A suggestion for Assassins

I was just thinking about the assassin kit, and thought of the following slight tweaks that could improve and work great with the class. Though I do realize that this won't ever happen, I was wondering what other people think:
Assassin kit additional rules:
- May place up to 5 proficieny points in daggers
- May place 2 proficiency points in single weapon style
- +1 strength on character creation / or fighter thaco progression
- Cannot place any proficiency points any other fighting styles
Assassin kit additional rules:
- May place up to 5 proficieny points in daggers
- May place 2 proficiency points in single weapon style
- +1 strength on character creation / or fighter thaco progression
- Cannot place any proficiency points any other fighting styles
Post edited by Mungri on
So they're not funny cos the fight finish too fast and not funny also cos you can't use them all the times propelly, unless you abuse of invisible items or potions, then you multiply x10 the lack of fun cos now the fights finish TOO MUCH FAST.
Don't agree with no proficience restrictions, many assassin's use shortbow and they are totally coherent, also we have Elzio Alditore in Assassin's Creed with his 2 hidden blade... so...
But 5 prof points in dagger is ok, and fighter thac0 should be applied when they backstab (or sneak attack if implemented).
The only thing I take issue with is restricting ranged weapon use. Assassins don't have a heck of a lot of utility outside their poisons, and especially at low levels, poisoning ranged weapons is key to fighting groups of mages.
So maybe 2-5 points in daggers, 2 points in single weapon, and fighter thaco with daggers should be possible, maybe also an extra bonus to hit with backstabs. The thing is though that you won't be backstabbing all the time, so making assassins better at combat with a single dagger is also helpful.
The reason I thought of being unable to place points in ranged weapons or other fighting styles was a counterbalance, and Assissins are for backstabbing which makes more sense with one weapon not two (swashbucklers are for 2 weapon fighting with thieves).
The main reason I can't bring myself to play an assassin is because they still can't hit things better than a fighter / thief, which even with a normal 5x backstab multiplier is much more reliable foe landing hits.
1. Can "backstab" with ranged weapons (perhaps for half the normal backstab modifier).
2. Can backstab opponents that would normally be immune, but with a chance for the normally immune target to make a fortitude save.
3. 5 more thieving skill points per level.
On the other hand, does the assassin kit need any improvements to begin with? I've always thought it was a fun kit.
The game should also rewrite backstabs, anyone that make an attack from a script, a thief with an script to backstab for example, will also backstab no matter from which position that thief attack. That's pretty a bug for me.
Proficiencies can be very easily modded in the base 2da files, but I havnt been able to find what program I need to do this. I found a 2da editor for NWN, but it messed up my game hugely when I tried it on BG (I tried adding dual class to cleric option for stalkers and it completely broke the entire dual class list and mechanic for that class).
- 5 points placeable in daggers
- 2 points placeable in single weapon style
- +1 Strength on character creation (only because this was the only other easy to mod change I could find).
Does anyone know how to mod the thaco progression for kits?
This is not a kensai, but rather a backstabber.
plus the poison ability is really really good
To me, an assassin is not supposed to be a fighter, but a sneaky backstabber (slighly more so than regular thief).
Part of the problem as I see it is that multiclassing simply is too powerful.
Multi / dual classes can't pick a kit in their second class, they are balanced in their inability to advance a kit up to the uber levels. A single class mage can pick a specialist school for a bonus spell per day, a dual class can't, and only gnome multiclasses can multiclass as illusionists.
Assasins are simply weak in my opinion, not because of their abilities but rather because of how hard it is to hit things with them, which is what I am wajting to improve.
The +1 to strength I placed in is just a temporary work around untill I can figure out how to mod hit bonuses / thaco, as for the dagger mastery I realized that bonuses to hit cap out at 3 points so 3 points would he enough to get the desired to hit bonuses.
Also, have you tried Ranger: Stalker?