[mod] FindIt - IWD: an item pack for IWD EE

FindIt-IWD is an item pack for Icewind Dale EE. After playing IWD for yet another time, I realized I would like to see something new, some items perhaps. The mod was made for me, my friend and our multi-player run, but after a year I decided that perhaps it would be a good idea to publish the mod for those who would also like to give IWD EE another run, but are worried that they will end up with using exactly the same set of items.
You'll find the items in many different places - carried by certain creatures, sold by merchants or left in specific containers. I never made a list of what may be found where and to be honest, after a year I myself forgot where they may be found. That may be even better. You'll need to look for those items, check places, talk to merchants.
Hope you'll enjoy them.
Number of items: ~30
Just like any other WeiDU mod - unzip it to your main IWD EE directory and run Setup-FindIt-IWD.exe and then follow the instruction.
Mod author: Lava Del'Vortel
Proofreader: Typo Tilly
Some items were requested by Soul.
Some of the bams are based on graphics by BeamDog.
Thanks to everyone who decided to give this mod a try! I hope you'll enjoy using them!
Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
In either case, thanks for making this available to all of us... There are still far too few IWD mods that add new content!
Well, you may find some similar items in my other mods - like there is a book that allow you to summon helpers you do not exactly control (the book was in my Verr'Sza, BUT it was a bit weaker there). And so on, and so on.
I hope to write something else for IWD EE, something bigger, but huh - that takes time.
The temple in Kuldahar sells 2 of each of the rings that I assume your mod adds.
Of these rings, the Signet Ring, which gives 3 pips in Mace, appears to be unable to override an npcs natural pips; for example, Dusky had one pip with mace, put on the ring, stayed at 1, while another character with NO pips was granted the proper 3.
1) I am looking for a way to create my own custom magic items
2) I am looking to create and add my own custom stores
3) how could I place these Items in the game on a map?
Two questions - What system/program did you use to make them (nearinfinity,Dtclep,IE) ,etc
I use to make weapons for the BG, IWD disk version using some pretty good old weapon mod and dropping it into the override folder. But I dont remember the old program . It just made weapons, and was straigt forward.
Any ideas? Answers?
You use the same program to create stores. The easiest way is to create existing .sto file with DLTCEP and just replace some items with new ones.
I have no idea how to create a ground item, if that's what you mean by "placing items on a map". If I were to make that happen, I would create an invisible creature, I would create it with a script and tell it (with this script) to drop it on the ground.
I think you should take a look at some mods that add shops and check how those people do it. This mod here shows how to deal with new items and how to add items to specific shops, creatures and cointainers. For creating shops you may need to look somewhere else. I created one in Will of the Wisp BG2 mod, but the mod may be too big to learn from it.
Use this part of the forums, check if there is a thread on making items and stores. If not, create one. There are many modders who may help you.
-Fixed few typos in item descriptions
-Fixed number of items added to the stores
-Added Russian Translation by Saigon1983
Spcecial thanks to @Saigon1983 for the translation and traification!
Due top various bugs and crashes I'm on my third time through the first part of IWDEE with this mod. My memory is appalling, and I can't remember - wher do I actually find the aristocratic, green croaker known as Lord Todeus?
The new version also changes one of the location of one item.
Sad to see most of the other mods either don't work with latest IWD or have broken links....
What others are there?
They're probably still available. For example:
- Lava Del'Vortel moved all his mods from SHS to his own website, Weasel Mods, years ago.
- Spellhold Studios (SHS) went offline this year, but their mods are still available on Github.
If there are other mods you can't find working links to, just ask for help on this forum.