered some assistance in the form of a potion of healing, which Kara cautiously accepted. They spoke of troubles to the south and asked for aid and company but Kara felt it best to go on seperate paths and declined their request to join forces.

    With her father slain and her home sealed behind her, Kara led her band of wearied friends onward towards the famed Friendly Arm Inn to seek shelter and respite...
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    After a short and uneventful journey Kara's party arrived at the Friendly Arm Inn. As they climbed the stairs to the inn's doors they were approached by a suspicious man looking for Kara. Attempting to persuade the mage that he had the wrong person proved futile as he began to cast illusionary magics. Kara immediately disrupted the cast with a magic missile and the mage was quickly taken down by a barrage of ranged attacks from the rest of the group.

    After a much needed rest Kara took the time to speak to the various guests of the inn. She met with Jaheira and Khalid as Gorion had suggested but as much as Kara would have been grateful for their company the group was large enough as it is and so they parted ways.

    On the upper levels there were two other guests of interest, Unshey and Landrin. Unshey spoke of an unusual ogre roaming the wilderness to the south who has a obsession for girdles and Landrin requested we clear his house in Bereghost of spiders. Growing up amid the dusty tomes of Candlekeep Kara had developed an affinity for spiders and didn't relish the idea of slaying the creatures but she understood that they were a threat to the town and so agreed to the task.

    Fully rested and in need of a plan Kara decided to lead the group south to investigate the iron shortage she had heard so much about. She assured Jaheira she do what she could to seek out the source in her stead and expose whatever evil may be behind the crisis.

    On their way out of the Friendly Arm Inn Athalas heard a woman's voice beckoning them into a nearby house. The group enter and are greeted by Joia a commoner who had been recently robbed near the Inn's walls by hobgoblins. Joia asked the party to recover a ring taken by the hobgoblins to the north, Kara agreed.

    Sweeping north along the western walls and east across the northern region the party engaged every hobgoblin in sight until Joia's ring was recovered and all the monsters had been slain. Gathering up all the weapons and other valuables among the corpses would help greatly with upgrading equipment even if the ring's recovery itself was yielding no reward.

    After delivering the ring to Joia the troop returned to the Friendly Arm inn once again to sell the looted equipment and valuables of the fallen hobgoblins. With the added gold from the sales Kara was able to purchase a set of plate mail for Athalas.

    Once again the party set off bearing south to their next stop, Bereghost.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    When the troop of would-be adventurers entered the wilderness region south of the Friendly Arm Inn they began to sweep the area thoroughly in search of the ogre Unshey had spoke of. Initially the only encounters were gibberlings and the occasional wolf but sure enough to the east they were set upon by an ogre.

    Athalas outfitted in his new plate mail drew the attention of the beast away from the others while they opened fire from a safe distance. The ogre sustained several blows from the party making Athalas more and more nervous by the second but the beast was eventually slain by bolt from Tinsy.

    With the ogre defeated and the girdle recovered the group decided to sweep the entire region and clear out any more hostile creatures and ensure the saftey of the road for future travelers. Not far from the road to the south lay the remains of a recently ambushed caravan. A small boy hid in the trees nearby. Kara approached the boy who confirmed that it was indeed a bandit attack and that his parents were among the victims. Before she was able to offer help to the poor child he took off and disappeared into the night.

    With the area cleared there was nothing more to be done and so the journey to Bereghost resumed.

    The motley band of friends arrived in Bereghost where they were greeted by a man named Golin Vend. Once done garnering information on the local services the group followed Emelie and Tinsy who were both eager to reach Feldepost's Inn, allegedly the finest in the town, most likely for very different reasons. Although Kara was not easily seduced by finery she felt the group needed to rest regardless and an opportunity to trade some of the trinkets recovered on the journey would be welcome.

    Inside Emelie immediately began to engage with the other customers. Tinsy quietly stood alongside, her curious gaze scanning the room while Ambriel watched over them both like a mother would her children. Athalas stood silently near the entrance visibly uncomfortable in the urban environment while Kara and Elohim approached the proprietor to do business, Kara was looking to trade goods Elohim was looking for the menu.

