Which Class/Kit For First Playthrough?

I have no idea which Class/Kit to go for during my first playthrough. My initial idea was to use a Kensai as I never tried a kensai/mage in BG2:EE but I understand a Kensai for all of BG:EE will suck. I also heard a beserker/mage was cool so I could do BG1:EE as a beserker?
I plan to take all 3 new NPC's in my party so a pure mage is out, so is a monk/blackguard. the 5th and 6th members of my party aren't decided yet but atleast one of them will have the ability to heal my party.
I have never been a fan of clerics or druids so would prever to avoid them.
Thief might be cool, not sure how good at melee they will be? I prefer to avoid bows if possible. I liked the look of both Assassin and Swashbuckler, ive never really been into backstabbing but maybe its something worth trying? I think that maybe Swashbuckler is for me?
I know Ranger is another option but none of the kits looked very good for that, I think I would rather be a fighter so I can get 5 pips in a weapon
I plan to take all 3 new NPC's in my party so a pure mage is out, so is a monk/blackguard. the 5th and 6th members of my party aren't decided yet but atleast one of them will have the ability to heal my party.
I have never been a fan of clerics or druids so would prever to avoid them.
Thief might be cool, not sure how good at melee they will be? I prefer to avoid bows if possible. I liked the look of both Assassin and Swashbuckler, ive never really been into backstabbing but maybe its something worth trying? I think that maybe Swashbuckler is for me?
I know Ranger is another option but none of the kits looked very good for that, I think I would rather be a fighter so I can get 5 pips in a weapon
Im also interested in thief capability thougj, since Im torn between a bard and a quarterstaff thief/cleric.
Berserker>Mage just seems wrong to me, though can be powerful, but you could end up spending most/all of BGEE as a class you don't really want to be. A Kensai>Mage can be awesomely powerful, but playing a Kensai sucks in BG1, and the dual build is a bit too OP in BG2. Swashbuckler>Mage is more interesting IMHO.
BTW you say you want to avoid clerics or druids, yet also want someone to be able to heal your party, that leaves what - a Paladin (which could be difficult with Dorn in your party...) or just your (limited) Bhaal Power Cure Light Wounds (and only if not evil/low rep)? Viconia is am awesome cleric and gets high magic resistance to boot, I recommend you take her, if at all possible, especially if you have an evil or neutral party.
A straight thief is not good in melee, but a fighter/thief (or fighter>thief, even) is good, as is a swashbuckler (though lose backstab, which makes them not as fun in my book, but opinions differ) and, to a less extent, an Assassin. I prefer to use non-humans for thieves (halflings or elves, or gnomes if illusionist/thief), so rarely dual them. BTW elves are slightly better in melee due to +1THAC0 with swords (and bows, of course), but halflings are better at hiding and get the shorty saving throw bonuses, which are very nice (and +1 THAC0 slings). Monteron (a halfling) is a great fighter/thief NPC in BG1.
Regarding Rangers, the Stalker kit is quite fun, as can backstab at higher levels. I think straight fighters (even the kits) are boring for CHARNAME, but opinions may differ.
I'd rather have a Fighter/Mage than a Bard for CHARNAME, if wanting a bard would pick up an NPC, though in BG1, at least, the bard options are not great, though Eldoth is better than Garrick (and less annoying).
For kits Berserker, Archer or Inquisitor are all strong, also the Kensai kit can deal the most damage and has the strongest dual class options, but is difficult to play as they cant wear armor so I wouldnt try Kensai until after you are familiar with the game.
If going for a Kensai, Kensai / Mage or Kensai / Thief are incredibly powerful. For a Berserker, dualing to a druid is usually much more common, but needs 15 str, 17 wis, 17 cha.
Swashbuckler is also great for a Thief. Backstabbing can be very annoying to focus on, and it isnt really too important so just try out the Swashbuckler first. Make a human one with 18 str, 18 dex, 16 con, and 17 int minimums to open up the uberlicious Swashbuckler / Mage dual class option.
I don't think im too worried about whats going to happen in BG2:EE, im sure then I will go the kensai/mage path but im thinking more about just BG1:EE on my first play.
I decided against Swashbuckler as I just couldn't live with 1 APR.
Maybe I should just go with a Assassin and avoid melee apart from backstab or try something totally different like a Blade as ive never even had a Bard in my party before?
I'm going to try a pure Kensai, actually. I'm not really one to do dual-class (gimped for a big portion of the game). Even though it's powerful in the long run, it isn't something I'd be into doing.
As for difficulty in BG1, your challenges will be (1) armor class and (2) missile weapons. The trade-off is the ability to dish out a boatload of damage in short order, and improving capability as you go forward. Treat the character like a lighter one (rather than a fighter) for the first few levels and you should be golden (act like he/she is a thief, rather than a brawler).
I do think I'd like to see how the barbarian class works. The problem is, if you're a fighter, you want those 5 stars (kensei get those) or have supernatural/magic power at your disposal (ranger/paladin) to somewhat keep up with the magic heavy monsters later. However, as you're dual classing...
I'd say you can make the kensai work and then switch to mage later. I know they're powerful, but it seems an odd combo for me. I'd prefer rogue/kensei for the back-stab and evasion-type abilities to help him/her be even stronger in a fight.
I think when BG2:EE comes out I'll run a Kensai/Thief Dual. For the present, I was going to run an Assassin. They're bsically different takes on the same character concept, though.
I decided to try a Blade for my first playthrough as the spins sound totally awesome and ive never used a Bard before.
Theres also nothing quite like blitzing through BG1 on a -10 to -13 AC Swashbuckler / Mage too, but I'll do that again in my second or third playthrough.
Heres with just spirit armor, defender and claw of kazgaroth:
Somehow I had it buffed to -13 too, but cant locate that part of the video (I think blur + draw upon holy might power maybe?). With single weapon style it would have been -14, with a +2 ring of protection -15.
Ah here is is, Defender + Kiels buckler + Ring +2 + spirit armor:
So single weapon style wouldnt help. Spirit Armor lasts a very long time. -13 was the lowest I could get it. OR -14 would be possible if holy might would raise my dex to 21, but that doesnt last long.
I'm also not sure what weapon I'll go with. My thought was mostly to use a Great Sword, since I don't get a shield. Katana would be fine, but we'll see. (For anybody that cares, which is probably a grand total of one (me), I'm thinking I'll play a Kensai (pure) through the game)...
Berserker is always fun and is actually extra fun in BG2. Gaining immunity to a large chunk of the status effects the game spams at you is very satisfying - especially as you are usually chainsawing down swathes of goons at the same time (assuming two weapon style fighting).
Shapeshifter is weird, but could be fun - its not all about power-gaming
Maybe short sword/dagger is a better mix? I'd want a hand-axe in the second hand for a ranger though. Again, RP thing
But I like axes too, I especially always give my dwarves and gnomes axes (if they can wield them)