
Pretty simple: if someone in the party have enough Lore to identify an item it will be automatically identified, no matter what party member picks-up or holds the item.
It will make inventory management more simple and save time. It's kind of boring to pick-up, transfer, identify (or not!), transfer back, properly store (inside some case or bag) - repeat for every item.
If the picked item keeps "blue" you will know for sure that no one in the party is able to identify it.
It will make inventory management more simple and save time. It's kind of boring to pick-up, transfer, identify (or not!), transfer back, properly store (inside some case or bag) - repeat for every item.
If the picked item keeps "blue" you will know for sure that no one in the party is able to identify it.
Come on, Beamdog, make it happen
@dunbar I don't see why this restriction would be needed, but I don't dislike it IF the item get automatically identified as soon as we get within range.
Also, mages tend to be squishy and useful items tend to be in places designed to squish people (for example the items guarded by the golems in the d'Arnise keep) and the defences are often triggered by picking the item up - if a fighter could then immediately use that item to defend him/herself because it's been somehow identified by a mage several rooms away it would make a mockery of the game.
I can support this idea if there's also an option to disallow the ID spell during combat (not unlike how you can't save in combat). I like running bards.
I didn't say it wasn't a good idea, just that it should work the way it does now but cutting out the middle man as it were.
Auto identify seems like a similar solution to modding all items to be identified by default (and then mod the identify spell into something else).
It's not a matter of realism, but of time management.
And it's not the same as modding all items to be identified, because you would actually need someone in the party who is able to identify the item. It would only skip the transfer-identify-transfer routine.