Solo Storylore Elven FMT - Remove Exp Cap? Should I play something else?

I intended to play every quest, explore every map and zone, and immerse myself in the glory of this game. I've only solo beat the game as a FMT but I truly love the power with the class. 10apr, 25 str, stoneskins, mirror images, spell immunities to make liches and dragons a breeze, killing drizzt, easy exp in BGEE from dryads and spell protection petrification basilisk hunting, running around like a hasted god, the list goes on. I usually play chatoic good or neutral evil, might change it up this time. I like power. Early game, Scimitars/Katana, into Drizzt Scimitars, into Celestial Fury/Belm, into Crom Faeyr/Scarlet Ninja-to. Pretty much best in breed. I could list traps as a strength, but honestly I feel that they are too cheese... time stop, sleep spam 7 traps, i dunno. Doesn't feel rewarding to beat stuff that way.
Kind of bummed my favorite solo character can't use HLAs from the mage kit. I was wondering if (1) it would be considered a faux pas to remove the exp cap and (this is hard to answer) (2) should I play a FMT again? Truly like the versatility, being able to do/see every locked chest and closed room or should I try and play something else that you think I might enjoy more, or just as much? I've gotten an inquisitor to the end game, but not beaten the final boss, and I've gotten a sorc through BGEE. Just want to fresh it up and see all the zones etc.
I quite literally can't STAND doing a full party due to being spoiled with haste and tactics only solo players can do, slow 6 person parties aren't ideal but I will miss out on a lot of the core gameplay and storytelling
Here's my usual build:
Chaotic Good Elven FMT
Str: 25
Dex: 21
Int: 21
Con: 19
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 15
AC: -7
10 APR
30% Magic Resist
29+5 dmg a swing
Insane Thac0
Ring of Gaxx, Ring of Prot +3, Gauntlets of Extra Spec, Robe of Vecna, Helm of Balduran, Montolio's Cloak, Boots of Speed, Crom Faeyr, Scarlet Ninja To, Amulet of Power, Belt of Inertial Barrier.
Imp haste, Spell Immunity, Stoneskin, Mirror Images, Time Traps, Spike Traps, Sunray and Sunfire, Morde Sword, etc.
Kind of bummed my favorite solo character can't use HLAs from the mage kit. I was wondering if (1) it would be considered a faux pas to remove the exp cap and (this is hard to answer) (2) should I play a FMT again? Truly like the versatility, being able to do/see every locked chest and closed room or should I try and play something else that you think I might enjoy more, or just as much? I've gotten an inquisitor to the end game, but not beaten the final boss, and I've gotten a sorc through BGEE. Just want to fresh it up and see all the zones etc.
I quite literally can't STAND doing a full party due to being spoiled with haste and tactics only solo players can do, slow 6 person parties aren't ideal but I will miss out on a lot of the core gameplay and storytelling

Here's my usual build:
Chaotic Good Elven FMT
Str: 25
Dex: 21
Int: 21
Con: 19
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 15
AC: -7
10 APR
30% Magic Resist
29+5 dmg a swing
Insane Thac0
Ring of Gaxx, Ring of Prot +3, Gauntlets of Extra Spec, Robe of Vecna, Helm of Balduran, Montolio's Cloak, Boots of Speed, Crom Faeyr, Scarlet Ninja To, Amulet of Power, Belt of Inertial Barrier.
Imp haste, Spell Immunity, Stoneskin, Mirror Images, Time Traps, Spike Traps, Sunray and Sunfire, Morde Sword, etc.
Solo for as long as possible to level up, pick up NPC, carry on the "actual" fighting solo, give your charname all the best equipment.
I find myself doing this a bit.
Leave the "party" parked around a corner, do the fights on your own if possible using all the tactics you have outlined.
Obviously can't do everything this way and of course you won't be so powerful, but it does cut down on the annoyance of NPC spoiling solo tactics you want to use.
The goal would be to imp haste myself with the cheetah amulet and ring of gaxx, as I don't like wasting points on non-passive apr gww's.