    Moments later a clearly agitated customer yelled at Tinsy demanding she leave. Tinsy disliking the attention and in an attempt to avoid conflict apologised to the man and retreated to Ambriel's side.

    After resting the group headed out towards the smithy to resupply, upon leaving however Kara remembered that Firebead had mentioned he had a house here opposite the inn. She decided to go and see the old man, perhaps out of kindness or perhaps because he reminded her of Gorion, perhaps both. Firebead was pleased to see her and gave his condolences for the passing of Gorion. Elvenhair then asked if Kara would fetch a book for him from Feldepost, the young sorceress obliged and upon returning with the book was gifted a scroll case. The group said their farewells and continued on to the smithy to resupply.

    Along the way they encountered a hooded man named Garrick claiming to have a job. Kara accepted and they were led to a young woman called Silke who required protectors to fend off thugs that had been threatening her. The job seemed honourable enough until Kara realized she was being duped. Refusing to murder the strangers enraged Silke as she became hostile and attacked. Forced to defend themselves the party opened fire on the performer and she died in mere seconds.

    The strangers were grateful for the party's intervention and gave Kara a potion as a token of their gratitude. Gathering up Silke's belongings the group stepped into the Red Sheaf for a drink. Once inside yet another assassin by the name of Karlat accosted the company at the entrance. Athalas spotted the approaching armoured dwarf and advanced to shield the others.

    Karlat attacked and with much more strength and ferocity than that of the previous assassins. Within seconds Athalas sustained a single fatal blow. The rest of the party were horrified, they broke free of their disbelief and made a hasty retreat. Elohim gathered what gear he could salvage from Athalas before exiting the building.

    -3 AC 14 hp and died in the first round :open_mouth:

    Ready with weapons drawn the survivors waited to engage the murderer once again. Seconds passed by and it seemed that the assassin, content with one slain elven warrior, was waiting inside for the party to return for their comrade. Taking advantage of the time Elohim donned the platemail armour and a ring of protection and readied himself for battle. The brave warriors re-entered the inn to avenge their fallen.

    Inside, Elohim took a defensive stance and braced for Karlats approach. Immediately Karlat landed a powerful blow, (9 dmg 9 resisited) much of the damage was absorbed thanks to the dwarf's defensive stance however Elohim was badly wounded and in trouble. Ambriel rushed to cast a healing spell as Elohim rummaged for a potion with his weapon hand...Alas neither the spell nor the potion had time to help, Elohim was slain by a second blow.

    As a last act of desperation Kara charged Karlat goading Karlat's attention and luring him away from the others. Ambriel, Emelie and Tinsy fired volley after volley of bolts, arrows and bullets to no avail. Kara cast her sole remaining magic missile and, with her throwing daggers depleted, readied her +1 dagger for a last stand. As Karlat was closing in on Kara, Emelie scored a critical hit and the Dwarf slumped to the ground where he stood. Dead.

    With a mixture of fear, sorrow and relief swirling in the minds of the survivors they gathered up their brave friend's belongings and headed off to the temple to the east to revive their fallen warriors.

    Once revived the reunited company returned to the Red Sheaf Inn where Ambriel took Karlat's chainmil and shield and Kara spoke to a young halfling by the name of Perdue. Although they were in no condition to go crusading for lost swords just yet Kara agreed to help retrieve Perdue's lost weapon from the gnolls to the west as soon as they had recovered from their ordeal.

    That night, in celebration of their continued survival the party ate heartily drank merrily and rested well for the trials to come.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    The following morning with their gear packed and feeling mostly sober the group headed out. Kara had a promise to fulfill before the party left town so, with weapons in hand, the party headed over to Landrin's spider-infested abode.

    Kara, Ambriel, Tinsy and Elohim formed a firing line as Athalas went in to lure the creatures out into the light. Emelie was conveniently late arriving at the house.

    Pursued by 3 giant spiders Athalas emerged from the house. With the spiders trapped they were easily dispatched.

