Skeleton Warrior "Pets" When Playing SCS?

When using SCS, the Skeleton Warriors "love" their creator.
All the time, they run (shamble/clonk) their way back to Mummy/Daddy. A PITA when trying to take a group elsewhere to take down a mage whilst keeping the party out of sight or round a corner.
I don't remember it being so noticeable before without SCS, perhaps I've just forgotten?
It's very endearing in a way, turn round and your mage has got a personal bodyguard, they could take them for walkies, play catch, dress them up ect.
All the time, they run (shamble/clonk) their way back to Mummy/Daddy. A PITA when trying to take a group elsewhere to take down a mage whilst keeping the party out of sight or round a corner.
I don't remember it being so noticeable before without SCS, perhaps I've just forgotten?
It's very endearing in a way, turn round and your mage has got a personal bodyguard, they could take them for walkies, play catch, dress them up ect.
It's also impossible to get them to guard a separate location without constantly ordering them back to the same spot. When I run from enemies, I like to send summons out to serve as an early warning system in case the enemies give chase, since the enemy would engage our summons before they see my party, giving me extra time to react. This new EE behavior makes that process really labor-intensive.