Theres a cloak that can be upgraded to give improved haste and improved invisibility.
I guess I've never used this in BGee because it won't work with real armor, right?
Also, I can't use improved cloak of haste with armor on. However, I can still use it to haste myself and then put armor back on. I can have the amulet of cheetah speed to switch during combat. Thanks!
evil berserker->cleric:
stats unbuffed
23 STR
21 DEX
22 CON
12 INT
11 CHA
24-29 dmg with club of detonation (defender easthaven offhand or if need immune to fear, runehammer)
-7/-1 THACO
9 apr with improved haste
-13 AC
paralysis/poison/death (2) -3
rod/staff/wand (4) -3
petrification/polymorph (3) -3
breath weapon -3 (-8)
spells 5 (-3)
missile -3
piercing -3
slashing -4
Here's a pic of berserker->cleric in action with buffs though:
So for comparison.....
with a fighter/cleric with buffs in action:
not as much damage, thac0, or AC, but as leveling progressess I will get more THAC0 naturally eventually.. (-11/-3 as zerk/cleric vs. -13/-9 as fight/cleric) but I do get access to critical strike.
Other thoughts...
with a FMT (same setup but with crom faeyr mainhand and scarlet ninja to offhand) I get 10apr, -8 ac, and 29 dmg+5, stoneskins mirror image etc etc, and about -10 THAC0 in mainhand.
with a FM (same setup but with Foebane+5mh and crom offhand) I get 8apr, -8ac. and 31dmg+5, mirror image etc etc, and about -10 THAC0 in mainhand
crazy number crunching. not sure why i spent the afternoon fat from christmas doing this. haha
However, FMT is a bit of a special case in this respect as that combination cannot get 9th level spells under the cap, which is somewhat relevant. While the 9th level spells aren't the be-all end-all of mage power in BG2, they certainly contain some juicy bits.
Nevertheless, solo FMT in the unmodded game is ridiculously powerful even with the XP cap in place. The extra power you gain uncapped is almost assuredly overkill, as IH + SS alone is likely enough of a recipe for making you a walking talking death machine. Clobbering people with CFae or CFur at 10 APR will tear through the game like a lightsaber through I'danian spice pudding. You really don't need to do things like Mislead with Black Blade of Disaster on top of all that.
Now, if we're talking modded game then things are a bit different. The harder the setup, the more conducive it becomes to larger parties, as there is less overkill and the xp scaling of individual characters is usually significantly below the overall throughput scaling of extra party members (with or without XP cap).
Mods also matter for the choice between dual and multiclass. Without mods (especially Spell Revisions, which greatly nerfs Improved Haste), a dual class Berserker or Kensai to Mage is likely to be better than a FM dual (even a Gnome). An FMT may or may not still have an edge, depending on setup and approach (Mislead backstab is almost unbeatable in terms of damage output).
A Fighter + Cleric combo of some kind is likely worse than a Mage due to BG2's marked emphasis of mage combat. You have more defensive buffs, but they quickly become redundant in the face of what a Mage can do in BG2, particularly when combined with extra defenses such as e.g. being a Berserker. The offensive potential suffers due to loss of APR offhands as well, though how relevant that is depends on the difficulty of your game.
There is, as always, no "perfect" solution due to the large variance in parameters involved, and the joker status of personal preference. I do encourage anyone who is interested in exploring the numbers a bit more thoroughly to do so, however, and find that to be the most helpful tool in deciding what you may or may not want to go for. If you are a powergamer, numbers are your friend - but don't take them as the ultimate solution to everything and to the exclusion of anything else.
Removing the exp cap is obviously going to benefit triple multiclasses much more. And FMT is already incredibly powerful with UAI. I am wondering if the cap was to balance things out, or just an oversight for soloers - I wouldn't mind level 9 skills and more options via proficinecy points, plus if I complete the entire saga and all related content, I don't want to feel like my efforts are going to waste because I hit the cap MID-SOA.
I'd sorta just have an inner struggle with altering the game in any way, but I suppose the tweaks and fixpacks and collectors edition vendors are installed in BG2EE regardless.