    Once the spiders had been slain the group entered the house and finished off the remaining spider. Kara searched the room for the items Landrin had asked them to retrieve and located them in a chest.

    From Landrin's house the next task was the recovery of Perdue's sword, the group headed west. Searching the region west of Bereghost the party discovered the building known as High Hedge as Perdue had mentioned. Inside there was a old mage so grouchy Kara wondered if he was acquainted with Ulraunt. Browsing the wizard's wares Kara purchased a potion case along with 2 potions of explosions.

    The group left and continued on with the search for the sword, It wasn't long before the small pack of gnolls was located near the eastern wall of High Hedge. With the beasts vanquished and the sword recovered the party returned to Bereghost.

    Perdue, a beacon of grace and charm was overjoyed to once again hold his prized possession. He could barely contain his gratitude.

    Having completed their tasks Kara decided to head north back to the Friendly Arm Inn to report back to Landrin and also to return Unshey's enchanted girdle. The girdle was a powerful item that could be of great use but it did not belong to her and thus her conscience demanded she return it to it's rightful owner.

    Emelie levels up and gains +2hp (8 total) and a level 1spell cast

    The budding heroes spend the night at the inn before journeying south once again en route to the town of Nashkel. Travelling along the roads proved uneventful for the most part with the exception of an odd pack wild dogs that seemed to be lost and wandering in circles. They were not exhibiting any hostile behaviour so the party left them to their meanderings and continued on. Along the road south of Bereghost several bands of hobgoblins were dispatched but nothing more. Although they did not fully sweep the area the party did stumble across two bodies on the side of the road that had two matching amulets upon the corpses, Acknowleging that the jewelery would no doubt be looted by more hobgolins the amulets were collected before continuing on to Nashkel.

    With Kara's hurried flight from candlekeep barely behind her the young sorceress hoped that in solving the mystery of the iron shortage surrounding the town of Nashkel it would serve to both distact her from her loss and provide clarity on her predicament.

    The inn seemed like a good place to start an investigation. Once inside, however, another ironclad assassin confronted the party, her hostile intent directed soley at Kara. Forced yet again into another conflict with an unknown assailant for an unknown reason the stalwart band of friends prepared for battle once more.

    This assassin appeared to be a human female cleric identifying herself as a bounty hunter by the name of Neira. The party quickly engaged with ranged attacks while Ambriel ducked out of the Inn's entrance to evade a spell. The defenders maintained their assault and a magic missile from Kara finished the holy hunter of bounties.

    Ambriel levels and gains +8hp (16 total)

    The party met with one Berrun Ghastkill the mayor of Nashkel who requested their aid in investigating the mines to the south. Rumours had emerged that the lower mines are infested with demons although Ghastkill placed little stock in such superstitions he begged we discover the source of the tainted ore.

    After a short stop at the Temple to restock potions (6) the group encountered Oublek who mistakenly offered the party 200 gold. Kara inquired as to current bounties on offer and Ouiblek spoke of a man named Prism.

    A perculiar ranger by the name of Minsc was seeking aid on an urgent matter, his companion Dynaheir had been captured by gnolls. Sympathetic to the ranger's plight Kara made the rescue of Dynaheir their next priority.

    Before heading out to rescue the damsel in distress the group took a brief excursion to the Carnival east of Nashel. Kara's intention was to seek out the various merchants that were known to setup shop at the carnival but Emelie and Tinsy seemed more interested in the performances. Witnessing the exploding ogre trick Emelie heckled at the performer for his cruelty, unfortunately her disdain seemed to be misintrpreted as praise and the mage repeatedly summoned the ogre regardless.

    The ogre, enraged by his mistreatment attacked.

    After sustaining multiple injuries from missile attacks the ogre lost morale and panicked.

    A magic missile permenantly ended the ogre's misery.

    The party went from tent to tent In search of useful equipment. Inside one tent in particular they unexpectedly intruded upon a tense situation. A mage threatening the life of another mage for being witch. Ambriel wisely diverted the wizard's wrath unto herself with an amalgamation of ridicule and reason.

