Birth of a beholder

From to Volo's Guide to Monster:
Beholders give "birth" by dreaming. During the time in which a beholder rests, his mind never stops working. In case he dreams of a beholder, the reality is warped to create that beholder is dreaming of. The new beholder can be an exact copy of the dreaming one, in which case they will probably fight to death, or a different one. The beholder can dream of a hive of smaller beholders. This way he creates its own colony. Finally, due to its huge paranoia, the beholder can dream of immortality, and therefore he became a death tyrant himself.
The D&D world never stop to fascinate me.
Beholders give "birth" by dreaming. During the time in which a beholder rests, his mind never stops working. In case he dreams of a beholder, the reality is warped to create that beholder is dreaming of. The new beholder can be an exact copy of the dreaming one, in which case they will probably fight to death, or a different one. The beholder can dream of a hive of smaller beholders. This way he creates its own colony. Finally, due to its huge paranoia, the beholder can dream of immortality, and therefore he became a death tyrant himself.
The D&D world never stop to fascinate me.
Post edited by filcat88 on
I always thought a few things were so silly in the bestiary. Like how seeing a ghost ages the viewer by +10-40 years. I mean come on.
It is D&D, so it is crazy stuff.
However, I rather like the expression.
"Wow, that's one bith of a beholder"
The one in the Sauhagin City for instance.
This thread reminds me of something I’ve wondered for some time: The anatomy of a beholder. What’s behind the eye and the mouth? Can’t be much room for anything else. Do beholders have a digesting system, a brain? … Hmm, if this is on my mind, then I must have played too much BG.
Somehow you can affect them, but I don't think you have total control over them, like choosing which movie to watch and being actor and director of that movie. Unless I am missed something in my years of dreamer...
The field have a bad rep in the science world though, since magicians (no, not the party trick flavor* the Aleister Crowley flavor) love lucid dreaming;
*Party trick magicians arent technically magicians, they are illusionists.
Beholders procreate asexually by growing a single infant in a sack below their tongue. They only get pregnant once per lifetime and the preganancy lasts two years during which the parent is particularly easy to anger (even other beholders are scared of pregnant ones).
So remember kids:
Don't piss off pregnant eye tyrants!
- Beholders are intersex
- They become fertile once per lifetime, within their first 40 years
- They become 'erractic and paranoid' when pregnant
- Their wombs are under their tongues
- They are pregnant for six months
- They eat four times of what they usually eat when pregnant
- They give birth to up to twelve babies, but only few survive
- The birthing process is frickin gross: They unhinge their jaws, spit out the womb sack and the babies have to bite their way out of it.
- The parent eats the babies that look the least like itself and the remaining womb sack
- The babies are then chased out of the lair and have to fend of their own
- Beholders are intersex
- They become fertile once per lifetime, within their first 40 years
- They become 'erractic and paranoid' when pregnant
- Their wombs are under their tongues
- They are pregnant for six months
- They eat four times of what they usually eat when pregnant
- They give birth to up to twelve babies, but only few survive
- The birthing process is frickin gross: They unhinge their jaws, spit out the womb sack and the babies have to bite their way out of it.
- The parent eats the babies that look the least like itself and the remaining womb sack
- The babies are then chased out of the lair and have to fend of their own
Well, it seems that the Sundering has altered the reproduction system of beholders.... otherwise Volo is not trustworthy.
Do you really think that of all people he would be the one two observe a beholder's pregnancy? I am pretty sure Volo's writing is about what he believes is true and we all know that he likes to ... flourish his facts.
"So volo how is that research on beholder birthing going? Have you managed to observe one in the wild?"
Yes I...
Internal monologue:
*Quick, think of something before they force you to actually find out! Think Volo THINK! Oooh actually thinking isn't a bad idea. Sometimes I impress even myself with my genius... *
"Erm, yes, they dream about another beholder and it appears."
"Yup, magic dreams. Definitely not just something I made up."