Why no Priest of Tempus?

In my opinion this is without a doubt the strongest Cleric kit by far - even stronger than the exceptional Priest of Lathander. But it's only available in IWDEE??? I thought surely it was available in BGEE/BG2EE since the release of SoD/major patch. But nope, I started up BGEE today and that's when I noticed it.
Is there any logical reason why the best freaking Cleric kit got left out? Surely it's not due to lore/location - Candlekeep is only a thousand kilometers or so south-east of the SOTW mountains. You can't tell me that no one's heard of Tempus worship, or that one of their priests never stepped foot inside Candlekeep. There's no reason for that kit to have been left out unless it was for balance reasons.
I wish there was a mod or some kind of editor that allowed for that kit.
Is there any logical reason why the best freaking Cleric kit got left out? Surely it's not due to lore/location - Candlekeep is only a thousand kilometers or so south-east of the SOTW mountains. You can't tell me that no one's heard of Tempus worship, or that one of their priests never stepped foot inside Candlekeep. There's no reason for that kit to have been left out unless it was for balance reasons.
I wish there was a mod or some kind of editor that allowed for that kit.
Maybe they could just take the fighter stronghold, but then you'd probably want some unique dialogs, at least. Speaking of which, you would need some dialog options where reasonable, possibly unique items and other things I'm not thinking of. A modder can just add the kit and deal with these things ( or not) as they go along, but beamdog would have to deal with all of them. They would be responsible for that content, they'd have to test it, and respond to complaints and bug reports. This is obviously doable, but it requires resources and bd presumably wants to use those resources elsewhere (e.g. this new project they have in the works).
Now, Ghaunadaur on the other hand is most familiar to me. No other God is as slimey, well versed in puddings and jiggly joy as That Which Lurks. Much fun has been brought by the official merchandises as well. Such as the most holy of weapons: the tentacle rods! Tentacles are everyone's dream! And don't let anyone say otherwise, lest you won't get any pudding!
Time, mostly. It's a kit that we want to include, but it involves migrating resources over from IWD:EE (unlike the Priest of Tyr, whose special abilities were already in the files for BGII:EE). So, short answer: the kit is coming, just not in this update (2.X) because there were other things that were more pressing to get in.
All of my yes, even if it will require a tweak pack.