    Ambriel, spotting the tell tale signs of the horror spell, cast a preemptive remove fear to counter the spells effects.

    Unable to disrupt the wizard's next spell the party left the tent to evade damage. As the wizard exited in persuit the party re- entered the tent in an amusing game of cat and mouse. As Zordral re-entered the tent the party was arrayed against him and let loose a flurry of projectiles to bring down the mage.

    Grateful for her timely rescue Bentha the witch rewarded Kara with a potion of heroism.

    Browsing the other numerous tents of the carnival several merchants were found but most had very little in the way of useful equipment, save for one. This merchant in particular specialized in unique magical items a few of which caught Kara's eye, though only one was in her price range. Selling the potion of heroism gave Kara the required gold to be able to purchase the shield amulet.

    The party took a short rest around a camp fire and then set off under the cover of night to search for the missing witch Dynaheir.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    In SCS do they move the spawn location of "waylaid-by-enemies" encounters closer to the party?

    While transitioning to the gnoll stronghold a ghast spawned right up in Karas face and instantly killed her. I don't remember that ever happeneing in vanilla. :/

    Her first death and it feels so undeserved. :cry:
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    AFAIK it depends on the ambush map, but yes some are the same in vanilla (specially the desert/east of the Sword Coast ambush one). The seaside one puts them really away. I don't think SCS changes this.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    edited November 2016
    Eager to reach the stronghold swiftly the party cut across the first region west of Nashkel drawing as little attention as possible.

    Heading south towards the Gnoll fortress the group came across a well dressed man fleeing in their direction. His eyes wide with panic he proclaimed there was an approaching bear on the otherside of the nearby bridge.

    A firing line was formed as Athalas crossed the Bridge to investigate.

    Sure enough a polar bear hastened in his direction from the other side. Athalas opened fire and fell back to the defensive blockade.

    As the bear entered range of the party they opened fire on the frenzied creature. Athalas stood his ground to halt the bears advance. The bear engaged the elven warrior and delivered a nasty wound. Athalas gulped a potion and retreated back a few more paces to recover his composure.

    Before it could cause any more harm a throwing axe from Elohim brought down the great mammal.

    Jared was grateful for the assistance and gifted Kara a nice pair of enchanted boots, Emelie did not recognise the enchantment so Kara cast an Identify spell and revealed them to be The Frost's Embrace. Aware of her fondness for shoes and noticing the not-so-subtle longing in hers eyes, Kara gave the boots to Emelie. Beaming with a smile, Emelie donned her new cosy boots and as the party setup camp spent much of her time looking at them from various angles.

    During the night Kara had an unsettling nightmare. Walking through a canyon on an eerie night the group halted hearing nothing but the deafening silence of impending danger. As if out of thin air an undead creature appeared in front of Kara. The stench of death enveloped the monster as it lunged at Kara. Knocking her down and pinning her to the ground the creature's mouth opened for a fatal bite and Kara awoke.

    Shaking off the chills of her unnerving dream Kara rallied the group and journeyed south to the Gnoll Stronghold. Fortunately, the trip proved to be more uneventful than her dreams had prophesied.

    As night fell across the sword coast the rescue team steadily crossed the rickety bridge leading to the looming fortress. Before the party could make it to the other side they were confronted by a pair of esurient half ogre transportation infrastructure entrepreneurs. The clearly dim brutes claimed the bridge to be theirs and demanded a toll for passage. Refusing to pay incited the pair to attack. Gnarl was quickly defeated.

    The second attacked and Athalas was wounded. Gulping a potion restored his health and Hairtooth was brought down shortly after.

    (new bug that I've noticed: sometimes the damage dealt to enemies does not display in the text window, this never happened before installation of SCS)

    Gauntlets were recovered from one of the half ogre's corpses and identify spell revealed them to be The Brawling Hands. These were given to Elohim as he took over as the frontliner and gave Athalas a chance to wield his longbow.

    The heroes battled their way through wave after wave of gnoll warriors in search of their captive Dynaheir.

    Athalas levels up and gains +6hp (18 total)

    Elohim levels up and gains +15hp (32 total)

    At last the witch was discovered at the bottom of a pit. Grateful for her freedom Dynaheir departed to rejoin Minsc in Nashkel.

    With the task complete the party swept the remaining area of enemies. South of the stronghold they discovered several caves infested with xvarts. One cave in particular contained a tome within a tomb. Kara identified it as a Tome of Leadership and Influence.

    Kara gains +1 to charisma

    Once the area was clear of hostiles the heroes set off back to Nashkel via the same route they arrived to more thoroughly investigate the areas they had passed through.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Mush_Mush said:

    (new bug that I've noticed: sometimes the damage dealt to enemies does not display in the text window, this never happened before installation of SCS)

    I have never encountered that problem. Usually any text-related things are because strings are somehow messed. Try to enable to-hit rolls and see if it changes anything.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    I did briefly toggle the hit rolls at one point early in the game, perhaps that triggered it somehow. :/
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    Either a Kobold's mother struggled with the birth certificate questions or I've run into another bug...

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    edited November 2016
    It looks that because you had tried to install SCS five or so times, something went wrong. I recommend to go through a full uninstall (remember to clear the whole override folder after that) and then reinstall the SCS mod.

    What you're experiencing are wrong strings.
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    Yes I think that might be a good idea.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    Didn't work :(
    Ok so I unistalled SCS, cleared the override folder, reinstalled SCS, applied the hotfix and still got the same bugs. :/

    I ran an integrity check on steam, which replaced 2 files, ran BG to test, no luck still bugged.

    Uninstalled & Reinstalled SCS again, still no luck. I then did a full uninstall of the game deleted all BG files(after backing up sounds portraits etc) Downloaded and reinstalled game, installed SCS, it failed to install (initialisation files missing), remembering the hotfix I added that to the strategems folder reinstalled successfully, booted up the game, same bugs still present >.<

    Not sure what else to do. :(

    Tutorial monks were supposed to be removed (which oddly enough were removed on my original game, so thats new)

    +1 weapons replaced with fine weapons causes messed up description

    This is what I have done step by step...

    - Downloaded v30 SCS for Windows from here ->
    - Downloaded SCS2 hotfix EE2 from here ->
    Ran the strategems exe from downloads, accessed the local files directory for bg installed into the BG folder where the Chitin key is.
    - Try to run strategems setup.exe (results in failed attempt because needs hotfix)
    - Extracts the files contained in the hotfix directly to the starategems folder replacing the existing ones.
    - Runs strategems setup.exe again
    - Select 1 for eveything (installs all components)
    - Installs all compenents making various choices.
    - Fairly long install time finishes, apparently successfully
    - Boots up game, -bugged.

    I'm either doing something wrong or there's some vital patch(es) I'm not aware of...
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2016
    Sounds like it's picking up SoD's dialog.tlk's references and trying to use the BG:EE dialog.tlk numbering. BG:EE's dialog.tlk goes up to 34000 or something like that, while the last two strings we saw here (the Kobold's and the Dagger's names) are 34205 and 34032 respectively. SCS adds a lot of lines, and it might be trying to add the new ones, but failing at that and using SoD's default ones for the numbers those strings should have been added to.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Yeah, try to disable the SoD zip file (rename it) - if in Steam.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2016
    Well I uninstalled, reinstalled changed the SoD zip name to "" and installed SCS, no luck, still had the same bugs.

    I then wiped again reinstalled BG, removed the SoD file from the folder entirely, installed SCS and it worked! no more mosela's cudgel +2 it actually had the appropriate descriptions...I then put SoD back in and the messed up descriptions returned :(

    So, tl;dr, it seems to work with BGEE just not with SoD. :/

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Just the last week I installed SCS to the Steam version with SoD without problems.

    But you haven't mentioned it - you do use ModMerge, don't you? If you want to install any mod on the Steam or GoG version of BGEE with SoD, the first thing you have to do is to install ModMerge.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    Hm, no I have not, I only have two very subtle mods and their instructions were to just extract and drop files in the override. I'll install modmerge now and see if that helps.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    Yes! SCS is now working with SoD. Mod Merger was the missing link it seems. :)

    Thankyou both for your help.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    Cautiously navigating their way back to Nashkel Tinsy took the lead using what cover she could find to stay hidden and scout for danger. It wasnt long before she discovered a bridge guarded by an ogre and some hobgoblins.

    Deliberating on what their next move should be it was decided that luring the ogre away first would be best, to take the enemy as few at a time as possible. Elohim drew the ogre's attention by embedding a throwing axe in it's side. As it charged towards the party a second ogre, apparently hearing the cries of it's kin, approached from the other side.

    To everyone's suprise the second ogre bypassed the Dwarven Defender and headed straight for Kara. Fleeing as quickly as she could Kara noticed an unknown female fighter fully armoured approaching from the west.

    With an enraged ogre hot on her heels now was not the time for introductions however. Looking over her shoulder Kara saw Emelie drawing the attention of her pursuer. Leading the towering brute further north the young bard kept just out of range of the beast's club while Kara hurried back to the party. Once the ogre was out of sight of the others, Emelie gulped a potion of invisiblity and rejoined her friends holding off the other ogre.

    The first ogre was dispatched quickly and the party rushed to the aid of the mysterious stranger who had engaged the second ogre in their absence.
    Kara levels up and gains +4hp (8 total)

    With the second ogre slain Kara approached the armoured stranger to thank her for her assistance.
    Tinsy levels up (thief) and gains+2hp (10 total) Emelie levels up and gains +5hp (13 total)

    Tinsy setup a trap at the foot of the bridge to cover their flank incase the hobgoblins began to wonder where their larger fellows had disappeared to.

    Identifying herself as Laurel, a paladin, the wearied warrior asked the party to aid her in an imminent gibberling attack. Kara's agreement to Laurel's request trailed off as her attention turned to the sounds of a horde of gibberling growing louder from the west.

    Elohim and Athalas joined Laurel on the front line while the others engaged from a distance. One gibberling breached the wall of warriors and charged Ambriel triggering Tinsy's trap.

    Despite their advantage in numbers the horde was easily vanquished. Ambriel healed Laurel's wounds and the paladin departed to continue her quest to cleanse the coast of the gibberling "plague".

    The party's attention returned to the hobgoblins on the bridge as Kara perused her available potions.

    Elohim offered to charge them head on but, concerned about the poison arrows elite hobgoblins are known to employ, Kara opted to give the dwarf a potion of invisibility to close the distance safely and launch a suprise attack.

    The hobgoblins caught unprepared panicked and fled. As they tried to gain distance from their attacker the rest of the party joined the fight and slew the monsters.

    With the threats neutralized Tinsy once again took to the shadows to scout ahead while the party salvaged resources from the fallen elites and regrouped.
    spot the halfling

    Through the trees Tinsy saw a lone man stood in the open casually twirling his sword and whispering into the bushes. Reporting back to the others the halfling simply said "Bandit ambush". Kara gave Elohim the go ahead to introduce himself while Tinsy prepared to engage from the shadows.

    The hidden enemies revealed themselves to be hobgoblins and despite Elohim engaging them at point blank range the archers opened fire on Kara. Taking a hit to the shoulder Kara gulped down a potion of invisibility and retreated.

    Tinsy missed her backstab and also retreated being pursued by the bandit's human leader. Elohim, Ambriel and Athalas dealt with the hobgoblins but not before Emelie took a hit from a stray arrow. With the leader's minions defeated he was quickly brought down by the collective attacks of the group.

    Continuing their sweep of the area, several more monsters were encountered among the trees of the wilds. The crusaders of candlekeep fought well, however, and their enemies were bested with ease and without incident.

    Ambriel levels up and gains +5hp (21 total)

    As daylight waned the party came across an ogre feasting around a bloodstained campfire.

    Unwilling to wait, Tinsy took the advantage and plunged her sword into the ogre's back. Reeling from the pain the ogre roared as Elohim and Athalas engaged to defend their comrade.

    The party decided to make use of the campfire and, despite Emelie's vocal protests, rested for the next 16 hours to recover from their various wounds and restore their spells.

    With the area cleared the heroes journeyed east resuming their return to Nashkel.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Epic ogre fights!
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Mush_Mush I will definitely use this for my SCS playthrough!
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2016
    The moonlit sky of the sword coast cast an eerily peaceful glow on surrounding woodland as Tinsy silently weaved among the shadows scouting ahead of the party.

    Strolling through a clearing ahead a slender hooded man, most likely of elven blood, approached Elohim. With a salesman's flair the cowled wanderer offered magical supplies at suspiciously low prices. The group politely declined to purchase anything and parted ways.

    Heading east through the previously undiscovered northern stretch of the region Tinsy came across a pair of bickering xvarts. She reported back to the party and the group as a whole moved in to investigate. The two xvarts startled by the party's approach called out and charged towards Elohim wielding their short swords. The party formed a supporting line of fire as Elohim swiftly silenced the creatures. Moments later the silence was broken by the screetching sound of xvart reinforcements.

    The party engaged the xvart mob with Elohim taking the brunt of the attack. Sustaining several minor injuries the defender's health was maintained by Ambriel's healing spells as the xvarts continued to pour out from beyond the rocks. Spotting a bear approaching from the rear of the xvarts the party focused their attacks to bring the beast down before it could reach Elohim.

    As the last xvart fell Kara surveyed the carnage and couldn't help but feel sorrow for what they had done.

    With the desolate Xvart camp cleared of all life the group continued onwards to Nashkel.

    Finally the fatigued adventurers had returned from their long expedition to the gnoll stronghold. Once again in the town of Nashkel their first stop was the local store to sell the wares they had aquired and to purchase ammunition in preparation for their next quest. Once equipped, the party rested at the inn before heading over to the carnival. They had secured enough gold to be able to purchase a magical trinket that had caught Kara's eye on their previous visit. The One Gift Lost.

    While in the carnival Kara also purchased two unique potions from another merchant, one that imbued great strength and another that granted heightened intellect and magic resistance. Having identified the potions it was revealed that these powerful boons came at great cost to the recipient's other attributes. Regardless, Kara decided they may yet prove useful beyond their price and stowed the concoctions away in her potion case.

    Prepared and rested, the party travelled south towards the mines to investigate the source of the iron shortage.

    Barely an hours journey from Nashkel the adventurers were ambushed by hobgoblins while passing through a canyon. Startled and confused as to how these marauders managed to get so close unnoticed the party scrambled to deal with the imminent threats surrounding them.

    Elohim drew the attention of the two nearest him shielding Emelie from attack while Kara fell back behind Ambriel. Athalas engaged the hobgoblins targetting Kara in hopes of swaying their focus unto himself. One hobgoblin fell to Athalas's bow and another to Tinsy and Emelie. The remaining two landed hits on Ambriel and Kara. Everyone except Elohim concentrated their attacks on the hobgoblin targetting Kara. With a flurry of missiles the hobgoblin was slain before it could do any more harm. Athalas sustained a hit before dispatching the last of his attackers. Meanwhile, Elohim's targets had both lost morale and fled north only to be impaled from behind by throwing axes.

    Relieved that noone was killed Ambriel healed the wounds of the injured party members and the group resumed their journey to the mines.

    As the party approached the quarry Kara decided they would first investigate the surrounding area. Rearing off to the western lands around the mines they came across a man who claimed Prism was in the area.

    After slaying several kobolds roaming the hills Prism was found in the east sculpting the face of a beautiful woman into a rocky cliffside. He pleaded he be allowed to finish his work and Kara, respecting his passion, was happy to oblige the artist.

    Before Prism could finish his work the bounty hunter Greywolf approached brandishing two longswords and demanding his prey be relinquished into his merciless hands.

    Attempting to appeal to the man's compassion failed and the warrior attacked. Elohim engaged the warrior in a defensive stance while the others fell back out of harms way. Greywolf abruptly broke off and darted towards Kara who was forced to flee to lower ground. Giving up his pursuit he returned his focus to Elohim in a brutal assault. Taking multiple hits Elohim struggled to hold his own against the skilled fighter and was forced to use healing potions to maintain his strength. Emelie used a scroll of blindness and, fortunately for Elohim, Greywolf failed his save. Blinded and surrounded, his ferocity diminished as he clumsily flailed about.

    Unable to evade the party's attacks Greywolf was quickly defeated.

    Prism completed his work but exhaustion overwhelmed the artist, Kara retrieved the emeralds from his remains. Athalas retrieved the +2 longsword from greywolf's corpse and Elohim salvaged a potion of extra healing. The party set up camp and rested under Prism's creation.

    Elohim levels up and gains +15hp (47 total) Tinsy levels up (fighter) and gains +3hp (13 total)

    Kara gains Cure Light Wounds ability.

    Kara and her faithful companions descending the scaffholding into the iron quarry and spoke with the foreman Emerson regarding the troubles plaguing his mine

    Once inside, Kara began questioning several miners in an attempt to determine what lay in store for them in the tunnels below. Theories varied from demons to dragons as the miner's fears fueled their imaginations.

    Kara talks with the guards while Elohim picks up a spare battle axe from the weapon rack.

    Athalas levels up and gains +12hp (30 total)

    Confident that there were no great threats beyond the packs of ravenous kobolds they had already fought the party descended deeper into the mines cleansing the halls of all the monsters they encountered. After slaying dozens of the little beasts the group came across what appeared to be the chieftain of the Kobolds accompanied by a shaman and several kobold guards. Ambriel cast silence on the shaman but before it could take effect the shaman let loose a horror spell sending Elohim into a magic-induced panic.

    Ambriel managed to cast remove fear and Elohim regained his composure resuming his attack on the kobold chieftain.

    The kobolds fell and Ambriel exhausted her remaining healings spells restoring as much health as possible. While Ambriel was busy healing Tinsy spotted several traps around the tunnel leading deeper into the mine and disarmed them.

    The party made their way through the tunnel into an open chasm. A winding path led to a large stone cave in the centre of the chasm. More kobold commandos prowled the ledge near the entrance to the cave. Elohim raised his shield and drew the ire of the kobolds while the others rained arrows, bolts and bullets upon them. With the way clear they continued on into the cave. Athalas collected additoinal fire arrows from the fallen commandos as they passed.

    Inside, the kobolds that were in sight were strangely non hostile. Elohim ventured further in to investigate and was met by a half orc named Mulahey. Mistaking the dwarf for a servant of his master Mulahey had unwittingly provided the group an advantage and the party moved in to take up a defensive position before revealing their true intentions.

    As Kara attempted to open the chest Mulahey became hostile and called for his minions.

    Ambriel cast hold person on Mulahey while Elohim advanced on the approaching kobold mob in an attempt to hold them at bay using the bottleneck entrance of Mulahey's quarters.

    The half orc was slain but as the hordes of kobolds and skeletons flooded in it seemed as though the dwarven defender would be overrun. Kara took her amulet and directed it's power into the centre of the sea of monsters. With a ball of light and a blast of fire the kobolds and skeletons were decimated.

    All was quiet within the cavern, only the faint crackle of smoldering remains could be heard over Kara's sigh of relief.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Mush_Mush A few first images from you last post don't show up.
  • Mush_MushMush_Mush Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2016
    @ALIEN They all seem to display ok on my browser. Perhaps it just takes a while for them to load because there are so many? Try refreshing the page.

    Edit: I cleared my history/cookies and reloaded it does indeed take a long time to load the page, I think because my posts are so image-heavy they're not meeting a text quota needed to be divided up by pages and thus having them all on one page makes loading strenuous.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    @Mush_Mush Your thread indeed becomes harder and harder to load because of the images. Folks in the no-reload thread and similar threads convert heavy bmp screenshots into jpeg or other much lighter format. Maybe you should do the same. I use the program called Snapper, which makes screenshots in jpeg from scratch.
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